review by iKON! Review Shop


iKON! Review Shop has provided its reviewing services to customers since August 13th of 2014, when it was first published. Our aim is to be of help to anyone who needs it, while staying true to ourselves without meaning to be offensive (we try). iKON! Review Shop is a growing team that answers to requests and proves to be useful to its community which is Asianfanfics.





Futile Love
Status: Completed
Genre: Romance |
Reviewed by : BClimax
Score: 74/100
Title: 2/5

The title doesn't really relate to the story, I mean it does in a way, but it doesn't embody the story. 

Description/Foreword: 7/10

The description was a bit uninteresting. If there was something that caught my attention from there, it was the word 'imagination' as I like such topics. 

Appearance: 5/5

 I have no issues with readability. The type of font matched the overall mood of the story, as well as the posters.

Plot: 15/20

It was a bit predictable and also reminded me of BIG. I liked that there was buildup to the ending even though it was  rather simple. 


Characters: 7/10

Reading the first chapter made me realize that there wasn't much to the characters. That changed somehow after chapter 2 due to the change of the POV. The characters weren't complicated, but I was sure that they loved each other. If anything stood out to me, that would be it.

Details: 7/10

There weren't much details on the physical aspect of the story (as in the surroundings or the weather) which was okay since it was a really short story. The way you described their actions was good as well.

Grammar: 11/15

There weren't a lot of mistakes but the mistakes were repetitive. This is a common mistake and it's not the first time I'm pointing it out to anyone. When you write stories in past tense, you should always use that tense. You didn't.

In chapter 1:

Hyukjae disappeared eventually. And it is a few days before my thirteenth birthday.
I never stop searching for him. It has been four years. Every year, without fail, I will go back to that cafe we used to celebrate his birthday at. But never once did he appear again. It hurt and still hurts. Is he really my imagination all along? If he is, it is really pathetic to fall for your own imagination. It is funny that he chose to just leave when I start to realise that I like him a little too much.


I won't even correct it as you only need to switch the present tense to past and you're set.

One of the issues I have with your story was the excessive use of italics as in him, they, them. It was kind of overwhelming. I don't think you should have used it all the way through the story as the readers will have gotten the gist of it by the first few paragraphs.

Flow: 8/10

I have no issue with the flow though I think it was a bit uninteresting when you told the same story from a different perspective. 

Overall Enjoyment: 12/15

I am not a fan of Super Junior and this is actually my first Hyukjae fic however, I enjoyed reading. I particularly liked how you wrapped up the story.

Thank you for requesting. If you intend to keep the review for your own use, please do so as we won't keep the data. I hope this review was helpful.


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