▷ Cotton Candy ღ Kim Angeline

Kim Angeline


username — HyuuuunMi-AHH

nickname — Gee

activity rate — 8.


name — Kim Angeline (Hyunmi)
stage name — Angeline

Angel ; Her family and relatives call her this as a shortened version of Angeline
Gee ; the Cotton Candy members call this as an even more shorter version of Angel. Angel > Angie (eyn-gee) > Gee. Members are so creative wooh
Midget ; She gets called this sometimes because of her height.
Piggy ; her childhood nickname by her family. Because she was a healthy child back then. Often gets called that at home, but only occasionally.
Rae ; Mark calls her this sometimes to

birthdate — March 12, 1995.

birthplace — Chestnut Hills, Massachusetts

hometown — Chestnut Hills, Massachusetts

ethnicity — American born full Korean

language — English (100%) Korean (75%)

HEY beautiful butterfly.

face claim — Kim Jungyeon

gallery — GALLERY

backup face claim — Eungyeong

gallery —  GALLERY


appearance She has natural straight black hair but likes to dye it a lot. She has pale pinkish complexion. She has a permanent smile on, when she has a straight expression, her lips are curved a bit on the edges and people would think she's smiling. She has a mole on her collarbone. She also has three lobe piercings and two cartilage piercings on her right ear and three lobe piercings on her left. And soon she'll get a tattoo on her left wrist with a quote 'love what you do'

fashion style — Her fashion style is streetwear. She wears chic, casual and comfortable pieces such as jeans, shorts, tshirts, sweaters, baseball caps, beanies, sneakers and such. She's the typical skater girl.
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may i get to know?

PERSONA — Angelic Daredevil

traits — Daredevil, dorky, sarcastic, blunt, passionate

Daredevil: "After an adventure awaits another!"
She's the type of girl who loves the adventure and thrill. She likes challenging boundaries and restrictions and isn't one bit afraid of breaking the rules. She's always living on the edge. Unlike people who are bounded by limits, she breaks free from that. She courageous, physically bold and tough. She likes the saying "To live is to dare" and follows it wholeheartedly. And because of her daredevil and adventurous personality, she's a wanderlust as well. She likes moving and travelling and hates being in one place for too long. Ever since her childhood, she was always a mischevious troublemaker and instead of playing dolls like a normal little girl, she would climb trees and explore hidden places. She doesn't really care about what happens in the future or what happened in the past, because for her, Life should be experienced now.

Dorky: "Teehee!"
Her dorky personality brightens up people's days. She does things that are completely unnecessary but it always comes out cute and adorable to others. She gets excited real fast and she shows it through her dorky self by dancing randomly, jumping around like a rabbit or kangaroo. Because of her being dorky, she isn't afraid to be herself and not care what anyone thinks of her. She's always quirky and will crack awkward jokes and laughs at her own joke and because of that, people will laugh at her weird adorkable way of laughing.

Sarcastic: "That's soo funny."
When people say something that's not funny for her and start laughing, she'll get annoyed and will say that it was funny but she shows contrast at what she said and what she actually meant, hinting it with the tone of her voice. She'll mock the person and say ironies that will make the person tongue tied. But sometimes her sarcasm causes laughter. Her comebacks when she's irritated comes off as sarcastic but a dorky sarcasm

Blunt: "That is such an ugly skirt."
Her blunt personality sometimes makes people pissed off at her. But she thinks that it's better to be brutally honest than overly plastic. Her blunt self makes it hard for people to be around her sometimes because she'll suddently blurt out what she thinks, and they get caught off guard. If some people find it annoying, some find it okay since that's her personality and that she's being honest. But she has never been blunt to the point of being rude. She knows her boundaries very well. And she knows how brutal her thoughts are so she doesn't say it even though she wants to.

Passionate: "I love what I do."
She loves what she does especially singing. Ever since she was a kid, she has loved and still love and forever will love singing. She's focused on improving more especially in dancing. She always open to learn new things and would greatfully hear out criticisms. She has high perserverance and loves her job. She's strong-willed and won't give up easily without a challenge.


background Angeline Kim Hyunmi was born in Chestnut Hills, Massachusetts to Korean parents. Growing up, Angeline has loved singing. Her family loves music and they would always sing after dinner in their living room beside the piano ever since she could remember. She never grew tired of music and took piano lessons. Her brother taught her how to play the guitar as well. Her brother gave her a purple guitar on her sweet 16th birthday. Everyday she strives to improve in music and wishes to become an artist one day. She joined a band during her middle school days. She was lead vocalist and guitarist. After she graduated middle school, she and her brother moved to Seoul, her main reason was that she wanted to be a kpop idol. Her brother started college in Korea National University of Arts as a Music major in Composition which she is taking right now as a college freshman.

↷ Food ; she loves eating, any kind of food you give her, she will eat it. Except tomatoes
↷ Purple ; everything she practically owns is in the color purple, her favorite color, it's a must for her
↷ shoes ; She'll choose shoes like sneakers and combat boots over heels any day. Love expanding her collection.
↷ Photography ; she likes taking pictures of sceneries, people, and nature, it calms her down
↷ Pepero ; her most favorite snack of all, she has to have a pack where ever she goes
↷ Air conditioned places ; she loves the cool air brushing past her skin
↷ Fashion ; she likes to be up to date, and it fascinates her
↷ Sleep ; who doesn't love sleep?
↷ Outdoor activites ; being able to do activities under the sun, with the fresh hair, makes her fidget with excitement
↷ Smell of Bacon and Cinammon ; who doesn't love the smell of bacon and cinammon?

↷ Tomatoes ; she just hates it, she doesn't know why
↷ Hot Places ; the feeling of beaing sweaty and sticky makes her eek.
↷ Math ; She hates numbers, she hates number with letters more, she hates number with letters and symbols most.
↷ Bugs ; pestly little critters
↷ Overload brightness ; makes her head and eyes hurt and makes her feel dizzy
↷ Talking to her after she just woke up ; she wakes up in a bad mood, always, never talk to her when she just woke up
↷ Hunger ; the feeling of an empty stomach makes her cry
↷ Fashion Crisis ; she hates it when she's not dressed appropriately
↷ Untidy places ; she's a perfectionist, that's why

↷ Skateboards
↷ Food tripping ; she buys diferent kinds of food and evaluates them
↷ Daredevilling (lol)
↷ Daydreaming
↷ Playing her guitar
↷ watching anime, currently watching Ace of Diamond and fangirls on the catcher, Miyuki Kazuya
↷ Reading Manga, currently anticipating Ao Haru RIde's updates. She literally throws her body everywhere because of it.
↷ Making DIY accessories, like chokers, bracelets and such.

↷ Brings pepero and snacks where ever she goes
↷ Derp faces when she gets her point across
↷ When she realizes something, she'll snap her fingers while saying "Oho!"
↷ When she's told that something is worth the thrill, she'll bite her lip and smirk
↷ She plays with a strand of her hair or someone's hair if she's thinking
↷ As soon as she wakes up, she drinks one and a half glass of cold water

↷ She knows how to skateboard
↷ She likes cooking then eating it (Foodophile)
↷ She buys different kinds of food and evaluates them
↷ She knows how to play the guitar
↷ Can imitate Agnes and Minions
↷ Straight F Student when it comes to aegyo
↷ A milktea freak
↷ She once jumped from her balcony toa dumpster out of curiousity
↷ A Social Network freak
↷ She can name all the sodas in the world
↷ Can remix songs on her iPad
↷ she played volleyball for two years during middle school but stopped because she got lazy.
↷ Loves purple too much. Her marker for signing is purple, her mug, slippers, every household things she owns is purple
↷ Has a collection of sneakers and shoes like combat boots and oxford shoes and creepers
↷ Can easily cry when she reads something sad or watches it.
↷ She likes collecting bubble bath bombs, and likes taking bubble baths
↷ She likes to dance to other idol groups dances.
↷ she has an online shop on instagram where she sells her handmade accessories. THe shop is called Minty Galaxy. examples of her items, 1 and 2
↷ She doesn't mind skinships but as long as it's not disrespectful
↷ She wears circle lenses with grade (she has bad eye sight) and she uses the color purple and grey the most
↷ wears eye glasses, which is purple, whenever she's not performing or at home.

my home

family — 

—Kim Daehwan | Father | they both watch baseball and soccer together and ditch their every night session of meditation (mom's idea ahem)

— Kim Soomi | Mother | they sing together and her mom plays the piano while she plays the guitar. they also cook together
— Kim Jaehwan | Brother | very close. they tell each other their secrets and both give the other tips and advises. They both have their jam session every night just the two of them.

my idiots

friends — 

— Krystal Jung | Close Friend | met at a nail salon and they clicked

— Jessica Jung | Close Friend | met at a nail salon along with Krystal. Even after the issue of SM, they still remained close
— Park Jinyoung (GOT7) | Friend | met at a show and they were beside each other

love keep blossoming

love interest — Mark Tuan (GOT7)

backup love interest — Chunji (Teen Top_



Your first impression of him is that it seems like he doesn't care due to his lack of expressions and lack of words, but he does, really does. He has a very quiet personality. He has a hard time expressing his feelings to the people who he isn't too familiar with. He cares alot about his friends and family. He's hardworking and reliable. He is very considerate of others and considers their feelings. He rarely loses his composure, he's a type of guy who is always calm and poised. But once you get to know him, you can totally say that "First impressions last" is rubbish. He'll have these million expressions that even you thought won't ever exist on his face. He has this high pitched manly laugh even when you thought wasn't possible for someone who has a very deep voice. And you'll be able to see the twinkle in his eyes when he talks about his music and his hometown, Los Angeles. He'll always think that he's right and is very stubborn if people don't think so. He'll just stay quiet with a frown on his face if ever people don't agree with him.

Chunji has that perfect smile and perfect face. When he smiles, he brightens up people's days. But this guy has a dorky side to him. He's clumsy and is really loud. He likes the attention and will do weird things to gain that. He is also vain. Known to be a selca king, he takes pictures everywhere. Even if Chunji is like that, he knows when to get serious. He will do everything to make Angels proud of him and Teen Top. Even to the extent of letting his health get worse or something. He takes care of s but likes to bully them as well. He also likes bullying their leader.

relationship — The both of them were awkward at first but they eventually got closer because of Running Man. They exchanged contacts and that started their messaging and such. They even started face chatting and snapchatting. People tease them saying that their a couple but both parties deny it. They both have feelings for each but both are oblivious. (You choose who makes the move first)

seeya next!

comments/suggestions — uhm I'll be choosing Main Vocal, Visual as my desired position. Here are my talent twins:

Singing: Boni
Dancing: Mint
Rapping: Taeyeon

Variety: Taeyeon

scene requests
↷ Angeline starts laughing out of nowhere because she remembered something from the past
↷ when someone cracks a joke she'll laugh like a seal. And when everyone calmed down, she'll suddenly remember and laugh again.
↷ when her members compliment her in a show, she starts dancing dorkily ↷ she and Mark are seen eating in a cafe and skateboarding in a park
↷ her members started teasing her by holding up a slice of fresh tomato infront of her face, and she complains in a really dorky way
↷ She and Mark were filmed backstage and they showcased their close relationship
↷ Mark and Angeline collaborated in a music show and performed a cover of Song Jieun's song Vintage.
↷Mark and her were guests in After School Club After Show.
↷ Mark and her covered TI and Keri Hilson's Song Got your Back
↷ Dream team was on a show and they were given something to eat. Angeline was to preoccupied on eating while the other members where laughing and joking around with the mcs. Then she suddenly asks what happened then she'll laugh on her own when everyone has already moved on the a new topic. The mcs asked if she's always like this, and the members said yes.

password — I didn't see it in the cheatsheet and rules though....

turn in — back to the story



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