Non-Kpop Rant: Why even the smallest insult can be considered bullying, and why it needs to stop.

I'm sure that by now, all of you (or at least most of you) know the song by Meghan Trainor called "All About That Bass." If you haven't heard it, I personally like it, because it's very catchy. 

The problem is that many people have taken the words of her song and twisted them. Yes, she refers to skinny people as "skinny es," but she isn't saying it's bad to be skinny. No where in the video did she say that it's bad to be skinny. She simply says that having a little more fat as opposed to being stick thin is perferred. 

What people don't really understand is, she isn't referrring to the general population of skinny people, and that's why she makes the reference to magazines in the song. When she's talking about skinny people, she's referring to models who practically starve themselves to pass as society's idea of perfection. She's saying that you don't have to be as skinny as a model to be happy, and that you should be able to feel comfortable as you are. Many people have taken this as, "Well, I might as well just not diet and eat whatever I want then." That's not true either. The point of this isn't for people who are over weight to feel proud of themselves. We all know that being overweight is a health issue, that many people, even me, are struggling with. I've never been very skinny. I've always been overweight and I know that, and I've been on a diet and excerising to get in shape. That doesn't necessarily mean that I've been starving myself to be model thin. It just means that I'm trying to put myself at a healthy weight. Instead of concerning myself too much with the shape of my body, I've concerned myself more with my health.

My biggest problem with all of this, is the comments section of the video.

I know that I should avoid reading the comments, but let's be honest. I probably never would've written any of my rants if it wasn't for the comments section on YouTube. 

Many people have been commenting on the video saying:

"You shouldn't be proud of being fat. That's disgusting. They should be ashamed." 

"You should not feel happy about being a fat out of shape slob."

"Fat people are making songs about their figures now because there lazy as and don't want to work out and they're are making it seem like being skinny is bad now like wtf"

Do you see the problem with this? Or is it just me? 

Even if you aren't directly calling someone out, it still hurts people. I don't think many people realize just how many people suffer from depression because of comments like these. Many people have gone so far as to try and become anorexic, and many have become bulimic. Insults like this aren't just a casual thing. They affect people more than you'd ever realize. Anyone could easily take this to hurt and it hurts me to think of the things they could do. It isn't right to put someone down just because of your own beliefs. You shouldn't think that it's okay to say that "fat people should be ashamed of themselves," when you don't fully understand the complexity of the situation. 

People know what their flaws are, they don't need to be reminded of them by inconsiderate people.

To end this, I want to say thank you to those people, skinny or not, who are capable of appreciating the song's real message, and understanding the true meaning of it without unreasonably being offended.

For those of you who haven't heard it, here is the song. 



Side note: My friend was complaining about how people are making a big deal out of Tiffany saying that Minho looked cute. Don't people know that she's dating Nichkhun? Why are you turning this into something it's not? Let them be friends. 

P.S. Key's costume was the best, I cried when I realized Jonghyun was the colossal titan, and Taemin decided to be lazy. (Why Taemin? Why?)


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Hey don't mind me but I agree as well. To be honest, this is the first time I've heard of Meghan but when I heard the song on a commercial or somewhere...what was so bad about it? I think people look way too much into things sometimes personally and make a bigger deal than what it is.
i totally agree with you~! i try not to read the comments section on youtube since i usually end up raging after reading them ;n;

i didn't react on tiffany calling him cute lol (i didn't knew people were making it a big deal) since he's close with the snsd members o.o but still. some fans makes me just wanna *insert gun emoji*
Ever heard Kelly Clarksons you cant win??? Best song to exsplain how people say one thing and there is always a negative response. And i agree thr song was fine until people went too far and whatnot. Im cubby i know its not healthy but i do get down when society tells mrei need to be a stick yo get a man. But i know some skinny girls who wish to have my bwebs and shape. But cannot even put on anything. We cant win no matter what we try.
Nowadays people are too afraid to show themselves because society is becoming too judgemental and its sickening.