Spades X ♠ Kim Angeline

The Baddest Bidder

NAME » Angeline Kim Hyunmi
Angel ; shortened version of Angeline
Gee ; Angel > Angie (eyn-gee) > Gee
Midget ; He calls her that because she's really small having a height of 156 cm
AGE » 19
DATE OF BIRTH » March 12, 1995
PLACE OF BIRTH » Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
ETHNICITY » American born full Korean
PART OF » Cleaning Team

FACECLAIM » Kim Jungyeon
APPEARANCE » She has three lobe piercings and 2 cartilage piercings on her right and three lobe piercings on her left
A tattoo on her collarbone, an anchor with a teext saying 'I refuse to sink' (She got it when she turned legal in the states. Her parents doesn't know)
STYLE » Her style is more on the comfy and boyish style, skater girl style.
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

One Step

PERSONALITY TRAITS » Daredevil, dorky, sarcastic, outgoing, stubborn, blunt, confident, passionate
One major word to describe Angeline is daredevil. A daredevil inside a petite body, no one would ever guess that. But yes, she is a daredevil. She loves taking risks, adventures and thrill. She likes challenging boundaries and restrictions. She'll never regret whatever she has done unless in some circumstances. She also has a dorky personality. She does things that are completely unnecessary but comes off as cute or adorable to others. She has a really unique way of thinking. And because of that difference in thinking with people, she also has a sarcastic trait. Like when people say something that's not funny for her and start laughing, she'll get annoyed and will say that it was funny but she shows contrast at what she said and what she actually meant, hinting it with the tone of her voice. But even with those traits, she's still outgoing, being open and talkative. She gets along with a lot of people because of that but some not liking her because she says what she thinks without any second thoughts. With her being outgoing, it's no surprise that she can be loud as well, always smiling and laughing, brighting up some people's day. Stubborn as a bull, she hates it when she doesn't get her way. She thinks that her ideas are better than others and she isn't willing to back out from it. She's also blunt, saying things straight from the point, she doesn't care if it comes off offensive because she thinks it's better to be straight forward than acting fake. She is one confident gal. She doesn't care what other people think of her because she's always carries herself with pride and dignity. She just let all those negative comments about her enter from one ear and exits from the other. This girl's most positive trait is her passionate heart. Especially when it comes to dancing, she would go all out for it.

Angeline was born in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts with full Korean parents. They are a middle class family but a bit above than that. She got good education, good lifestyle and a good family. That's what others think. But for her, her life was a cage and she hated it. Her parents would tell her to be perfect at everything. They demanded perfection. And that's the reason behind her daredevil personality. When she got to high school, she wanted to change her lifestyle so she rebelled. She would stay at her friend's house and not go home, she would fail her classes and get in trouble in school. She would escape to her dance workshop and dance until she collapses to forget about her parents. One huge argument got her to leave her house permanently. This was when she had a talk with her parents about her prefered career in life. Her answer got her parents fuming, being Dancing. They wanted her to take Law and become a lawyer like them. But she refused and they threatened her that if she won't, they wouldn't pay for her college tuition. So she packed her bags and left their house, more shockingly left the country and that's how she got to Korea. She asked help from her uncle, who was just a librarian with a small salary. He accepted her and let her stay with him. But Angeline and her uncle combined still couldn't afford her tuition so that's when she came across an advertisement of Spades X that they're hiring cleaning team employees, maids and chefs. Well of course there's no way she'll be a maid, so that's off topic and of course cooking is also a no no or else she'll set the place on fire. So her only choice was the cleaning team which she was perfectly fine with. She wouldn't even know what she got into.

Father ♠ Kim Daehwan ♠ 46 ♠Strict, serious, workaholic ♠ 4.
Mother ♠ Kim Soomi ♠ 42 ♠ Quiet, serious, perfectionist ♠ 4.
Uncle ♠ Kim Daehyun ♠ 44 ♠ warm hearted, hardworking, considerate ♠ 7.
↷ Food ; she loves eating, any kind of food you give her, she will eat it. Except tomatoes
↷ Purple ; everything she practically owns is in the color purple, her favorite color, it's a must for her
↷ Sneakers ; She'll choose sneakers over heels any day. 
↷ Pepero ; her most favorite snack of all, she has to have a pack where ever she goes
↷ Air conditioned places ; she loves the cool air brushing past her skin
↷ Sleep ; who doesn't love sleep?
↷ Outdoor activites ; being able to do activities under the sun, with the fresh hair, makes her fidget with excitement
↷ Smell of Bacon and Cinammon ; who doesn't love the smell of bacon and cinammon?
↷ Tomatoes ; she just hates it, she doesn't know why
↷ Hot Places ; the feeling of beaing sweaty and sticky makes her eek.
↷ Math ; She hates numbers, she hates number with letters more, she hates number with letters and symbols most.
↷ Bugs ; pestly little critters
↷ Overload brightness ; makes her head and eyes hurt and makes her feel dizzy
↷ Talking to her after she just woke up ; she wakes up in a bad mood, always, never talk to her when she just woke up
↷ Hunger ; the feeling of an empty stomach makes her cry
↷ Brings pepero and snacks where ever she goes
↷ Derp faces when she gets her point across
↷ When she realizes something, she'll snap her fingers while saying "Oho!"
↷ When she's told that something is worth the thrill, she'll bite her lip and smirk
↷ She plays with a strand of her hair or someone's hair if she's thinking
↷ Skateboards 
↷ Food tripping ; she buys diferent kinds of food and evaluates them
↷ Daredevilling (lol)
↷ Daydreaming
↷ Dancing
↷ Earthquakes
↷ Minus in her salary
↷ Manager
↷ She hates horror movies but loves thrilling activities
↷ She love eating (Foodophile)
↷ She buys different kinds of food and evaluates them ↷ She knows how to play the guitar (self taught)
↷ Imitates Minions to annoy people
↷ Straight F Student when it comes to aegyo
↷ She once jumped from her balcony to a dumpster out of curiousity
↷ Loves purple too much. Her marker for for naming things is purple, her mug, slippers, every household things she owns is purple
↷ Can easily cry when she reads something sad or watches it.
↷ She used her dad's credit card that he gave her for her flight to Korea and bought herself some clothes and stuff, even maxed out the credit card
↷ She doesn't mind skinships but as long as it's not disrespectful
↷ Bad eyesight

Fated Together
PLOTLINE » The Cool Mobster (Mark) ; The Enigmatic Artist (Chunji)
AGE »21
LOVE INTEREST » Mark Tuan (GOT7) ; Lee Chanhee aka Chunji (TeenTop)

BACK-UP LOVE INTEREST » Kang Dongho aka Baekho (NUEST) ; Choi Junhong aka Zelo (BAP)
BACK-UP PLOTLINE » Either one of the two mentioned above.

With a stone epxression planted on face, no one dares to approach him. He is seen as a scary person. But in reality he just hides his pain under his stoic face. He thinks no one understands him. And people being scared of him is not helping. The last thing he likes is to be left alone again, like what his parents did. He gives his hundred percent in everything, hundred and fifty actually. He's protective of what he cares. He shows dignity and carries himself with pride. He seems mature on the outside, but for him, he is still a child at heart. Not being able to experience childhood like others, he always longed for that experience.

An ideal guy for a lot of girls out there. He is friendly and gets a long with people. But only people from his level. To add to that ideal guy list, he's polite, a gentleman. Girls would bow down and kiss his feet and every guy would just watch in envy. But behind all that lies an immature brat like adult man. And because of his immaturity, he isn't good with words. He gets tongue tied and wouldn't utter a word. But all in all, the public sees him as a mysterious person. No one has any idea about what's behind his breathtakingly mysterious smile.
In public, he doesn't even glance at her. He wouldn't talk to her, wouldn't even stay in one room with her! He acts as if she's just a pigment. But when they get home, he would order her around, make her do things for him. He treats her as a maid. But every night he would pull her to bed with him and let her rest on his chest. He would her head to soothe her and make her relax. Angeline and Mark having different personalites makes it hard for them to understand each other. Angeline would sometimes misinterpret Mark and that would cause him to kick her out of the bedroom and making her sleep on the sofa. But in the end, he'll put a blanket around her when she's asleep. Mark doesn't know why, but when he's alone with Angeline, he could act all childish without worrying his image. Angeline helps him to be open and he sometimes bonks her head when she says something out of the blue. Mark is the type of person to not force himself to a girl, therefore it'll take some time before they'll be able to kiss.
In public, Chunji would treat her gently like how he treats those rich people. He would always smile at her and talk to her really formally. At home he treats her as his pet. He would even force her to wear a collar, a pink collar which Angeline hates so much because it had flowers and girly stuff. Sometimes he would command her to walk with her arms and knees. He would command her to call him master and to address him formally. If he feels really sadistic, he would make her drink on a bowl. But as time passes, he gets guilty seeing that Angeline obeys him, but not without numerous complaints and curses. He starts treating her as a girl, he would get concerned when she's not energetic. He would her hair out of nowhere which earns weird looks from the girl. And in the worst timings ever, he would kiss her.

She complains. Complains some more. She would purposely be irritating to Mark/Chunji for her to let her go and to spare her life. But in the end, she cried knowing that she was once caged. She ran away from her parents for her freedom. She flew to Korea to start a new life as a free bird but it only ended in moments, seconds, in a blink of an eye. When Mark/Chunji told her to leave her uncle and live with him, she was devasted. She could never leave her uncle for her uncle was the one who truly cared for her and her freedom. To leave her uncle alone would break her heart. So she made up her mind to follow Mark/Chunji's orders until he gets tired of her and lets her go.
ENDING » Just when Angeline thought that he was changing to a better person, He lets her go and broke all contacts to her. Angeline lived a normal life until she found out that her college fees were all paid by an unknown person. And at that moment, she knew for sure who would have done it. So she immediately rushed out of her college and went to Mark/Chunji's place to find out they weren't there. So she ran to Spades X hotel and searched him there. When she did find him, she threw herself to him and he caught her by the waist. He asked her why she came back and her answer was, "I belong with you, duh." and bonked his head as a payback for what he made her do before.
↷ He's from LA and would talk to Angeline in English when they're alone
↷ Would watch Angeline sleep
↷ He made her wear a tracking device
↷ He likes soups and meat
↷ H
e insulted Angeline's cooking, Alfredo Pasta, the one dish she was really confident in.
↷ ^ He didn't want to admit that it was good.
↷ Made Angeline dance and he was enchated by her
↷ Kissed Angeline when she was sound asleep and he blushed after that.

↷ He paints in private and he made a painting of Angeline
↷ He got Angeline's collar customized to a girly style to torture her
↷ He dresses Angeline into girly clothes
↷ He would make her bark like a puppy
↷ He likes seeing her work
↷ Has a really nice singing voice and he only let Angeline listen to him once
↷ Has a softspot for Angeline

Coming Along
↷ The two of them causing a ruckus when they attended a party with their arms linked
↷ Angeline sharing her life to him and he just listened then they kept quiet with their eyes locked at each other, he started leaning in and before they kiss, Angeline lightly slapped him on the face and said whoops before running away and hiding someone in the house.

EDIT: She left like 2 weeks after her high school graduation


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