〈 NO. 5 〉— ❝ Ahn Gaeul ❞

     kintoun — 4 — hana


character picture 1

Character Name — Ahn, Gaeul

Nicknames — Most people calls her by simple nicknames like Gaeullie, Gaeul-ah, but otherwise her name doesn't really leave room for nicknames.

Birthdate & Age — June 8 (20)

Ethnicity — 100% Korean


• Korean Fluent; She was born and raised in Korea, and even now she speaks using her mothertongue whenever possible.

English → Conversational; She can hold a conversation, definitely, but because she did not take any special classes on the language her vocabulary is pretty basic. (Also, she has horrible accent but let's not go there.)

Face ClaimPark Seul

Back UpGong Sooah

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Appearance — Even with the perpetual blank look on her face, Gaeul never really strikes anyone as someone intimidating, mainly because she doesn't look the least bit it. She is really too small to try playing bad—honestly, except for her eyes, she is small through and through. With height of a mere 156 cm (about 5'1") and a complimenting weight of 45 kg, skin as pale as snow and permanent pinks on her cheeks, Gaeul looks more harmless than harmful. Her whiteboard of a skin is pretty much spotless sans the oblong birthmark smack on the middle of her thigh. Because of her skin tone and the fact that she is slightly underweight, she looks frail. If you look closer, though, you will notice that she is pretty toned considering the fact that she does dance. She has her hair dyed into a dark auburn, and it goes in waves up to mid-torso. She usually puts them up in a (very) messy ponytail because she finds them annoying, but doesn't have it in her to cut it short. Gaeul never really cares enough to put makeup (she sweats a lot so it actually does more bad than good to her face), but she does carry lipbalm everywhere for her lips as it cracks so often it's starting to annoy her.

Style — Gaeul does not particularly care about what she wears as long as it is warm. For some reason, she can withstand the hottest of summer, but not the slightest cold of winter. She is always seen in warm, worn-looking knits even in warmer days. She also seems to have a penchant for oversized clothings because the sleeves always go past her knuckles—if she purposefully buys her tops two sizes bigger to look bigger, then she is failing because it only serves to make her look more petite than she already is. The fanciest top she has would be the crop tops The Confused Chaser forced her into buying. (She did wear them. Twice.) She pairs her tops with jeans that look older than Junmyeon, because she cannot be bothered to buy useless things that do nothing but cover your body and keep you warm. To those who are suspicious, Gaeul is a clean person and she changes her clothes every day; as lazy as she is, she cannot stand even her own odor after dance practice. Please do not accuse her of smelling because that would be Jongin and Sehun's stench you are smelling.

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Keyword Traits — Stubborn, Genuine, Dense, Loyal, Short-fused

There is always, always that one person in the group who serves as the feisty character—Gaeul is exactly that person. Her small stature and the fact that she is one of the youngest aside, Gaeul actualy has both the mouth to bark and the teeth to bite. She has never been afraid when it comes to voicing her opinion, and although some people might think that this trait of hers is charming (especially if they are there when she poured Americano over the disgusting ert who was eyeing The Confused Chaser), most people just thinks that she is plain terrifying. Considering her short fuse and how she gets riled up really easily, being able to control her temper is a miracle. People who has ever heard of Gaeul will know better than to mess with her and that few people who are close to her as Gaeul is known to be pretty protective over her circle of friends. She may be rather reticent towards outsiders, but once they are in her little circle she would give her all without so much as a little hesitation. Also, Gaeul never turns her back towards anyone she cares for, and is extremely loyal and devoted.

Gaeul prefers the term strong-willed, but she has to admit that she is just stubborn. She doesn't really accept opinions other than hers and she makes sure to vocalize it. She knows very well that people have different point of views regarding things, and she acknowledges that fact. The thing is that acknowledging it doesn't necessarily mean that she is willing to admit that she is not right. With pride strenghtening her ego and her obstinate ways, it's hard to have her concede, let alone apologize. When she does apologize (this happens about once in a blue moon), however, it means that she sincerely is sorry. Gaeul has always been genuine and honest whatever she does, and this is an attribute of hers that her friends have learned to appreciate. The thing is that, genuine and honest are synonyms with straightforward and frank. Now that is a quality her even friends haven't gotten around to fully coping with.

Although Gaeul is good (too good, I might add) in expressing her opinions, she is not the best when it comes to expressing her feelings. She ends up misunderstood more often than not and this makes hurting people's feelings both intentionally and unintentionally her forte. In addition to that, Gaeul also tends to get pretty oblivious to the world other than her own—she could care less about people outside her ring of friends. Even then, she could still be a little too dense around her closest friends and this goes to the point of frustration because for someone with a smart tongue, she is pretty dumb. Gaeul doesn't really have enough good traits that are up for show, really, but it's the little things that she herself doesn't realize she does that gives her that endearing quality. Like how she wordlessly helps in carrying her friends' things when she notices that it's too heavy or how she snaps at anyone and everyone (from infants to elders) who badmouths them even when they are not around to see her defending them. It may seem as if she always has herself under control, but she gets flustered easily (especially when complimented); she will never admit this over her dead body, but everyone knows it anyway. So much for appearing all strong and dignified, we all know that she is just a mushy mush inside.


Past — Gaeul was born as the elder twin of Gyeoul in her father's hospital at Gyeonggi-do, Bucheon-si. Growing up, Gaeul and her siblings had never exactly been showered with affection and love or anything of the like. It's hard when as doctors, her parents have more lives and responsibilities to take care of than just the three of them. They had always been left to their own devices, seeing as how their parents' job requires them to be busy all year long. Maybe it was because of the fact that she is the older twin, but she has always been very protective over Gyeoul, who, as cliched as it is, is almost the exact opposite of herself. Together with her older brother, Bomgun, they take up the role that was supposed to be filled by her parents and pretty much raised themselves up. Basically, all her parents did was give them money, and from then on it was up to them. Maybe that was what left her itching to pack up leave; which she did as soon as she was of age and old enough to go.


• She has been adjusting well to her life in the States, despite the abruptness of the decision. Gaeul had lived with her uncle, who she basically considered as her father, for the first few months. She had left as soon as she could because she felt as if she was intruding. She is currently living with The Confused Chaser in a decent-sized apartment close to the latter's university.

• Gaeul had gotten into a business course in a university downtown (where she met The Confused Chaser) with the help of her uncle. Upon reaching her second year, however, she decided that it was not what she wanted in life and promptly dropped out. She is not looking forward to getting a degree any time soon.

• Dance has always been her hobby, and she is currently teaching hiphop to children at her cousin (Lee Taemin)'s dancing institute. She also works as a cashier at the coffee shop down the block. In all actuality, she doesn't have much options when it comes to occupations because these days everything needs a degree in something. So she will take what she can get. Her parents still give her her monthly allowance, but out of pride, she usually doesn't use them at all. (She probably has millions in her bank as of now.)

• Her daily schedule goes as follows:

09.00 — Kicked awake by The Confused Chaser, who is going to either the university or her job depending on what day it is. She is forced to eat a bread around this time and when The Confused Chaser leaves for school after watching her eat, she falls back to sleep every single time without fail.

12.00 — The second wakeup-kick by The Confused Chaser after her class or during her break. This time, she really is forced awake and she has no choice because any more whines and The Confused Chaser will literally throw her into the bathroom. It happened once and she is not having any more of it. After showering, she would laze around and chat with The Confused Chaser until she has to go.

13.30 — She gets hungry around this time of the day, and because her cooking tastes like disaster (she is not even going to deny that) she would go out for hunting food. She usually takes her time strolling around and experiments a lot. She actually checks out new restaurants and give them a try.

15.00 — Everyday, she goes to the dance institution. The lesson runs for an hour each with a fifteen-minute break before she has to teach another group of students. It's pretty flexible how many shifts she wants to take (because hey, her cousin is the owner). She usually tries to take as much as possible; about five to six shifts. After her fourth shift, Taemin usually brings her some take-away (usually chicken and pizza, but also some chinese food sometimes) and she tries to eat her dinner and digest it properly within fifteen minutes before going back to work.

23.00 — She goes home sweaty, smelly and half-dead. She then proceeds to shower before throwing herself to bed and sleeping away.

00.45 — On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, she heads for her graveyard shift at the coffee shop. (She usually takes multiple naps there, but the boss doesn't have to know.)

08.00 — This is when she goes home during the three days of coffee shop shift. Around this time, The Confused Chaser would already be awake so she would watch her eat breakfast before sleeping. She warns The Confused Chaser to not wake her up a mere hour later, but that stubborn little girl always 'forgets'.


• Gaeul doesn't have a lot of non-Asian friends, but most of her dance students are. Her name sounds more like a slurred girl ("Gaaallll") so she usually asks people to address her by her surname. Everything changes when her cousin decided to announce to the world that Gaeul literally translates to Autumn. Since then, people starts calling her Autumn, although she things it is very cringe-worthy and doesn't want to acknowledge it as a nickname.

• She eats irregularly and is currently living a very unhealthy diet. She only touches food when she feels hungry, which is not a lot of times. This is most likely why she is so frail, but also why she gets a little light-headed at times. She is working on changing that with The Confused Chaser's help, so hopefully she will fall to the habit of eating regularly soon. (Taemin should probably stop bringing her those junk foods.)

• It's not just her eating habits that is irregular, considering her graveyard shift, her sleeping habit is pretty messed up too. She has no troubles in falling asleep; she can sleep anywhere anytime, really, but she always wakes up in short intervals because of habit. But really, all she does in her free time is sleep.

• Her cheeks turn into a very bright shade of red whenever she is embarrassed, nervous, angry—in other words, all the time. She hates it because whenever she looks at the mirror while dancing she feels like some kind of a lobster or a crab. People mistakes this as her blushing, but please, Gaeul doesn't blush. (Or she does, but she never admits it. Psh.)

• If it's not obvious already, Gaeul doesn't take care of herself well. She makes sure to take care of others, but she doesn't really care when it comes to her own wellbeing. This results to people having to take care of her in return. Gaeul feels awkward whenever she is babied because she has never really been there before. This is why she prefers The Confused Chaser's harsh method of kicking her and throwing her around. (But who knows.)

• She has an affinity for heights as in high places in general. Whenever she has free time, she would go to the rooftop to just chill and listen to music or read or something. Most of the time, however, she just lies down there and... Sleeps.

• Gaeul is like a puppy in teething period; she bites her lips, her fingers, her knuckles whenever she is bored. She also can't seem to stay still (unless she is sleeping, because she is practically dead when she is asleep) and always has to fiddle with something and rock her knees up and down. The second habit aggravates The Confused Chaser a lot and the latter has taken to slapping her thighs whenever she does that.



Older Brother — Ahn, Bomgun | 24 | Chef | 4

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Bomgun is a very reliable brother, if Gaeul could say so herself. He is not necessarily the type to say much unless it's to nag and nag and nag. He refuses to admit it, but he is probably the one to take up the mother role (because Gaeul is by no means motherly), seeing as how he cooks and cleans and does everything that basically screams mom. Gaeul trusts Bomgun with all her heart, and while others find it awkward to share things with their brothers, Gaeul doesn't think so at all. It is only when she is in front of her brother does she seem to unleash all her childish, immature antics (not that she is all mature in real life, but she doesn't even care about control in front of Bomgun) because it's the only time when she feels young. Bomgun is the least stubborn among all three and is actually pretty lenient. He is very forgiving and although his nags may go on for at least a mile, he never really gets mad at them, whatever they do. Bomgun is supportive and he never denies his sisters of their wishes, always trying his best to do everything he can for them. He dotes on both of his sisters, occasionally making Gaeul cringe with all his cooing and babying. Honestly, Gaeul thinks she is the only sane one out of the bunch.


Twin Sister — Ahn, Gyeoul | 20 | University Student | 4

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Gaeul thinks that her sister's name should be Yoreum (Summer) instead of Gyeoul (Winter), because she is by no means cold. It baffles Gaeul at times how someone can be so naive even at twenty years old. She thinks it's partly her fault for being so protective over Gyeoul that her twin ends up being someone who needs protection 24/7. Gyeoul is the type of person who would walk a grandma across a street without prompting even when she herself is halfdead. She has a soft heart, often times mourning over something that doesn't even relate to her in any way. Gaeul is glad they are not identical twins because she doesn't want to have to see how she looks like when she is pouting, since Gyeoul pouts about 239847 times a day. Gyeoul is a little spoiled since she is used to getting what she wants (obviously, Bomgun and Gaeul have yet to learn their lesson since they still make sure to attend to her wants and needs even now). At first, Gyeoul had wanted to follow Gaeul to the States, but Gaeul had refused vehemently. The reason is pretty obvious—her decision to fly out of Korea was impromptu, and there had been no assurance that she could live well there aside from their beloved uncle readily accomodating them. Gyeoul had thrown a small tantrum, but she obliged begrudgingly (because she is used to obeying Gaeul and Bomgun). Gyeoul is very open to Gaeul, and shares just about anything and everything, but Gaeul is more on the listening part because she doesn't really have much to say, unlike Gyeoul who finds even a fallen leaf interesting. Even when they are apart, Gaeul takes a little time from her day to chat Gyeoul up and ask her how's life back in Korea. She usually ends up having to turn to Bomgun, though, because chatting with Gyeoul means 99% emojis and 1% real conversation. (Despite knowing this, she still chats Gyeoul first.)


Cousin — Lee, Taemin | 20 | University Student, Dance Instructor | 3.5

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Taemin and Gaeul have gone way back, before her uncle (the one she deems father) moved to States and brought his family, including Taemin, with him. They used to play a lot as a kid, together with Gyeoul (because Bomgun is too old) and their neighbors. They lost contact for awhile when Taemin moved because he was ten and had no phones or the like. He has definitely matured into a fine young man, seeing as how he buys her food without further qualms; he used to cry over a stolen lollipop back then. Gaeul and Taemin are not so close they share everything with each other. They don't really talk about what's going on in their life or anything like that; but they do talk about which chicken flavour is the best and which dancing routine . There's no such thing such as a super deep bond between them, but they do share a common love for dancing, and they are comfortable with each other in that sense—and really, Gaeul thinks that that is enough.



Best Friend / FlatmateThe Confused Chaser | 20 | University Student | 5

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If there is anyone who knows Gaeul better than herself, it's The Confused Chaser. They have known each other for only about two years, but it's as if they have been living together for two-hundred years. The Confused Chaser is quite literally Gaeul's everything—not only does she cook, clean and help her go through her boring life by waking her up, she also makes sure to scold her (although she retaliates, Gaeul is pretty sure she deserves all the scoldings she has gotten so far). She gets along the best with The Confused Chaser among the other girls. Maybe it has to do with the fact that they live together, but Gaeul is the most comfortable around her.


Coworker — Lee Minyoung | 23 | University Student, Dance Instructor | 3.5

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Gaeul thinks of Minyoung the way she thinks of Taemin, pretty much. They share a lot of idiotic stories and talk about what they see here and there whenever they have free time (although most of the time, they just lie down on the wooden floor on opposite ends because they need to breathe). Gaeul is pretty positive that she cannot live without Minyoung, though, because teaching twenty kids how to dance is not as easy as it seems. (Besides, Minyoung has always been better with kids than she could ever be.)

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1st Love Interest — Kim, Jongin | 20 | University Student

Back Ups — Oh Sehun, Lu Han

Personality — Jongin is the campus hottie, but he is also the cute chicken poop—in other words, Jongin is not exactly what he seems to be. He may seem charming with all the bedroom eyes and the way he struts through the corridor with a slight (seemingly attractive) hunch in his back, sporting a lazy demeanor girls would die for. What they don't know is that the bedroom eyes is just because he is sleepy from a whole night of dancing, the hunch in his back is something Taemin always slaps because it needs fixing, and he is not acting lazy—he is lazy. He seems all cool and aloof, maybe even cold, because he doesn't really start a conversation with anyone sans Sehun. In all honesty, Jongin is actually reserved and, dare I say, shy. He doesn't deal well with new people and prefers to hide at the rooftop to nap his break away. When he is not tired (a rare occurence, since he is as good as dead about eighty-six percent of the time), he spends his time with his one and only friend. It is a blessing that Sehun (who used to be his highschool mate) decided to go to the same university as him because otherwise he is positive that he would be the campus loner. He really needs to work on his social skills.

He may look as if he doesn't care about the world, but if you come to know him more you will know that he is pretty thoughtful. It's not exactly easy to have Jongin open up, but once he does, you will regret it he turns into a mother hen. He gets a little possessive over the little people he has in his clutches and Sehun is getting annoyed over his minute texts of "where are u" and "anyone with u". Jongin finds himself caring over miniscule things that doesn't really need his attention, like whether or not Sehun has someone to fetch him home (he drives for God's sake (well, Jongin is pretty forgetful)). Maybe it's because he is so tired most of the time, but he gets really absentminded—sometimes, his friends wonder why he seems to have a place in his mind to care about whether or not they forget their keys, but doesn't even remember where he puts his—especially when it comes to himself. Jongin takes everything to heart, even jokes (it's hard for him to differentiate between legit joke and legit insult), and thus, is moody. He has quite the temper, but at the same time it's easy to placate him because well, he is a chicken poop.

Loyal and a little on the obsessive side, once Jongin falls for something be it people, things or anything for that matter, he falls deep. As an example, there is his endless love for chicken (he could eat them every day) and his burning passion for dance (and he will never admit this, but Sehun is a part of the group chicken and dance are in). His confidence in eating a whole chicken in one meal and dancing aside, he is not confident in anything else. It may seem rather out of character, but Jongin is actually rather insecure. He knows of his lack of skills in the socializing department, and thus, thinks over his words a lot. He would try to gauge people's reactions with every words he says and often times, regret saying certain sentences. Jongin only lets go when he is around the people who he knows will understand his slips; maybe that's why he doesn't particularly enjoy hanging out around new people (the stress of making verbal mistakes, he can't stand). All his quirks aside, he is still the campus hottie (and a chicken poop inside).

Relationship — It is almost impossible how they have been under the same roof (almost) every single day for the past a year and a half, but have only seen each other in the face once—courtesy of Taemin. They weren't exactly in their best forms during their first meeting; Gaeul was lying halfdead on top of the wooden floor while Jongin looked like a scared, stray dog with all the sweat drenching his body and his reluctancy to interact with strangers in general. They tolerated each other with Taemin in between them and a box of chicken in the middle of their circle. Jongin was ready to sacrifice a third of his portion to Gaeul, but Gaeul ate only two pieces of chicken s before getting up and stretching. Needless to say, he was baffled. "U-Umm... Are you sure you don't want more?" Gaeul raised a brow and nodded her head at Taemin, who was burying his face on a piece of chicken thigh. "She never eats much." Taemin shrugged. "Says she has a class to teach and all." Jongin shouldn't be feeling this, but his mother hen instinct awakened that instant and it itched inside his heart.

Jongin becomes a regular in Gaeul's dancing room after that, although they are still a little awkward around each other. Gaeul is pretty nonchalant, but Jongin is all antsy although he is faring better and better with each day. During the days where Taemin refuses to go along with him to Gaeul's class in opt for a short nap, Jongin would wail in silence in front of the door before knocking timidly with a wary smile on his face. Gaeul would then raise a brow with a "Come in?" and only then would Jongin allow himself in with a hesitant shuffle in his step. Gaeul finds Jongin terribly frustrating, but also very endearing. Jongin reminds her a lot of Gyeoul, although their personalities are not exactly alike—it's just that Jongin makes her want to take care of him (and okay, maybe coo and baby him like Bomgun would) because Gaeul is admittedly weak to shy, cute people like himself. Jongin, on the other hand, grows bolder with each and every encounter. It's getting harder to ignore his motherly instincts and he will start by forcing Sehun to pack a healthy lunchbox for him (her).

Their relationship is pretty much of them taking care of each other; they don't have a lot of similarities save for dance, but they are very much alike when it comes to their need to take care of everyone but themselves. (Maybe that is why they are put together: to take care of the other.) It has never been strictly platonic between them, although they would like to believe so. It's not difficult to fall for someone like Jongin, for he is hot outside and warm inside and he does things to Gaeul's heart that makes her want to take it out and die. Jongin is in the same position she is in, and as dumb as they are, they only need time for now. Of course, things will never go their way that smoothly—not when The Confused Chaser is thrown to the mix. Gaeul has known of The Confused Chaser's crush for quite a while now, but she never knew that it was Jongin because she had always thought that it was The Close Classmate she was talking about. At this point, Gaeul is very confused and sad and guilty and all this emotions come together and results to her just trying to kill this 'feelings' she has for Jongin, whatever that is.


The Untold Story

SummaryThe Untold Story is just a girl with no story to tell. Her life is pretty boring in general; a crying little brunette in her dance class is as interesting as her day can get, no really. The day she meets The Campus Hottie through her cousin marks the start of a haywire that builds up slowly, albeit steadily. She tries hard to deny this, but who is she to not fall for awkward grins and nervous smiles? Things are going great, but when she finds out that her flatmate, The Confused Chaser, has a crush not on The Close Classmate but on The Campus Hottie she is also secretly crushing on, pretty much everything goes out of line. The Untold Story has always put her friends above everything else, even herself, she swears it. With The Confused Chaser in one end and The Campus Hottie in another, though, she is not so sure anymore. Will she forgo her belief for a story to tell?

Conclusion — They finally build up a shaky relationship after a lot of pushes and pulls. It actually starts when Jongin confesses to her. Gaeul is caught off-guard because she has always thought that her crush is onesided and while she is delightful, she is also torn because Jongin is The Confused Chaser's crush. Jongin is very hurt when he is turned down because he has worked up a lot of courage just to confess and he thought that the feeling is mutual (or has he been reading the signs wrong?). It becomes really awkward after that because Jongin comes into her dance room less frequent and she feels really sorry for it. Jongin eventually finds out the reason through Taemin (who is pretty close with The Confused Chaser) and wants to cry and roll on the dance floor because Gaeul is honestly so dumb. He confronts The Confused Chaser on this and they talk it out unbeknownst to Gaeul. That is how he ends up confessing to Gaeul a second time (with more confidence this time). They get together after a lot of convincing in Jongin's part. ("Honestly, Gaeul. You're so stupid." "Hey! You're the dumb one here!" "We can always be dumb together." "...")

Misc. Notes — Taemin is Jongin's close friend in university along with Sehun, although Jongin is admittedly closer to Sehun than he is to Taemin because he actually shares a major with Sehun. They have known each other since their high school days. All three of them dance, but only Taemin and Jongin take it seriously (Sehun thinks of it as a mere hobby) and that is why Taemin recruits Jongin into teaching with him.


Scene Suggestions — I'll get back to this some other time when I have the inspiration ; u ;

Anything Else?

• I didn't list Gaeul's parents and uncle in the family section because I feel that although they do have a part in making her who she is now, they are done with the part? Another reason is because I feel that the section is too long if I were to add it otl If you do want me to write it out, though, feel free to tell me! Also, in case I wasn't clear, her uncle (the one she thinks of as her father) is Taemin's father.

• I decided to have Gaeul be The Confused Chaser's flatmate because you wanted more than just problems in romance. I feel that this will make it more dramatic, maybe? I tried to make her personality vague so I hope that works! I'm actually pretty flexible to changes though so feel free~

Comments & Concerns — omg i'm finally done with this monster i want to shoot myself down and die otl this is the first time in awhile i'm writing an app in one go so please forgive me if it is y and poopy (which i know it is) ;;;; i hope there aren't too many mistakes and i also apologize if it's too long? i tend to ramble it'S A REALLY BAD HABIT SOBS O A O but i really like this story of yours and i just /had/ to do this. thanks a lot for creating this <3

p.s. i don't know why this is rated m, but i highly suspect that it is because of the word 'kick' o A o



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