`Song Hana ▲ the new boys | application


song hana.





USERNAME: kintoun




Ssong — An accented version of her surname, usually used when calling her from afar or trying to get her attention.

AGE: 17 + Junior

BIRTH DATE: 06.08.96


HEIGHT (cm): 160 cm

WEIGHT (kg): 48 kg


Korean — Mothertongue — Fluent

English — School + Self-study — Conversational

Mandarin — School + Self-study — Basic

PERSONALITY: There is always that one nerd in class who gets bullied and tortured both physically and mentally. One who will always be the one to do others' homeworks and gain no credit at all. One that has to hide every break time. Hana apparently falls on that category. The only difference is that she has never been bullied, physically at least. Hana has been used to the treatment she keeps on receiving in her class. They would ignore her every other time, and sweet talk her upon needing her aid on doing their homeworks. She is not happy with the increase in workload, but she isn't exactly unhappy either. It's not that she loves helping peopleheck no, she is one to mind her own business. It's just that she finds it so pitiful that she ends up helping every single time. Besides, she doesn't want to get into any trouble. She prefers laying low and not being involved in any complicated matters in life.

Rationality is her motto. Hana is one to think with her brain more than her heart. No one knows, but this girl doesn't believe in love. She is, however, not fully against the idea. Theory and law are two different things. Theory is something that has not been proven, while law is something that can be deemed as true. And without experiencing this so-called 'love' first-handedly, she will never believe in it. It is safe to say that she has not been in love so far. You can say that she is the slightly passive hard-headed type of girl. She has her own beliefs that she holds on to tightly and she never objects when others were to express theirs, but that doesn't mean that she agrees to it. Never. Arguments are invalid when there are no proofs to go along with it.

Her classmates think of her as a really quite being. Hana is not anti-social, but she doesn't talk unless she feels the need to. It is rare to see her smile, or laugh at that— or show any emotions at all. But it's not to the extent that people start calling her ice princess. Nope. She does respond well to interactions, she simply behaves accordingly and not excessively. If a joke isn't funny, she doesn't feel obliged to laugh just because of pity. She is one realistic person. Overall, Hana has a slightly cold demeanor that seemed hard to melt at first, but when you manage to wiggle your way to her heart she will surely open up. It's just that it takes time and effort, and the result wouldn't be her suddenly turning into an aegyo princess of such. She is not a cheerful girl to begin with, afterall.

BACKGROUND: Hana was born as the only daughter of the Song household. Being a sole child led her into a lonely life, especially since she had been so used to being alone at home, even when she could barely talk. Both her parents had a business to manage outside the small, unproductive town and that resulted them to fly in and out of town pretty often. So often that she rarely ever saw them. Her parents, however, didn't have any plans to move out of the small town. Despite not being particularly fond with the idea of flying here and there, they had to admit that the town was and still is dear to them. Afterall, it was where they fell in love and got married. With that said, they hoped that Hana would not complain about being 'caged' in a tiny area— which she didn't, apparently. They couldn't be more grateful to be gifted with such an obedient daughter.


Being left alone — She doesn't think that there is any other better company than herself. When she is left alone, she lets her mind wander about various trivial things in life.

Nature — She feels lucky to be born in a town that has a forest just nearby. Many thinks that the forest is slightly creepy, but she had found a nice spot a few years ago and occasionally visits it to clear her head off things or simply do her (and those irresponsible brats') homeworks. That aside, she also likes high and windy places.

White paper — She herself thinks that it is an absurd obsession, but she likes seeing a blank, empty paper because the thought of filling them with either writing or sketch excites her.

Hot chocolate — It is a must to drink this particular sweet liquid at least once a day, mostly around midnight/

Cold — Unlike most people who prefer summer over winter, she prefers the latter. She had tried walking on the snow barefoot once, and it is safe to say that her resistance towards the cold is higher than normal people. Ironically, she loves wearing warm clothings.

Music — Mostly classical music that has a soothing ring to it. She can only play the flute, but she is sure good at it. Due to her ability*, she is able to play tunes on it without a music sheet.


Noise — The only disadvantage of having this particular ability* would be the headaches she would receive when too much off-pitched noise are perceived in her sensitive ears.

Meat — She has been a vegetarian for as long as she remembers and the sight of meat makes her feel queasy without even knowing why.

Strawberry — It is probably the only fruit she couldn't bring herself to eat. The last time she ate it, she almost vomitted due to the disgusting taste. Maybe it simply doesn't match with her tastebuds.

Eavesdroppers — Disliking these type of people are normal, but she doesn't simply dislike them. She strongly dislikes them. It is one of her pet peeves and she hates people who can't or choose not to respect other's privacy. It is safe to say that she respects privacies very much.

Beers, cigars, etc. — Things that are already proved to be a danger but are still attempted by people, mainly. Hana just can't get those people, as she is definitely not the type to act beyond the safe line.

Disruptions — No one, no one should disturb her when she is busy. Not that anyone has ever attempted to do so before.


Tucking strands of hair behind her right ear — She tucks them usually mindlessly and without much thought, but it is always her right, never her left.

Cheeks heating up — Hana never really blushes. Oddly, she does blush, but only when she is angry. Her cheeks always gets hot when her temper is challenged, and due to that she doesn't exactly look threatening enough even with her glare.

No eye contact — One will think that she is confident with eye contacts, but she usually avoids them. Not because she is not confident, but mostly because one doesn't need eyes to listen, which is why it is a habit for her to focus on another thing while listening to others' random blabbers.

Furrowing her eyebrows — Her eyebrows are almost always furrowed in concentration. It is a gift that she doesn't have any wrinkles yet with all those furrowings.


Airplane rides — It is a childhood thing. She used to be so anxious whenever her parents' arrive late at home, thinking that they had an accident or something because there had been a year where plane crashes were more often than usual.

People with facial hairs — A robber had managed to breka in the house when she was alone; he was full of facial hairs and had managed to scare the wits out of her. Up until now, she still feels paranoid with people that owns facial hairs.


→ Hana doesn't believe in fictional creatures such as wolves, vampires, etc. but reads supernatural novels for her own amusement.

→ She has her own spot in the library which happens to be at the very corner, where thick history books are arranged. It is a deserted corner because unless there are any homeworks related to them, no one really likes reading those type of book. The reason as to why he loves it is because aside from being able to be alone, the scent of old books are comforting, to her at least.

→ She has this ability that is named the absolute pitch*. She can name a note just by hearing it. Which is why she rarely ever needs any music sheets. She just needs to listen to the tune a couple of times to grasp it fully and soon, she can already play it on her flute.

→ She has been helping others with their homeworks for quite a few years now and frankly, has no problem with it. She needs a little something to do anyway because she feels bored often. When it comes to reports and presentation, she does not copy paste and actually starts from the beginning. When it comes to normal homeworks, she would ask the person how many marks do they want to get and help them get exactly that. The only condition is: they should get at least one faulty.

→ Her experience with doing others' homeworks makes her good at copying one's handwriting. It is not exactly the same, obviously, but it is good enough to fool old teachers; especially since they have to many works to do to just focus over petty things such as such.

→ Hana is slightly insomniac; it is not easy for her to fall asleep, and she sleeps mostly around 4-6 hours a day. Perhaps it's because it has been a habit for years that her body slowly gets accustomed to it and she no longer has those eyebags she used to bear. She is also a light sleeper and due to her sensitive ears wakes up easily at the littlest noise. It is best to let her sleep when she can.

→ The girl is very neat and organized. She is slightly forgetful when it comes to things like this (she claims that her brain is occupied with formulas and history dates) so she jots down where she puts what in a notepad and keeps her things back neatly after using. With that said, she doesn't like it when people touch her stuff, moreover touch it without her permission.

→ She has low-blood pressure and she gets tired fairly easily (her insomniac ways is not helping at all). She usually skips physical educaition class with her health being the reason and the teacher lets her go easily because of her good grades.

FACE: Soo Ah

BACK-UP: Park Jihyun

STYLE: When you see Hana, her hair is either tied up in a messy bun or let go. There is not much to say about her daily attire either, especially since she mostly spends her day in school. Upon coming home, she would shower change into a casual baggy white tee and a pair of comfortable shorts, and that would be her attire throughout the night until she wakes up and change back into a school uniform. When she does go out, she mainly uses a knitted sweater with either skinny jeans or shorts. She wears dresses only when she is in the mood. Besides that, there is nothing really special about the way she dresses.


Song Hyeji / Alive / 48 / Businesswoman / Ladylike, Elegant, Professional / Her mom is not one to show much affections towards her daughter, but Hana knows more than to doubt a mother's love. They share the usual curt greetings and acknowledgements, but the girl feels that it is more than enough. They seem to have this mutual understanding between each other and both are glad for that.

Song Mino / Alive / 50 / Businessman / Uptight, Resposible, Stern / Despite being on the cold side, he also shares the mutual understanding with her daughter. He is more than glad to know that he had raised such an understanding daughter and honestly couldn't ask for more. He is rather awkward when it comes to trying to show his real intentions. His remarks mainly come off as cold but then again, they awkward smile that comes afterwards always makes up for it.


Choi Jinri / 18 / Junior / Cheerful, Warm, Kind / Hana wouldn't consider Jinri as her best friend, but then again, she was most likely the closest female to Hana, so she decided to consider that as Jinri's title. They share a table back at the classroom, and at lunch too. Jinri is almost the exact opposite of Hana, but because of Jinri, Hana finds herself taking a liking to people with warm personalities.


Jung Soojung / 18 / Junior / Blunt, Stubborn, Sarcastic / They mainly meet each other because Soojung is apparently Jinri's other best friend. The three of them, with different personalities, surprisingly gets along pretty well, Hana might say. She enjoys their company although there are times where they are nothing but a mere distraction.

LOVE INTEREST 1: Park Chanyeol

BACK-UP: Byun Baekhyun

PERSONALITY TRAITS: Impulsive, Hyperactive, Cheerful, Optimistic, Overprotective, Stubborn, Short-fused

RELATIONSHIP / INTERACTION WITH CHARACTER: The first time they met was the most eventful day in Hana's life. He had appeared in front of her all of a sudden, his tall height towering over her and making her face his chest due to her no eyecontact policy. She was about to sigh and excuse herself when he suddenly cupped her face and made her crane her neck towards him. His eyes were round and full of concentration as he took in her every features and she furrowed her brows at him, trying to escape— but not before his lips stretched into a wide smile before he dipped his head down and captured her lips in his. She was so shocked she stood frozen there while he happily moved away and hugged her body close to his. Just before she could question his intentions, she could hear a growl behind him and then Tao happened.

If there is an award for the most annoying prick in the whole wide world, Chanyeol will be the one to win it, hands down. He keeps on trailing behind her to wherever (except for the female's bathroom). Sometimes he would chatter mindlessly, but usually he would just quietly walk behind her and flash her that innocent grin whenever she were to look back with a questioning brow quirked up. He is also a skinship monster. He never really lets go of her whenever they are not walking. Apparently, Chanyeol thinks that it is okay to sit a stranger on top of his lap, and that it is normal to hug one without even exchanging names. But then again, what can you expect from someone who kissed a girl upon meeting? Hana hates to admit that although he annoys her, she might be liking his company a little bit too much.

LOVE INTEREST 2: Huang Zitao

BACK-UP: Zhang Yixing

PERSONALITY TRAITS: Sly, Quiet, Overprotective, Mysterious, Secretive

RELATIONSHIP / INTERACTION WITH CHARACTER: Her first meeting with him was when she was suddenly whirled off Chanyeol's tight embrace into his. The first thing she noticed about him was his enchanting smell. He smelt of the soil after rain and something more. The second thing would be his gaze. And the third his outstanding height. She felt like a midget next to both him and Chanyeol. While she was trying to process his identity inside his mind, he leaned in to her jaw, and then her ear before humming and sniffing her scent. "You smell real good, princess." And then for once in her life, she thought that she was dreaming.

Although Tao is (thankfully) not much of a hugger/squeezer, he proves to be a creep in his own way. He doesn't follow her everywhere, but she doesn't even want to know why she feels his eyes on her everywhere. He is not one to talk much, but his smirk speaks a thousand words. Moreover, he has this disturbing 'hobby' of her ears and sniffing her neck. He said once that he likes her smell. She still finds it weird, though. No one in their right mind would a stranger, gosh what is wrong with these new creepy students? Tao is as, if not more, protective than Chanyeol. He literally growls whenever a male approaches her, usually for homeworks. Then she will turn around and glare at him just to have him glare back before trailing his eyes back to a quivering male.

REACTION TO EXO: She honestly could care less. She is not much of a gossip person and is positive that if not for the strange 'encounter' with Tao and Chanyeol, she would have not known about them until a week later.

REACTION TO EXO 2: She is thrilled to have her belief challenged; it is rare for her belief to be challenged. She asks for proof, and before long she is standing in front of two wolves. She knows that she lost when the proof is presented in front of her, so she decided that there is nothing else she could do aside from petting an eager Chanyeol and trying to push Tao's huge, wolfy and not to mention slimy tongue along her ear and neck.

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS: hi ;; i started on this like days ago but accidentally deleted it orz anyways i red the review you wrote for the other applicant of THE SMART ONE and you said that she portrayed the character the way you pictured it to be /wails/ because my character is like totally different .-. i thought that i should create a negative character since there are a lot of positiveness in the other plotlines but welp i'm wrong. anyways, plase tell me if anything is wrong, and if you find the personality too out of the line, i can change it entirely c: it's just that i really like this fic. thank you and good luck! fighting! ;u;


→ Chanyeol asking her to loosen up and rubbing the channel between her eyebrows soothingly, saying that she will get wrinkles if she always does that.

→ Tao tucking her hair for her.

→ Chanyeol and Tao skipping PE class together with her and simply accompanying her inside the library while she stares mindlessly outside the window (and eventually, as usual, falls asleep). Both played a game of rock, paper, scissor and Tao won. He rested Hana's head on his shoulders and after ten minutes it was Chanyeol's turn. It goes back and forth but they made sure to put extra caution after knowing that she is a light sleeper.

→ Chanyeol trying to surprise her but failing because of her good hearing. He then sulked and told her that he had even better hearing, which she raised her eyebrows too before saying that it was obvious since he is not human.

→ Tao being the ert he is.




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