love love love^^ people are so cynical at this time of year, I mean so what if you're single on Valentines day, so what if the guy/girl you like doesn't like you back, Valentines day is about LOVE!! I love love, I guess I'm a hopeless romantic cause I just LOVE being in love^^

I like corny mushy , I like watching chick flicks, I like being mushy and corny my self... it always kind of confuses me when people say "I hate this day!!"...


I don't have much experience with love, I've had a few guys here and there but nothing really serious, but I've never felt like I hated Valentines day. holidays aren't mandatory, you don't have to celebrate them, but constantly and complaining about other peoples happiness seem terrible to me.

You don't have to have a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy, I mean I'm not saying "omg, you're so stupid if you're dating" and I mean, it is nice to have a boyfriend, I've just always had the mind set that I shouldn't get a boyfriend if I just want a boyfriend to have a boyfriend. I'll gladly walk the single road until I can find the one and when that happens it'll totally be cool... but just cause you can't find someone doesn't mean you should hate today.

I'm not someone to tell you to do anything, but when it comes down to it, love, in it's many forms, most likely surrounds you (and if it doesn't, I'm really sorry, that's so sad) why not imbrase the loved ones you have right now, love the the blessings you've acquired and take each day as a day to love and receive love^^

Valentines day isn't just for couples, it's a holiday about love^^ don't be afraid to open your heart^^

now with that said, I shall now gorge on chocolate and watch sappy movies^^


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