I'm ugly...NO confidence

I didn't write for attention, I just need to vent a bit....

Recently I've been doing alot of thinking about myself and I'm not happy at all. I'm only happy about who I am on the inside because I help people with my wisdom and give people my strength to move forward. I'm so disgusted when I look at myself in the mirror to the point where I haven't looked at myself at all in three weeks. I don't leave the house because I'm afraid of what people might see in me. I'm fat and ugly, that's just the truth. There's no confidence on the outside and I hate it. I've tried many things to get rid of the outside but I don't have no motivation to do so. I don't know what to do or how to start. What makes this even worse is that I know how all of this started.

Back in May when I had to break up with my ex, that was really rough for me. Yes I was the one to break up with him but he forced me to because he was always cheating and treating me like so I did what was best for me. But there's one thing I never did or got to do, and that was to cope with it. Immediately I went into my numb/survival mode. I forced myself to put these feelings away because it was easier, it hurt less, and I had to stay grounded. But what I didn't realize is that I needed to fall, I needed to cry myself to sleep, I needed to be depressed, I needed to be angry, I needed to feel all these emotions and the pain to cope and move on with my life. I felt even more ashamed because my cousin/sister was here when I did it, she seen me cry.

I HATE for people to see me cry, I consider it a weakness. I know it's not to you but to me it is. But in the end I realized she was still there for me despite my weakness and I could never repay her for that. Arisa if your reading this, thank you for EVERYTHING. We may have our little disputes and disagreements but no matter what I'll ALWAYS have your back. You been there for me when nobody else was. Our relationship is the true meaning of Unconditional Love and I will FOREVER cherish it.

I've met alot of wonderful people on here, you all are the BEST especially My Beautiful Monsters. Alot of you say, "If you need a friend then I'll be here for you" or "Gosh your so giddy and happy, nothing bothers you". Well you just learned what's really going on in my head. The reason why I don't vent to you guys is because I don't want you to judge me, most likely you won't but my mind tells me something different. I prefer to have friends from other cities, states, and countries because there's no physical contact meaning there would be no emotion or feeling in it. Basically no attachment, better way for you to understand. I figure that if I keep my distance then no one can hurt me plus people leave anyway right? See, I won't have to deal with the pain so this will be easier for me. I know that probably won't happen but do you see how my brain works now? Do you understand what I'm trying to say? No I'm not always so giddy and happy, as you can tell. I'm not a depressed person or an attention freak, I'm just venting.

So you see, I have no confidence in anything and everything I do. I don't even have confidence in my own writing. I just feel that I'm taking up space in this world. Yeah I can change the way I look but how? I have no motivation to do anything or go anywhere. Nobody is gonna wanna look at this fat girl walking everywhere, no way. I look at all these female idols and I can only wish I had their beauty. Will I ever be that beautiful? Will I ever look that good? Will people ever judge me upon my actions or just my looks? How do I get through this? How do I cope? Will the pain stop? How do I do this? All these questions and I don't even have the answers to them.....



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cottoncloud #1
I feel so bad for reading this just now. You know dear friend, I am currently in the same situation as you and that's what brings me here. Even though this blog post is almost two years old, I still want to post my comments.

I feel really ugly too. I am struggling to accept the harsh reality that I'm not pretty and that I will probably never become one. I have really asymmetrical face. I am still in my 10s but I already have chronic deep wrinkles all over my face. My forehead is sagging to the point where it creates obnoxious horizontal creasing between my brows that make me look as if I'm irritated all the time. My nostril is huge and unbalanced. There are holes from chickenpox and scars in my face.

I just want you to know that you are not alone in this. And I believe that even though you feel that way about yourself, you are not ugly at all. I won't say that my situation is worse than yours because I dont know what you are actually going through. You are lucky to be able to experience what is it like to have a boy who likes you. I am shunned and avoided by the boys because I'm the ugliest in class. I cry a lot just because of my face. I feel sad and desperate but I don't know what to do.
I saw that other people have already said that it's the inner beauty that matters, not the outer.. So I won't repeat that, since I hope you know that by now :)

However, I do want to say that your mindset plays a very important part in this. If you keep saying and feeling you're ugly, you can't help but be consumed in those negative thoughts. Can I challenge you? Sit in front of the mirror every day and point out one thing about yourself you're grateful for. Some examples: "I have eyes that can see. I have a mouth to speak. My hair doesn't look that bad..." It might sound stupid, but say it to yourself. As you hear those encouraging words coming from yourself, your mindset will change along with it. :)

And do not think you're not important and just another person who takes up some space in this world. I do believe that everyone was created with a purpose to do something great. And I am not talking about physical appearance.. When I was reading this post, I know I should be worried, but I just couldn't help but think "wow, this is very well-written." XD Seriously, I'm able to feel the emotion.. And I think that's a talent!

As for your questions "will I ever be as beautiful?" i sometimes wonder the same thing. I guess the answers is that yeah... If you are willing to spend tons of money on plastic surgery and wear tons of make-up everyday, you can be THAT beautiful.. The beauty standards in Korea are waaaaayyy too high. Though it is hard, but we shouldn't let it be OUR standard..

I hope this helped in some way.. Stay positive! You're beautiful! <3
btsluver123 #3
well i saw ur picture because i friended u and i dont see anything wrong or unattractive about u
#pretty. #lovehashtags
btsluver123 #4
wtf this real omo! krazymonster are u talking about ur life #clueless
Allow me to be a bit rough with language...
First off, I completely understand everything that you're going through, expect for the relationship part. You and I both think quite a like actually. You're not an attention because it's just you wanted to express your feelings and emotions but you have no one else to turn to, so then you turn here. I know the concerns of people second guessing you and talking about you behind your back can be nerve wreaking. You'll learn to cope with it eventually, you may not cope with it fully like what I'm experiencing, but you'll cope with most of it some day. :)

I can understand the difficulties of accepting oneself especially with the bull beauty standards everywhere. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways, some people will find you to be ugly, and others will find you as a goddess. I personally think beauty is within personality, looks come secondary for me and I know not everyone thinks a like with me. Based on the little I know about you, you're a beautiful person personality wise. I don't want you to think I'm lying when I tell you I think you're a beautiful person inside and out since I haven't really seen you, so I won't. Just know that you ARE loved and ARE appreciated by so many people, I know it can hurt when so many people love you but the one you're seeking love from doesn't love you even the slightest bit. I hope you'll gain more confidence and try to be a bit happier :) Best wishes author-nim :)
(Continued from the post below) I grew extremely attached to BAP and their music helps me deal with the crappy parts of my life. Don't hang on to anyone that makes you feel bad about yourself. No one is perfect, everyone has faults, and we shouldn't be treated like crap for it. Through this, I learned to be independent, and be stronger on my own. I know now that I can make it on my own. I'm still fat, I wouldn't consider myself pretty by any means, but I've found a way to get thru the BS in my life. Don't be afraid to vent, sometimes it really helps just to lay it all out there. I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know you are not alone. ❤️
First, let me start by saying, I don't have any magic fix, no cure, I'm not gonna sit here and tell you not to feel that way, because it's not going to help. What I can tell you though, is that I know exactly how you feel. And I'm not just saying it. I have been at the point of being so uncomfortable with myself, I couldn't stand to go outside. But I had to, and my eyes were glued to the floor the whole time. I couldn't look at anyone, because I felt like everyone was looking at me thinking " oh my god, look at her, she's so fat and ugly. And I know why I feel this way. I was struggling with my weight, but I didn't hate myself, it was just something I was working on. I was in a relationship, and this person was everything to me,...but he crushed me. We got into an argument one day and he told me I was a fat @$&! And I was ugly , that I had nothing to offer, and I was 'making' him look at other women bc of it. I already knew I was overweight, I was struggling with the motivation to go anything about it. I had picked up jogging, and found myself loving it. I jogged 20 minutes 3 times a week and Iost 20 pounds. Then of course he had to get mad and say id been working out forever and it wasn't making any difference . Totally killed any motivation id had. I closed myself off, unable to handle the mean and hateful things he said and did. You don't deserve to have anyone hurt you. Do not accept someone else's view of yourself as your own. It's good that you have someone to talk to, that helps. This is one of the reasons kpop is so important to me. In the last year I have made 3 new friends thru kpop and they have shown me that I am worth something. I don't like to show the 'weaker' side of myself, and most people never see the hurt, sad side of me, because I hide it. I make jokes and try to cheer everyone else up. Find something you enjoy and do it. A lot of the crap I dealt with gave me the inspiration to write. I enjoy doing it, and I pour myself into it.
kpopsterr #8
no you are totally a krazymonster i have a similar no confidence issue bc of my past but i learned how to deal with it i was told that i was fat and little unapproachable cuz in my own mind i preferred to have one true friend over having billion that are not but do you know what changed me completely.... it was when my one and only true friend death from damn cancer......... first was the shock then the complete fall down then i found out that she already is dead and i can't do anything about so i began to love the life and socialize with people around me and after noticing how i can be really pretty if i just tried with my whole might then it will happen now days i try to help others with anything i can cuz i don't want them to reach rock bottom.... so that jerk cheating on you and you leaving him is a common story but it affected you a lot but if you knew that he lives his life with no worries and you like because of him its really frustrating and really motivating to be better and careless about what he has done you know thats the biggest motivation to have so just get out and see life also i can be your friend really you have a good personality and believe me crying in front of anyone is the real prooof that you are a normal pretty human being... really consider my friend request okkkk
smartrat #9
Oh come on I think your beautiful, when you write your stories it just makes me happy or sad depending on the genres but you are beautiful and just push the negative thoughts away and make them positive. I once thought I was ugly and fat but then I push that negative to positive.if people judge I don't care they ain't worth it. You're beautiful and if you need a lending shoulder I'm always there.. :)
bbygrl23 #10
What is this?! Your freaking beautiful! If you haven't looked at yourself then I think you should because I see you. Don't worry about what other people say or think because people are gonna have their own opinions anyway. Your writing is amazing so don't even go there. If your writing then why do you even have subscribers? Exactly! Even though I still think your writing is completely underrated and nobody appreciates it. People love no matter what. Your amazing, and I don't even know you that well.
Hunny you know I love you right ? You are the most amazing pure strong person I ever met , I hope you feel better and love yourself because I love you , you are warmhearted and kind and just plain amazingly amazing , so don't look down on yourself and I know life wasn't so kind to you but know that I'm always on your side , lean on me and I will protect you , I love you
Honestly, I think you're very pretty :) and I probably wont be able to make you feel better but I hope you get through this. You're a very cheerful and kind person and I doubt you were faking your personallity all this time. I hope you feel better and realize how amazing you are and that lack of confidence doesn't determine where you stand since a lot of people think the same... Stay strong! You're amazing!!!!
You make me sad sweetie...if You need to talk,DM ME... i know your feeling...Im...never want looked at mirror...sometimes I will upset after my father try to compare me with beautiful and slim girl..Sometimes i want to kill myself..sometimes Im SO hate with this world...but I cant because....Its reality..SO I hope you Okay....

I completely understand. I just got through a divorce(2013 was when it was talked about and things revealed). It's hard. Life is never easy. Even though I am ready to move forward there are times where it hurts. The pain just comes back. I too hate when people see my cry. I just don't like crying in front of people. I don't like to show how much pain I'm in. How I'm feeling. It is good to let it out because if you keep it bottled it hurts way more later when your finally break. Or you notice or others notice you start acting different or doing things you wouldn't normally do. I don't like myself. I've felt that for so long. I start wondering whwhat wrong with me. I don't think I'm pretty. I'm not confident (sometimes I can be). It's a struggle and it takes time to change you're mind about yourself but it can be done. It's not impossible.

Venting is a good thing. Don't mind it at all.

Even though people always say it.... I'm here if you need an ear.

Everyone needs support and you have it.
