Want something short to read? (I need a little feedback.)

Hey y'all. I just had an English assignment where I had to write a few short passages using some rhetoric devices or strategies. And I was wondering if y'all could read my five paragraphs and tell me if they were good, what I could improve on and so forth. I'd appreciate it so much. These are all basically little plot bunnies that are never going to be turned into full stories.

Suga thanks you. <3

(This one is supposed to use hyperbole, or exaggerations, to describe an event to make it more exciting, funnier, etc. Did I do ok?)

#2         The sound of children’s screams, so loud it shattered my eardrums, pulled me from my daze. My stomach dropped and my heart leapt into my throat. I was petrified with fear. I couldn’t move from my spot as I stared up at the rollercoaster that seemed to reach miles into the air. Slowly backing away I prayed my friend wouldn’t notice my silent retreat. No such luck. She grabbed my arm with a gaze that bored holes into my eyes and dragged my sorry up the ramp. I complained my head off, whined, cried and tried every trick in the book to convince her to let me go, but she wasn’t having any of it. She was determined to get me to ride this monstrous contraption. As soon as I was seated I grabbed her hand with an iron grip and held on for dear life. The climb up felt an eternity as time slowed to a crawl, but as soon as I opened my eyes we dropped, and I was the one screaming my lungs out, terrifying the kids below. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye it was all over and I was stumbling out of the car and down the exit ramp, my legs so wobbly they felt like noodles. Back on solid ground I doubled over until I regained my lost sanity, looked over at my friend all calm and rolled my eyes. I was never doing that again in a million years.

(This one asked me to pick a random object in the room and describe it using personification. Could you tell what I was talking about before you finished reading?)

#3         It was just sitting there, resting on the wall staring me back in the face, its sleek surface only reflecting my nervousness and agitation. It was mocking me with its white face, telling me I was running out of time. Those hands moved so slowly yet at the speed of light at the same time. I couldn’t take it, I stormed over and ripped the clock off the wall, turning it around and putting it in a box where it sulked quietly. (I know I was supposed to describe the object but I really wanted to reflect the frustration so I included myself. Is that ok?)

(I was supposed to use irony to contrast the difference between how people behave and how they are supposed to behave. I at writing irony btw.)

#4         It’s so frustrating, people are just so frustrating! Let me tell you, people are always preaching about how we should be kind to others and try to make the world a better place. Most people however, don’t follow their own advice.

            Sitting in the mall I was just people watching, since I had nothing better to do that day. This man walked out of a store and this kid who was rushing past bumped into him by accident. The man got so angry and turned around to yell at the kid telling him he should watch where he’s going, the kid apologized profusely and looked sincerely sorry. After the man let him go he ran over to a different store where I watched him get verbally abused by the store owner for being late to work. The same owner had shown up late to work drunk multiple times before and the one day she decided to sober up and show up on time the poor kid got in trouble. Simultaneously, the same man from earlier walked by the pair with his eyes glued to her phone and walked straight into a mother carrying her baby. He scorned the lady and caused the child the begin crying and stalked off in the most pretentious manner ever without even apologizing. The poor lady then got stares and hateful looks from the rest of the patrons in the mall for not being able to control her own child and rushed out with her head down trying desperately to calm the bawling infant. I felt very bad for her. Some people were just so horrible.

P.S. Everytime I think irony I think "Irony" by the Wonder Girls. It's driving me crazy.


(Using satire I was supposed to convey how I felt about a certain celebrity. Do you feel me???)

#5         The standard of our celebrities these days is something to be applauded, seriously. There is nothing more newsworthy than the downward spiral of some of our most idolized public figures. Watching a sweet child like Justin Bieber grow up to become a rule-breaking, havoc-wreaking, spoiled brat of a teenager is the most special thing to the fans who adored him and supported him. If the behavioral problems weren’t enough for the public earnestly waiting for more astonishing news of their beloved singers, there’s always the drugs and drinking. I can’t tell you how happy it makes news reporters and tabloid writers to catch word of the latest check in to the five-star rehab centers or the newest slip-up of these teen stars. Seriously guys, keep up the great work, you’re all setting fine examples for today’s youth. (I’m sorry. I’m bad at this)

(I was supposed to talk in third person and describe a person using interruptions and parenthesis. By here I was so done with writing and kind of gave up.)

#9         The girl sitting over there – yes, she in the plaid – she is seriously the most wonderful person. She is not selfish in the slightest – and be honest, everyone is at one time or another – giving up her personal time to help her friends as if it were her job. Her family is the luckiest in the world to have a daughter who will do chores of her own accord – no children do this – and take care of the house when they are out. She has the good fortune of being top of her class and well-loved by everyone, even the teachers. There is no one who can say this girl is not blessed.

If you read all of that thank you so much. And if you comment on what I can improve or what you liked thank you so much again times a million! You all are the best.



These are all so priceless I just had to share.

Once again thank you so much! Woohyun thanks you with aegyo~~


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The second one...
you're missing a comma in the second sentence, after face and before telling.
I liked it though, I thought you did really well!!!
Um... do you even want my commentary on the others?? Sorry if I'm being too critical....
So my honest thoughts on the first one....
'pulled' may be a better word than 'woke', I was confused for a moment and had thought they'd fallen asleep LOL. And 'seemed to reach miles' would sound better IMO. You need a few commas here and there (In the sentence of actually riding the coaster). And then the last bit... add 'until I regained' instead of regaining.
I think you did a great job of using hyperbole!!!