Uniq Ships????

Like seriously someone help me!!! Anyone who is a fan of UNIQ!

What are the main ship names for these boys???

I ship Yixuan x Sungjoo with a burning passion but for some reason I just cannot remember their ship name and it's driving me crazy!!!

Also Sungjoo x Yibo and Wenhan x Seungyeon

If anyone can give me at least those I will love you forever.


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Exoticfangirl2011 #1
I ship wenyoun. (Seungyeon X Wenhan) I'm not sure why but I just don't see them with anyone else but eachother. And since yibo is most popular, I don't ship him with anyone in the band but I ship him by himself cuz he most likely would be straight for all them girls XD. And yixuan X Sungjoo.....I don't ship them but they cool and they're the last two so yeah.
ToppDoggFan13 #2
Sungjoo x Yibo is Bojoo and then I'm pretty sure Wenhan x Seungyoun is Wenyoun. My faves are Younbo (Seungyoun x Yibo) and Wenbo (Wenhan x Yibo).
I happy to love UNIQ and I will likely write them in my 25 Challenge. I'm not sure about the ships, but will think about it. Thank you for the suggestion!!