Why Can't i Choose For Myself


One part of our lives is choosing. We choose the path we take, we choose what we think is right. But what happens if that has been taken away from you because your afair that one day if you choose for yourself they will think you can't even do a simple task as choosing. Have you guys ever encounter the time when your parents or Anut's let you choose but the think that you choose, they dont like it. I have, my parents and anut is the one choosing for me because they dont like what i choose for myself. Even my couser to choose they dont support me.

Everything i choose for myself they reject it. Even now they choose the school i wanted to be. Right now they are like "Here this suit's you, eat this, do that, do this" I JUST ING HATE IT. Why can't i choose for myself, why do they have to interfere with my life. I know they raise my but why can't they give me some space, some privacy, some time for me and myself. Everything i do, i do for them, not for myself


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maybe u should speak up to them,stand up for urself and tell them u're sick and tired of not being able to choose for yourself? Hope it help though and i pray that you'll get this problem solved soon too :)