Jessica asks fans to look forward to 'BLANC & ECLARE' at 'Lane Crawford' event in Shanghai


Jessica made her first public appearance as the head designer of 'BLANC & ECLARE' at 'Lane Crawford's 1st anniversary event in Shanghai, China!

Jessica attended 'Lane Crawford's 1st anniversary event at Shanghai Times Square, China on the 16th. According to local media outlets, Tyler Kwon wasn't seen at the event.


During her interview with reporters at the event, Jessica shared, "First off, it is an honor to be here. I am thankful to 'Lane Crawford' for inviting me... I will advance into the fashion industry one step at a time, I did not lose the passion I have for the entertainment industry. There are a lot of good things in store for fans so please look forward to it."


Jessica visited the 'BLANC & ECLARE' corner of the 'Lane Crawford' store and introduced her sunglass collection to media outlets and fans.



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