I need a little help with a newspaper article

Hey guys/girls/people,

I don't think I've told you this before, but I'm a staff writer for my school's newspaper. We're starting on our articles for our November issue right now, and I have my next assignment. I'm doing a feature on this girl (whose brother is in my class) who is sooooo super stylish (omgosh she's beautiful). She is also Muslim, and she wears a head covering (I want to say it's a hijab, but I don't think it always covers her neck so I really don't know; I need to find out). So, the focus of the article is going to be how she incorporates her faith into her fashion and we're going to have pictures of her different styles and all that and it should be a good article. She's already agreed to it. I just have to interview her.

But before I can interview her, I have to think of questions. The only problem is, I'm not quite sure what all I should ask about. Like, I have some questions already, but I feel like they're a little too basic. I myself am Christian, and the Muslim community where I live is pretty small, so I don't know a whole lot about some things. I've learned about the basic beliefs of Islam and how/where it began in class, but beyond that - nothing.

But I would really like to ask good, interesting, and appropriate questions. So, I was wondering if any of my friends on here who are Muslim could possibly suggest some things I could ask about or tell me some things I definitely should not ask about.

Thank you, and I'm sorry for bothering you,



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