My new love ;)


Sooooo... I fell in love the EXO at the very first sight. Their teasers immediately caught my attention and the first thing that comes to my head are 'They are soooooo going to be popular!!!'. The songs from their teasers are awesome too! Don't you think? Tao's teaser was like... BAM! I was totally amazed by his WuShu skills. OMG! LuHan and Kai's dance was also really AMAZING! I'm impressed by SM. And the fact that LuHan and Tao are chinese, yes... that makes me really proud. GO CHINESE! :D




Well, how can you not love them? THEY ARE HAWT!!!! Not to mention, I love their music :) But I just wish that EXO is a 4-member group. even though they're gonna be seperated to two catergories. I mean, having a 12 member group is kind of hard to manage, don't you think? And we hardly see boybands having 4 members. Oh well... Despite that, I'm still anticipating their debut. I CANT WAIT !!!!!! :D


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I hate this. Why can't they have EXO in the US?! (in my country, state, town, street, house, room, be--I AM SAYING NO SUCH THINGS. .________.
See what hot Asians do to me?
Kai is korean, pure korean :) Kai is going to be in EXO-K. while Chen, Tao and Luhan is in EXO-M.
Kai does look like a Korean but don't you think his name's very Chinese-ish?
and ahh, I don't know Chen's face either.
SM din upload the teaser vid...
So EXO's gonna be a 12-members group? O.O
HAHAHAHAHA! Training Power Rangers. That was awesome! It's normal for Chinese to know Wushu. The people in China are focused in things like this. I don't think SM teaches Wushu -.- HAHAHA! But that's a great thought though. Imagining Tao being a Ranger ;) A hot one too. I'm waiting for Chen's teaser too. He's Chinese, btw. CHINESE in Kpop groups are too awesome! They're hawt :D GAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
I KNOW RIGHT?! GAWD I FEEL LIKE I WANT TO KIDNAP ALL OF THEM. Kkkkk~ Lu Han is really adorable! :3 And his dance teaser with Kai. Oh my gawd. KILL ME ALREADY. And Tao's teaser. Haha. I KNEW SM IS TRAINING POWER RANGERS! xDD LOLOLOLOL. I was wondering when will SM release Chen's teaser. D":
Waaaaah! HAWT! Really HAWT! XD
Isn't Kai korean? I think Kai's korean. O____O I'm not sure about Chen, cause he didn't come out much. But judging from his face. He looks Chinese.
isn't all Kai, Tao, Chen and LuHan all chinese?
but WHYTHEHECK do they have to look the same? -.-
i can't distinguish who is who.