This account is a conjoined account, consisting of Bunny and Unicorn :3 we both have separate accounts, but we're going to be using this account to post fan fic re-makes of classic novels and/or movies as well as new releases.

Each re-make will obviously have different characters, your favourite idols, and slightly revised plots.

If you have any of your favourite books and/or movies feel free to suggest it to us, and we'll consider it (amongst the piling stuff we have to get through ==)

Some re-makes that we are already doing and/or in the middle of planning:

  • HARRY POTTER (so don't bother suggesting this one)
  • ROMEO AND JULIET (no we're not going to tell you who romeo and juliet will be until we release it) (and actually write it)
  • MACBETH (yes it's Shakespeare too.)

We look forward to seeing your opinions on these re-makes :) We hope you enjoy reading!

We update every Wednesday and Saturday.

Up until now, this has been Bunny from bunnycorn XD (that was horrible I'm not very sorry)



Because I wanted to jabber too.

Harry Potter AU is currently working in progress and the editing is destroying my soul but we shoul be able to start posting by the end of this year? fingers crossed to me ㅠㅠ it'll be exo-centred with two or three mains and the rest as supportings if you will. We're writing this one together but I'm doing most of that one because Bunny's writing 99.9% of the Maze Runner one (Send bunny love)

Macbeth has set in characters but we're probably not going to touch it until we finish at least one of our current ones

Romeo and Juliet will probably be terribble amounts of sarcasm, satire, mockery and crack. much crack yo holla

kay im out




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