
can't even begin to express how i feel about this situation. I was browsing through stuff, and found out that Lu Han has left exo as well. I was already not over Kris leaving, nor was i prepared for Jessica's departure. Why oh why is this happening? When I saw that, i cried. I keep crying. Just think about it....

Omg i can't. This is just too much!!

Who is next to leave, huh? 

And to be honest, I had a feeling that after Kris left, someone else from exo were sure to leave....

I just didn't expect it be luhan. 

Of all people!!

I thought that it would've been Chanyeol because they are very close..

I just....

Gahhh there has to be more information regarding this.

Sm is full of man.

So ruthless.

How are the other guys taking it? Are they okay? Did they react like snsd had, or worse, or what?

Are they upset.. well, pissed off?

I would be!! That is three people gone, it has only been a year!!

Hell, not even that..

It is cool to red velvet doing well.

But how about we focus on exo and snsd for now? They need all the support they can get.

I am a die hard sone. A die hard exotic.....

It just won't be the same..

But that doesn't mean we stop listening to their music, no matter how painful it is with out the oter voices we love so muc. That doesn't mean to stop watching their shows. Or became anti-fans.

It is not their fault.

I hate sm so much.

I really do.


But let's think on the bright side: they are off doing their thing, and they are ok. 

Exotics, Sone's, we will be okay.

Hwaiting!! ^.^


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