I Don't Know What To Think & Feel Anymore.... T_T

♡​ 鹿晗... ♡

As you guys probably heard already there is a possibility of Luhan leaving EXO by the end of this month.
It might be just a rumor but still is bad enough it exist.
I'm not saying I won't stay by his side if he does leave the group, no I'd stick to him and support him with all my might because he is very special to me and he is my first love in EXO anyway.

I just feel like breaking down not because he wants to leave because of health problems, I want him and the other boys to take better care of themselves, but because...my ultimate bias group might fall apart completely. T_T I won't feel bad for SM, not even a bit. 


There is a possibility that EXO are falling apart as a group, that....a probably great friendship might come to an end, among all 12 of them, is just breaking my heart.

Knowing that they put up a mask and pretend they're happy on stage is also breaking my heart.

They once said they want to live happily together and to fulfill their dreams like one
It hurts me to know that this...all of this might dissappear. 
I want them to be happy. I really do.
Infact, I would rather them quit and to disband but to stay friends and be ONE. Not on stage ...but this time in real life without worrying that if they fight the whole planet will find out about it the very next day.

I want them to be healthy and happy while doing what they really want.
To one day get married and have kids.
To see their grandchildren and play with them in the backyard.
I want them to have a normal life like all of us do. To not worry about anything and just be themselves.
No faking, nothing. Just them being them....being happy....and free.

I don't know what is going to happen and if Luhan leaving EXO is true or just a very bad rumor, but I know one thing.

That to me they're always gonna be one! That they would be the best boy group in the whole universe. The boys that can make me smile like a fool for no reason.
The reason behind my tears of happiness and sometimes sadness. 
The reason I feel proud to say I'm a kpop fan.
The people who made me believe in so many things.
They taught me how to appreciate life and what's given to me.
To appreciate music in all languages.
To love the GALAXY.

I'm glad I have them in my life and sincerely hope that everything would be fine.
They desereve to get what they want. They went through a lot.

Dear Luhan-gege...

I'll always support you and stay by your side. It doesn't matter what you decide as long as it keeps you healthy and you're truly happy. You're always gonna be my beautiful Bambi though...

♡ 我爱你 ♡

♡ You're so beautiful my deer...♡

♡ Wo Ai Ni~ ♡

♡​ 鹿晗....我爱你 ♡

♡​ 我爱你.... ​鹿晗 




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Luhan is my ultimate bias and I love him so much...this hurt me deeply and I am still very shocked. I don't know if I can stand more of that so I said if Luhan leaves I will leave the k pop world aside from one of my first bands 'teen top'. they aren't at SM so I can still believe in them.
So aside from that I knew the next one would be Luhan. He was always the fragile boy who did get sick easily and from the beginning I was always worried about him so much. So...Kris left but slowly I can smile again when I hear his name. Jessica left and for me it will be always snsd ot9 that didn't change much for me. But I already said to my friend and I also said it here. 'I swear if Luhan goes I will seriously freak out etc.' but I wasn't ready for my real reaction. Sadness. That was the only feeling I felt in the moment I read the rumors about him.

But one thing guys. I slowly begin thinking from the other point of view. And that is 'Run. You all guys run! Run before it's too late and SM destroys you completely!'

I slowly really think and I am nearly 'glad' that they escaped them and now live their own lifes. But that doesn't mean I am not sad to no end guys. I am so ing sad...
Wow, this blog post... really touched me. I know how you feel, Luhan is my ultimate bias after all...

I am scared that if Luhan stays, his health will be worse. But I am also scared that if he leaves, EXO will disband. It's hurting me so much. Really. I don't know what to think nor believe anymore. I hope the best for them, Luhan as well as EXO, though.

No matter what, I am proud to be an EXO-L and I will always support them... because EXO-K + EXO-L + EXO-M = ONE. Forever and always.
We share the same feels, and I am glad to know that someone out there feels the way I do. This rumor hurts and scares me so much... I just truly wish that they are being treated the way they deserve and that they are happy. I only want what's the best for Luhan and for the rest of the boys.