the lack of variety in infinite fanfics...

-start of rant-

So for the last one year I have been exploring the fanfics here and livejournal, I realized that I feel that Infinite fanfics world lack something, which is variety. Especially about ships, since finding a fanfic with ships other than Woogyu, Yadong, Myungyeol, and Myungjong is actually quite hard, harder if you're picky with fics. I'm actually sad because of that, and not only because my ships are mostly 'rare' ships, but because I think the Infinite is one of the most shipable group and each variety of ship have their own wonderfulness. I'm kind of confused of why the fanfics are so big four focused and no more people explore the ships other than that. It's not like the moments between ships other than those four are rare, there are a lot and most of them are forgotten because people aren't exactly make a big deal out of them like what they do the the main ships. Even if when the main ships moments are decreasing, the fanfics are mostly still about them.

(this is not a jab to those who ships the big ships, though, I like those ships too, I just like some other more)

Even with the big ships' fanfics, the dynamic between the pairing are mostly the same and it's like reading the same fics over and over again, only by different authors. For example in Myungjong fics, Myungsoo are usually the dominant one and usually the cold guy and Sungjong a weak and feminine guy, basically taking the 'female' counterpart. Same with Myungyeol fics. At least in Woogyu sometimes the role is switched, not sure about Yadong since I don't read yadong fics often (they're probably one of the ships that is on the bottom of my list?).

also more importantly: why is it kind of hard to find ot7 friendship fics? I adore those kind of fics so much but I rarely find those even with romances on it :(( I'm actually realllllly sad about this.

oh the genres and the aus too...most of the fics are romance fics. any fandom the fics will mostly romance so I probably really shouldn't complain about this. I want to read family/friendship fics with romances only as the side dish, aah. Also most of the aus are plain high school and university aus, I have seen some aus other than that but mostly I those are the one that can be easily found. If I want to find other aus, I have to dig deeeeeeeeep. There are a lot of AU I want to read, but I never found them and I keep waiting for someone to write them but in the end I just write them myself. I want to read fics, not writing them :(( and my writing is not that good, either.

I want to encourage people to write the fics that are hard to find, it would be a nice challenge. I'm actually jealous with the exo fandom because you can find any fics with any pairing and genres and au and a lot of them are written well too. I'm not into exo but sometimes I read the fics just because I can't find the fics I want to read in my fandom, and it wasn't satisfying enought since I'm not familiar with exo. How to encourage people though? Contest? I don't have anything to give as a prize and I don't know how to do them, sigh.

-end of rant-

(if anybody read this...can you give me some recs? I'm tired of reading the same fics over and over again......)


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The only fics that I'm keeping up with is yours, this myungjong one:, and probably a few others that you've already read. I haven't had much time to actually sit down and read these days and if I do read fics, I'm usually re-reading the ones I like. You've probably read this one, but if you haven't, there is this myunggyu one:
I feel you. It's sad that there isn't much variety in Infinite ships, but what can you do, only so many people want to write different things while the rest like to look at some of the members as if they're the weaker person or are women. It , but only so much you can do with that. (And the EXO fandom has a lot of great fics, but it wasn't until recently where there have been people writing Chen fics and even then, not a lot of people write about him, even though he's awesome. So I don't get many fics out of the EXO fandom as I do others, especially since I don't ship popular pairings for that.)

If it makes you feel better, I am working on a Hosoo fic for the Infinite Secret Santa Fic exchange on here. It'll be decently long too and I have a feeling it may break 15-20k words if I can keep on working on it as I have been. So at least you have something to look forward too that is.

And your writing isn't terrible at all, especially since you are not a native English speaker. So don't feel bad, you're doing really well with your fic. (I just need to find time to actually sit down and be able to read it and take it in, instead of just skimming through it like I have been doing for some fics.)

(And I'm also thinking of doing a fantasy/sci-fi/action/adventure contest for the Infinite fandom, so you may get some fics out of that when I create it. I just have to finish judging the fics in my one contest and then I can create it. )