
Like everyone else, when I heard that Jessica had updated her weibo account with those text posts, I figured she had been hacked. Nonetheless, I was worried as hell and was slowly panicking. I kept repeating, "She just got hacked. She just got hacked. She just got hacked." and I repeated this for the next hour until SoShi airport previews began released.


And Jessica wasn't there.


((Side note, Jessica is my bias in SNSD and my ultimate kpop bias in general.))


Then I slowly realized that "Wow.. Jessica really isn't a member of SNSD anymore."


And damn was I heartbroken.


The whole fandom was,, and still is.


I don't think I'm upset about the fact Jessica not being a SNSD member because I know that's gonna happen eventually. I just didn't expect her leaving SNSD alone. I expected her to leave SNSD with 8 other girls besides her.


And the fact that people were choosing sides... That broke me. The other eight girls are hurt too. You can't go against them.




Please, just support them. If you're a SONE now, you should still be a SONE after all of this. Just because Jessica is no longer a SNSD member doesn't mean she completely disappeared off the face of the earth. Please, support SNSD for the eight other girls, and please support Jessica.




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sfaith9 #1
I dont know what to do until forever i think...
Jessica is my one of my 2 bias along side with yuri...
I'm 5 years Sone and a months when jessica force to leave the group.. and I? confused, mad, bitter, and upset to i dont know who am i to.

Until now its just the same feeling from the first..
You know what, i think i just stop listening to their all song(at the same time or in one play), all means their whole song, albums, etc.. but not as completely all.. i listen to maybe 3 to 6 songs..

And i follow them on IG.. but you know i unfollow taeyeon..
Cause i blame her for that.. (no offense to her fans) but i think she not properly protecting her member as she said she is.. i ask "who is she protecting?" The members? Jessica is still a member tho before it happen..

then i remember jessica said, the one she trust, betray her..
I hate it.. i ask again "who betray her?"

Then.... i dont know i completely hate what happen...

But i just blame SMENT for doing that... and kind of a bit blame for the rest, included yuri.. i thought of why she let it happen, i mean why she's part why jessica forced to leaved? ...

But then, i am sone .. not for 8 only .. for the 9 always..
I'm not gonna blame Jessica for this. I just HATE SM ent right now! What the hell is going on with this company? Going nuts?!
Just for this year, I had heard a lot of things about SM. I'm scared to know what will happen next? Please no more bad news.
I'm totally heartbroken with all of this....
I love Jessica until my death even in the afterlife. I'm stick with her! no matter what..
oh, my heart torn apart when I saw Yuri cried when the fans shouted 'Jessica'... Poor them.
white_3evil #3
I still can't believe right now... Of course I will always support them but... now It's really hard to accept this kind of stuff
But maybe after this, SM Ent will update another date news!!!
Just careful, cause we never know how the future is
The older we are, the more tired from life we get and so Jessica...
She also human like us, she needs freedom too!!!
I respect her choice also waiting for TRICKS from SM
Let's see what they could do ~~
(Sorry for my bad grammar)
Love that you're still a sone. Me too, and will always still write about them
blurredl1nes #5
whats worse is that the so called SONES are leaving because of this. At times like this, us SONES must stay in tact, our girls need us the most.

I cried a lot last night because of this, people might think it's stupid, crying for such reason. But one thing they don't know, SNSD is a huge part of my life... though I just became a Kpopper last year. SNSD has moved me, I don't know how, but it's amazing. I don't have any regret on being a SONE.

And for those who are leaving the fandom, jsut go, you were never a SONE anyway. Because real SONES won't ever go. Once a SONE, always a SONE.

--- _---
i think 2014 is worst year for kpop idol..
same... Jessica is also my ultimate kpop bias. :( </3
She may not be in SNSD anymore, but i'll still support her in every way I can. :)

(I can't afford her sunglasses tho..)
kimsfangirl #8
2014 is really a tough year for kpop
Just terrible
chuchu4 #10
SM really this year...
tipco09 #11
I will always support SNSD.
Jessica just released her statement saying that the company was okay with BLANC continuing but the other 8 members weren't. She said that they told her either stop BLANC or quit Girls' Generarion and she couldn't quit BLANC after just 1 month due to to her contract with a business partner. I don't know what to think anymore. My heart is broken... Jessica was my bias and ultimate bias since they debuted... :(
asherhyomin #13
"You don't give a group a song called 'Industructible' and you drop off a member a few months later"-SONE

asherhyomin #14
SM really ed up!!!! them!!!She was the first member of SNSD and they just kicked her out?!What the Hell!!!I'm really heartbroken and really hurt at the same time,I don't blame the 8 girls but !!!!I'm not a SONE anymore!!!ANNYEONG~ !!!