got back for the New Year's! ^0^

so i just got back from my 5 day trip which is mainly because of family reunion. it's 1:26 am and when 12:00mn comes tomorrow it'll be new year!!!! wow.. just arrived in time to celebrate that...

though it's a little saddening that we left but the it's good coz i get to log in 'wonderfully' in AFF. it's been hard and i can only se updates and some wall posts and reply to some. 

it was fun and tiring the past five days. been eating, walking, buying, walking, eating and chatting all those times. now i have to re-shrink my growing tummy. T^T. gaining weight ain't so bad, but my problem is it's only my belly fat that keeps growing OTL.

another bad thing about the new year.... start of classes again. anyway, before that happens i'll try to update and post fics.. till then XD


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Evil_angelELF #1
Well unnie .. Gud luck with new year !! ^^
Wish you all the best !