
This blog post will consist of me rambling on and on about nonsense that ticks me off so honestly you don't have to read this. I'm doing this for more of my own personal reasons, just to relieve stress(?) I guess.


I like being alone but I also dread it and it's honestly why I feel so down in the dumps all the time. I push people away for no reason and I feel so guilty for not talking to that person/those people yet I don't do anything to start talking to them again. The cycle just keeps on repeating and repeating.


Start talking to someone.

Continue talking.

Stop for a little.

Talk a bit more.




Repeat with someone new.


It's the same thing OVER and OVER again and it makes me so sad because I still see the people I used to talk to. I push people away and I don't know why and I get angry with myself and it.. I don't know. I just get angry with myself.



Another thing that's pissing me off is when someone tries so hard to do something but is hated on/put down while someone who bulls and barely tries is praised and treated like gods with work that is around normal or less than normal quality for the hardworking person. This happens all the ing time and it pisses me off because favoritism is horrible.



You know what else is horrible? Bullying. No, it does not make you seem 'cool' when you call someone 'gay' or '' or 'fruity' or any other stupid slang words you dimwits come up with as insults. It makes you seem like a complete douche and the only people that laugh and smile at your harsh bullying are other douchebags.


When someone cries because of your words it does not make them 'weak', it makes YOU a complete head because your words were enough to pierce a wound into the victim's heart that probably won't ever healed.


So, congratulations, head, you've successfully reserved a spot in hell.


No, I've never been bullied. I don't associate myself with anybody at school outside of school and I don't really talk inside of school either but I've seen this happen enough times. Sometimes I speak up and go, "Stop saying that, it's annoying." or "Leave her/him alone and do your work." and usually it'll work but other times people will just brush me off like I'm freaking dust on their shoulder and continue to humiliate the person they're trying to humiliate.


Humans are so brutal.


Why can't I be a kitten or something? Kittens are nice.. right? Or like a hamster? Perhaps a cuddly penguin? 


If you read this far then I question what you do in your spare time as much as I question the amount of actual genuine learning done at my school. But if you really did read this far then, thank you(?) I guess! Now you know how much stuff I try to keep bottled inside of my small body.


Oh, and trust me, crying doesn't relieve stress. No matter how many times people tell me that I don't believe them. Crying only makes me more restless and more tired and more stressed. Don't cry.


Find something you'd rather do instead of crying. Drawing, writing, singing, ect ect. I've done all three within the span of an hour after a long day and it helped me so much.


Speaking of singing hi yes click here 


I think that's all I have to say.. I think. Please expect more long blog posts like this. You don't even have to read them. Just expect them. 


EDIT:: I found something else to rant about. I try to hard to make people happy and to make people feel like they've done a good job on whatever they've done but nobody does the same to me? 


I love you all.

Smile today because all of you are amazing and you all deserve to have a beautiful, bright smile to fit your brilliant souls!


Psst, if you're gonna just comment about how I'm attention-seeking, please go else where.



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Omo I feel the same way. You spoke my mind! Post like this only makes us more human haha so don't be sorry to share them cos I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way. ;) hwaiting!
I'm sort of in your shoes too right now lol. but I'm takng baby steps on doing new club activities and etc, people are nice enough to help me. You're just being yourself. recommend you to check out DJ Okawari, music to listen to when you're alone or need inspiration. My favorite songs are Flower Dance and Brown Eyes lol. Luv Letter isn't bad either.
kimsfangirl #3
Isn't human nature an attention seeking? Lol
Gwiyomi_ros #4
Just preach, because it seems like you are the only who is finally able to see what kind of people live on this world. I mean some people are just so rude that I wish I could punch them in their throats...but I like your point of view. I can't stand bullying either, especially when others make fun of another's appearance or ual orientation. But just keep doing what you do and be nobody but yourself.
all people are attention seeking, babe. it's human nature. so just keep on ranting because if you always keep all your frustrations to yourself, you may go crazy. you know....
i actually like your boldness. it's good that you're sharing your feelings to us. :)
I think attention seeking isnt even the word i think its called being human.... everyone gets hurting because of a certain thing and once they want to express it they should express it the way they feel so dnt think ur seeking attention cuz ur not unnie ^^ cheer up and smile if u want somebody to tlk too just pm me ^^
caramelmacchiato3 #7
Wow that was a lot longer than I thought it would be. Hehe
caramelmacchiato3 #8
Haha unnie, you're not attention seeking. To be honest, I was bullied last year and the year before. I had a really close friend and we always hung out together, but eventually I was called lesbian for being best friends with her. We were so close we isolated ourselves from everyone else But I was still friends with her because I just ignored what they said, but she felt kinda uncomfortable about it. She wasn't called lesbian. Only I was. Of course I'm not actually lesbian. And then because I'm Korean, people at my school asked my if I ate dogs for lunch and ridiculed me for bring Asian food and chopsticks. I still ignored them. They asked me if I was from North Korea and if my parents escaped from there. I said no and ignored them because I didn't want to cause a big ruckus. Eventually my close friend left me to go hang out with the kids who were bullying me. For a week, I was a loner until I found a new group of friends. Later that year it turns out her group of friends left her too, because some kids found out that she was telling lies about me behind my back while we were still friends. I forgave her, but we aren't that close any more. We became acquaintances. I realized that year that I trusted people too easily, bu I can't help it. I feel like everyone needs another chance to be loved, no matter what they did. I'm very childish, but sometimes I wake up for awhile, and realize how terrible the world is. So I prefer to hide myself in my childish ways and try to stay happy.
you are a wonderful person and if you would like you would make a nice kitten but being a human isn't so bad. you are an introvert like most people who like to read a lot or spend a good amount of time writing. we are not social creatures by nature. don't get frustrated, you will find balance. crying is normal and good stress relief, depression is something else. if you are depressed please see a doctor or seek spiritual guidance of whatever kind you float to. i hope this helps, if not i hope it didn't hurt. have a great night.
I know what you mean when you say you push people away. I'm the exact same way with people