// CLICK : Hwang Micha


Hwang micha


// Lei  it was a very pretty hawaiian name to her


// English  native of Hawaii
// Korean  fluent from parents


ETHNICITY [ ♦ ] Hawaiian-Korean
HEIGHT, WEIGHT [ ♦ ] 170cm, 54kg

oc1NAME [ ♦ ] Hwang Micha
D.O.B [ ♦ ] September 24th, 1995
BIRTHPLACE [ ♦ ] Honolulu, Hawaiii
HOMETOWN [ ♦ ] Jeju, South Korea
FACE-CLAIM [ ♦ ] Viki
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Jin Jae Young

oc2STAGE NAME [ ♦ ] Lei
POSITION [ ♦ ] Main Rapper, Vocals
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Vocals, Main Dancer


PERSONA [ ♦ ] Surfer Chick

TRAINEE BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] She started as a trainee of Starship entertainment. She felt as if she was a perfect fit for the company but after experiencing hardships and not enough benifits, she went off to Jellyfish. 


// None

SINGING TWIN [ ♦ ] Jia, Miss A
DANCING TWIN [ ♦ ] Suzy, Miss A
RAPPING TWIN [ ♦ ] Jia Miss A

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] Calm, Rude, Athletic, Funny, Ignorant, Careless, Health-Freak

// "Relax, Please." - Micha is extremely calm. She meditates often to keep herself sane and calm. She hates when people are stressing and freaking out about things. Whenever someone is freaking out around Micha, she puts her fingers on her temples and rubs them with her eyes closed. Just like a stereotypical surfer girl, Micha is probably the calmest one in the room. She loves to tell people inspiring quotes and sweet words. 

// "I can do this" - She is very athletic. Besides her ability to rap, she knows how to surf, bike, and runs often. In the mornings, you will probably find Micha running or jogging outside. If she is near the sea, she will surf. She also, skateboards when she is bored or has some free time. Her confidence makes it easy to do  more things that others would probably turn down.

// "I simply don't care" - Micha can even be a bit rude and stubborn. If she doesn't believe something exists or is happening, she will continue to deny it. On the inside, she loves to find herself correct. She will possibly speak her mind and not care what others think. Her careless personality makes her ignorant to things going around her. She doesn't like knowing everything, so she stays quiet and somewhat ignorant to certain topics.

BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] Micha was born in Honolulu, Hawaii as a child of 3. She has 2 younger brothers and couldn't imagine her life without them. Living in Hawaii, she started to enjoy the ocean. Micha visited the ocean with her father often and soon started to surf. Surfing was her life, and loved to do it. Her parents were very close to music, also. Micha was never the closest to music. For example, she never sang, but she did like to rap and dance sometimes. She moved to Jeju when she turned 16. Her parents were sad to leave Hawaii, and so was Micha. But she found benefits to Jeju. In Korea, she was introduced to idols. The Kpop industry got her into being closer to music rather than surfing. She worked hard on her talent and begged her parents to have her train at a few different agencies. 



// Best friend, Jeongmin  20  Boyfriend Very sweet, cute, caring  They met through working at Starship  Theyre very close.
// Friend, JB  20  GOT7  quiet, chill, shy  Through Jeongmin  They aren't that close, but they talk

OTHERS [ ♦ ]

// Rival, Fei  27  Miss A  Chill, rude, annoying  They will meet bacstage of an event  They really hate eachother.

LIKES [ ♦ ]

// surfing
// water
// seafood
// skateboarding
// Toms (shoe brand)
// coffee
// fruit
// vegetables
// beanies
// stuffed animals
// the heat


// the cold
// mornings
// classical music
// sour things
// people who stress easily
// math 
// long movies
// reading


// surfing
// excersising
// collecting skateboards
// daydreams
// falls asleep easily

TRIVIA [ ♦ ] 

// has scented candles all over her room
// loves sharks
// a fan of B.A.P
// Has over 20 different perfumes
// has romantic dreams a lot
// listens to more american music, now.
// twitter: @LoveMyLei
// instagram: @CLICKLei

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] Ravi and Micha have around the sameoutside personality. On the outside, they both act hard and cold. Ravi loves to act tough but on the inside he is really sweet at times. He doesn't like acting sweet but it just happens for him. He loves to be around others and have fun. He is the type of boy to always be around fun. If there is no fun around him, he will start the fun and the party. A lot of girls love his manly nature, but Micha isn't that fond of his shell.

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] They actually just like to hang out and have fun. Micha is the type of girl who loves to hang out with guys, but when he acts cold, Micha cant get to that side with him. He is really silly around her and treats her like a princess. He is also really protective to her

OTHER [ ♦ ] They met as Micha was just starting out in the industry. 
She loves when Ravi shows aegyo

lo1NAME [ ♦ ] Ravi
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Peniel

 [ ♦ ] Rome
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Hanbyul

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] Rome is such a charmer. He's funny, sweet, protective, and a bit of a bad boy. Who wouldn't want to be with him? Micha. Rome is always really concieted when he is around girls but very charismatic at the same time. People just stick to him.

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] They are close friends, but sometimes he gets out of hand. He is a romantic type, so he will automatically try to gain Michas heart. Sometimes, it's really hard for Micha to resist. Micha is such a er for romance, and Rome knows it. 

OTHER [ ♦ ] Rome loves to take Micha out on dates, especially beach dates if they can.

ANY LAST COMMENTS [ ♦ ] Good luck on your story!


// Rome taking Micha on a sweet date, Ravi getting jealous
// Ravi and Rome face off?
// Micha going to a beach

PASSWORD [ ♦ ] here 



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