rant aggainst sm... yeah.

I'm gonna level with you before I write this, I'm not an ELF, I don't like most of Super Junior songs, I don't go to their concerts when  they come to America, Hell, I don't even buy their CDs... what I do love about Super Junior is (obviously Eunhyuk) is their drive to stay relevant even when their own company doesn't try. when SM debuted Suju, it was a project group, a project group that wasn't supposed to last nearly as long as it has, just enough for SM to cash in on the fans... if anything I think they were surprised at how successful Suju has been, compared to DBSK and Shinee who's members were all good looking (and for the most part) talented, it must of been a shock for them when they found out that a group full of boys that had slightly above average looks were selling fairly well. 

Super Junior debuted with the concept being that they were thirteen men, meaning pretty much SM put all of the "scraps" that couldn't make it into DBSK (and later shinee) cause I mean, what else is SM gonna do with all those trainees that were starting to gather dust.

it infuriates me, makes me wanna pull out my hair because SM could do so freaking much with it's artists, could utilize their talents but their wasting it! they think because they're SM they can get by with throwing out mediocre albums, get by because the fans are so dedicated, well hell let's show them just how freaking dedicated ELFs can get- I say we fight.


it ELFs were to stop buying albums, well that wouldn't do much, SM would just sweep Suju into the basement like they do with all of their other groups that they can't make money from, Suju will just stop working...

right now though... this year has been a tough year from Suju, a tough year fro ALL SM artists because SM doesn't seem to want to give them good material. SM, no matter how much it's gone down hill lately, has enough to pay for better songs, better writers, better everything but they choose not to because their cocky enough to believe that fans they've already have will be loyal- and I mean we should, I always feel guilty when I don't buy, I mean it's these artists lives we have in our hands.


no, what I think we should do is form a protest, ELFs, Shawols, Sones, Cassies and what ever the hell F(x)'s fanclub is named- make signs, banners, tell SM they should give their artists better material, treat their artists better and even scream for more artistic freedom- there is no reason for these guys to not get their work showcased, they're all hard working and a good majority of them are hella talented, there is NO reason for them to be looked down upon.


I call for a SM family revolution...


because right now, I'm fairly certain that if SM doesn't get it's act together it's not gonna be around much longer and all of it's artists and hard workers will be out of a job... and being with out a job is a very scary thing in these trying times.


Sigh, this is all stemming from the whole ELFs not learning about Suju's appearance thing... it's not exactly the biggest thing but as I read about it I couldn't help thinking about how Suju has always gotten the shortest end of the sick when it comes to SM, and I mean SM's probably is going to do the same with FX and Shinee too since they haven't really been trying with them either... I mean hell, the barely relevant DBSK gets better material them all three of those groups...


anyways, here's hoping for a better day for SM artists, sorta looking forward to EXO even though it's Suju's replacement -.-


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