Tattoo! :D

Today after work I finally got my tattoo!


It didn't take long since it was not big but to me, it felt longer than it probably took XD (It took about 10-15 minutes, or even less, I think)

It hurt quite a bit at sone parts and I really could feel every time the needle went into my skin but it was okay^^ I flinched five times or so but it hurt less than I actually expected^^ (yeah, I have a lot of acne scars on my back but who cares^^ Nobody is perfect XD)


I was surprised that it's not really swollen or super red, but hey, lucky me, right?^^

The guy who made it was super nice and his studio was super clean and we talked a bit during the session to distract me :'D

Hell, this was so super cheap - 1000 Baht for this one (equals about 25€!) In Germany I would have paid about 100€-150€ for this one!

If I get another one? Probably, but not as big as this^^


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LunarPrincess #1
I can't really see the picture but i'm happy you got a tattoo ; u ; i'm reading the comments and it looks like a really cool one :D Though it's true, either Germany or most European countries, tattoos are just too much money ;;
sujushineeroc #2
Wow it's really nice. He did a good job. How did you pick the design? Was it something you had in mind for a while ?
hasegawa_asuka #3
nice tattoo! its like one of your characters remind me of Sehun...when he has tattoo in Lost King...heheheh.... take good care of the skin as it may have slight infection or allergy. take some painkillers if necesaary.
That is amazing. I have 7 tattoos, some hurt more than that. I promise you. Haha.
It looks awesome! I have 2 tattos and 1 of them includes EXO Tao symbol lol im that craxy huh? Lol it looks pretty…
I like, it looks good. I too have acne marks on my back. Is this your first time getting a tattoo? Does it hurt like heck or it just hurt like a quick prick? What does your tattoo mean? Is it something special to you??? LOL Sorry I have many questions XD
Looks very hood. And yes lycky its not red.
anyways what is the meaning behind it?
gasp. I thought the whole inking process takes at least an hour. All this time, I've been thinking wrong. haha And oh my, this might come out as weird but you look freaking y with that tattoo, to hell with acne scars, you still look beautiful. :) Well as long as no breakout will happen it's alright because I heard it can be quite dangerous. :/ Anywa~y I want to ask, are the left and right symbols supposed to not really look the same? Also, I don't know if you already mentioned this on your previous blogs (I probably forgot if so, i do read your blogs though) but did you make the design yourself?
omg its so pretty..
Woah...that's really cool!!!
Rima-chan #11
Wow, it's really awesome :0 does it have a meaning?
And I know how you feel, I've got one on my neck, and it hurt when the needle got near my shoulder blade >~< It's good, when you get talked to^^ what would your next tattoo look like?