They are annoying !!

Well, im writing again because im get annoyed with my friends in the early morning. My day start like usual. I woke up, breakfast, then take bath. My mood was awesome. Im feeling great! Plus, im watching ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ and reading new book that I got from Pijut. Suddenly, they called me from their dorm window. Then I looked up. They really like calling me just to check what im doing. Then this morning, when they called me and the moment I show up may face, they suddenly laughed at me. They laughed together and they said, “Hey, come over here! And bring ur Exo Lip Balm set. There are six right lip balm right? We want one each.” Well, among us, im the only one who are very fanatic with Exo. Not very but they know im a fan. And they really don’t like this kpop stuff. So, when they get a chance they will make fun of me. Its really annoying! The way the speak to me this morning is so … ARGHHH !! But I just smile (more to smirk) then closed my windows and continue watched ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ (in dark!) Im …. Ergh !!! Don’t know what to said. Im just … disappointed. They are my friends and why they do that to me. As a friends, they should accepted my interest and hobbies. What I like and what I don’t like … Like how I just smile and accepted when she got interested in Running Man. (I don’t really watched RM. Seriously!) I did not make fun of it and I did not tell anybody about it. Im not kind of person who will speak up to them and have a heart-talk when im sad. Even with Pijut. I kind of close with Pijut and she really take care of me. But I just cant open my heart to her (at least for now). I will just silent and avoid myself with everyone. I will keep it inside. I know she know when I get annoyed or mad. And like understand, she will leave me alone for a while. She know I don’t want to be bother. Different from the others, they will keep asking me ‘Are u okay ? Are u mad?’ They know im mad but never say sorry!! Erghhh! Sometimes best friends can be annoying! But never have thought of ur best friends like that. My case is different from urs! Okay ?? Cheer!


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I understand that feeling when they did that to us and we call them bestfriend huh. Keep up with ur life ok? Theres just someone that will adore you ^_^