Do you think I'm Crazy?

Here I am writing a fanfic and blogging about my feelings. I read my blog posts and my story. I realise I'm one mad woman. A mad kid. I need to ask myself every single day to keep myself in check that I'm a perfectly normal person. I think of thinks that requires me to become bigger and a better person. I think and speak in way that are 10 steps ahead. That people are confused with what I say. They clearly are not on par with me. So I know what is me and who I can be. I don't really get way people wants t o be humble. It really minimises your actual intellectual and ability.


I really think I can change the world. But I always knew the world is the most useless things that I had ever seen. Pathethic. You live life for nothing. In the end the road you walk is death. What's after death? I'm clearly aware what happens next but I don't want to get too religious with you guys. I guess pay back what did and did not? That's the only thing I'm willing to say. I can tell about brillant philosophy and how things work in life. Step by step. I understand before going through step 2-9. I just get to step 10. That's why I'm being marked as the weirdo. Tell me whether I'm as I seem?


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crazyTrex #1
Those values that become rarer, so everyone who has them should feel great about themselves!
I for instance know that I'm not a good person, but I'm aware where my flaws are so I can work on them...
Keep your head up and don't you ever lack confidence in your mental state!
(sorry for this post being chopped in two, I accidentally pressed post button >< )
crazyTrex #2
Honestly? You seem like a great person, who's just around wrong people. Because you understand more than them you shouldn't feel bad!
Only those crazy are worth something, right?
In my opinion knowledge and intellect are one of those