Lazy is a Word I use to describe...

Just like the title above, Im going to use lazy to describe something. Lazy is a word I use to describe my lifestyle and my motivea heading towards my goal. Im quite a lazy person compared to who I actually can be. Which is why, I don't really care about how I look or the way I look or say things. I just avoided all conflicts as much as possible. This is why I'm so used to being lazy about creating social and good relationships.

Lazy is the word I use to make my faults of not having the perfection of every skill that I had learned to master. I am losing myself so that's why I choose to become lazy. To live life in a slower and enjoyable pace. Thus I was able to manipulated people to think that I existed as the a innocent and naive peroson. Which is thus a big joke in my point of view. This is why I really despise myself. I have the brains but I can say I'm a person who can get too involve into something that I forget to take a look in the big picture.

Lazy is a excuse. An excuse is an explaination to avoid a consequence. A think that I generally did for the last 11 years of my life as a student. So next as school will start. I will kill all the people who stand in my way to become a better and bigger person. I can do that yes I Can!




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