September 13th 2014

This is just another ranting blogpost....

So, I just started my new semester these two weeks. I'm in the last year by the way and now I have three different generation of my junior, I feel old T----T and something happened this days, not a good one. I barely have enough time to enjoy my life and I guess I won't have those times for now on since... *sigh* it's not like I want to complaint about all of the assignment but I'm tired. Really. The thing is I have these kind of 'friend problem' too and I'm sick of it. I don't have enough motivation to do all of this assignments and now I have to face my roommate with all of our problem. If only we were okay, it would feel better to do all of the assignments. And this is not a new problem for us, we had been argued about this two or three times before and maybe I'm the one who came up with this problem first this time, not her. Okay, blame me. I know I'm wrong I have to apologize first but this problem won't meet the ending by the way.

Maybe, just maybe, you're wondering what kind of problem it is. It involves my feeling of course and I feel hurt because all of this, because her, because her boyfriend too. I, she and he are bestfriends. Oh no, we were bestfriends back then I guess. Okay I hurt them too, but I have my own reason. You know the feeling when you have a girl bestfriend and a guy bestfriend, you thrice have been together for almost three years and all of sudden they both like each other and start dating and you were like asking yourself, "What am I?" to yourself, because heck there is no the same feeling when you thrice hang out together. You feel like they ignore your presence since they are too busy with their world and you have nowhere to go but alone. Have you ever been in my position? And this ex girl bestfriend is your freakin roommate! I'm done with this kind of bestfriend feeling! I have no one here and it's been two weeks I don't get home! I'm homesick and I'm alone! FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU-- May I cursing? No? Okay, I'm sorry.

And another thing is today is my birthday. Can I have someone here to share all of my feelings and sing a happy birthday song for me and give me a hug and tell me I'm going to do all of my lecture stuffs well? I know the answer is no. Thanks for remembering me, life. I have bunch of assignments here and the deadline is freakin Monday but I end up here on AFF blogposting an unimportant ranting. Wish me a goodluck to have a time to go home today ;-;

Oh, and I just want to ask if there is someone interest if I post my already finished novel here? I have been finished this novel in the beginning of this year and still I don't have enough guts to send this novel draft to publisher. I wrote it in bahasa, all I need is translating it to english and then posting it. The story is lil bit angsty but still have fluffy romance side too and it contains about 20 chapters. Tell me if you feel like want to read it teheeee xD

Thanks for reading! <3 Have a nice weekend guys ;;)


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eyesthatsing #1
Halo~ Just saw this post. Hope things will get better for you. Stay positive!
If I may contribute a piece of thought, I'd suggest you reconcile with your friend though you couldn't avoid a little hurt. I think that'd be a good first step to calm down. When things are clearer, you can start fresh! Let's just say...I've been in a somewhat similar position like yours. (Things work out wellf or me in the end)
Also, selamat ulang tahun! I wish you bunch of happiness and success (in publishing the novel, perhaps?)
I'm totally interested in reading your work. Or maybe I can help translating lol. I have nothing to do these days.

Hai. Oh my god I literally can't imagine if I was in your place. I will just take 2 to 3 days off from the room to just release all things. I know if you do this probably your roommate a.k.a best friend will be dissapointed on you but yeah human needs space to release their tension or something like that. I can imagine when your both best friends were deeply in love -.- and busy with their own world, if i were you i will ing teasing them to the end of the world and be sarcastic a bit so that they know they were kinda like ignore you. That's bad tactic from me haha if you want a good one, if i were you I will just find my own happiness by searching new friends haha I am not good in advising people sorry

Happy belated birthday aff mate. Hope to see you one day.... May Allah bless you

Novel? Just please post it here. In Bahasa or in English I will try to read if I have time

Sorry for the late commenting and long comment
Happy birthday, My... hey, cheer up on this special day, dear~*throws confetti*
Take your time to please yourself first for now, thus maybe you can settle your things with your bestfriends and other things in more cooler head later~
You write a novel? It sounds interesting tho,, tell me when you're uploading it here or going to publish it~;)
Nice weekend for you too, birthday girl~~~<3
same with me...i just started my uni life these two weeks and yeah..still not feel very good and little bit scared with the environment in my uni...T__________________________T
btw,HApPY BiRtHdAy~"singing bap happy birthday song"i hope this year you will achieve your dream and dont be too stress and never give up ok..fighting~you can do it..GO!GO! ^______________________________________^ (heee~sorry for my bad english...)
ClassA #5
Happy birthday, beautiful ^_^
There's no need to feel down on your birthday, take some time off for yourself :)
I'm sorry to hear about your friends and the situation you're in, I know feeling alone is the worst feeling in the world especially when you thought you had everyone you needed around you...
It seems like your world revolves around your bestfriends? Take it as a time to meet other people, and there's no harm in inviting your friends out for some quality time, just tell them to keep the PDA on the down low when you're with them...
I know this advice might , but they're your best friends right? They need your support too...
I know how you feel happy birthday.:) I love reading novels I'm interested in reading your novel:)