
I was supposed to kidnap my friend today, but, lackinga car, I couldn't so her and her drivers-licensed sister had to kidnap me. And then their younger sister joined. and our guy friend. :) lol He complained HE was the fat but he wasn't eating anything and we were in' pigging out.


We want to Barnes&Nobles and bought a load of books. I bought five books. (Manga). I spent $63...mom will kill me if she finds out. lol

I got books 2, 3, and 4 of the Manga version of Maxium Ride, I got the second (and last) book of Beast Master, and I got the first book of Dawn of the Arcana. 

And I got a bottle of Fiji water which me and my friends have dubbed the "RichPeople water". lol

I am not buying ANY more books until I get a job...but then, I probably won't buy books cause I won't have time to read them. lol

For now, I shall enjoy reading~


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i was reading this and was like "kate...jess...chels...RYAN!!!!" XD ♥ lmao mom WILL kill you for spending that much. as will i. when i see you. tomorrow. at the mall XD