Hello! Who's somethingfromyworld?

Hi. If you reading this blog post, I think you're interested in me? Just kidding. I write blogs on blogger but not quite intimate as this one. I tend to dicuss the anger and frustration of my interactions with people. Etc. my classmates. As you know my user name is somethingfromyworld. Yes what did I want to convey through this name, me. Of many times I cannot simply express who I am in just a word or sentence. Sometimes words can't even describe a particular personality or attribute that forms one unique character ,talent or IQ. So my goal was through this name. Bit by bit I want to show the world what is under the facade that I tend to let others judge me and make misconceptions of me. Thus I know the dangers how I'm being surveilled by many people. People that I would eventually meet, people that I don't know who like's to give a damn about my life. People that I have to beg for opportunities. This was how I view life as. Negative. After eons and eons of experience in the early phrases of my childhood and also in my teenage years. I knew for a fact. I didn't act like a child like others did. I'm confused by the identity that my family members gave me. I'm confused about who I actually was. I'm tired and sick of putting on a facade. A facade that make me dumb and secretive. A facade that enabled me to hide my power and talent.

I like to do reflections. So i'm very sensitive to all things around. So in fact I'm sensitive. While I try to hold myself back from giving more insults to others. Holding back myself to be polite. Endure and tolerate. That was my life's motto. Till I found that the reason I tolerate is that I wanted to acheive some things that I would lose my physical and mental health for. Lose friends. Lose my conciousness. And drag myself through things that I won't fight for in my whole life of living.

That's who I am.

If you think that you really know me, I can say. This is the first step to endless steps to know me. Feel my emotions and go beyond the world but also in touch with God. I know many people will view and consider people like me deranged and out of this world. Which is true. I'm out of this world because you could not be in touch with me. Understand what I have initially and know more than you could. Thus I'm judged. So I judged before you judge. I insult before you do. I put out a front so that you would take a step or many back. This is my life. I weird. I'm blessed but I am angry in some sense. So come along and get to know me. Before you leave, I thank you for taking time to read my post.


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