I've finally reached 1800 subscribers! I'm so happy, like you can't even understand. I remember back when I first started writing on this website that I would never be able to have a lot of subscribers. And now I've got so many of you. I feel really overwhlemed right now, guys. I never though with I first started posting my stories that you guys would like them. 

I want to cry guys. Thank you all so much for liking my stories. Thank you all for your comments and subcribing and all your love OvO 

I love you all!!! Keep subscribing and leaving comments and talk to me. I want to make friends with more of you guys, so please don't feel afraid to talk to me.


Also, I've been wanting to do some more one shots, but I can't decide what characters or what plots to use. So guys OvO If there's a pair you want to see writen, or a plot or AU you'd like to see then drop me a message so I can write it for you OvO


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