Terror of the Opera

Yesterday I rocked up for my vocal lesson before I headed off to band practice with my friends. Anyway there is this girl who is around my age and is kinda my friend cos she's the kid of a family friend. So, I saw her at my vocal lesson yesterday and I'm like what is she doing here? Since she wasn't a student or anything but it turned out, she joined my class 2 weeks ago when I had to skip and there wasn't a class last week cos my teacher was away so yeah… I only found out then.  It was quite interesting to see her there since she told me she would never get involved with singing or anything like that. Well people can change their minds so meh what ever floats her boat.


Let me get one thing clear about my feelings towards her.


I donut like her. It's not like she's a or anything (well she is but she knows how to play her cards well to make it like shes the victim all of the time and its so effin' infuriating.)


So we were all doing vocal warm ups and stuff, and then she starts making one lumping kdrama over a little thing when she couldn't hit the high note and told the teacher that we were making her look bad on purpose since we have all been in that class since forever and she was new. Like what is she on about? It's not our fault she can't hit the note or that she lacks talent (sorry, not sorry) but believe it or not, our teacher actually told us to stop making her feel uncomfortable which was beyond ridiculous because how are we suppose to do that when we aren't doing anything wrong.


Basically our whole lesson was revolving around her and she was holding up the whole class because she was using her falsetto voice instead of her chest voice (falsetto voice is when you're singing from your throat, not your diaphragm) and we were all getting pretty annoyed since my teacher had to keep playing the freaking same note over and over again so she could a) match the pitch (which took her a while), b) sing from her chest, c) stop whining like an selfish brat and accusing the rest of us for "pressuring her" when all of us kept out mouths shut the whole time, minding our own business and wondering when we can all move on.  She even went to the extreme to ask our  teacher for all of us to turn around the other way so she can sing properly cos we were distracting her concentration.


Can I just say that’s all a bunch of bs?! I mean come on! In the future, you are gonna be performing on stage, what is she gonna do? Ask the whole audience to leave the auditorium so she can sing properly? I don’t think so! My parents don't pay $65 per lesson for me to hear only just  her voice for the whole one and a half hours. I understand the fact that shes new and pretty much and amateur, but what really got me was her attitude! She wasn't even trying!


Our lesson ended and none of us got to actually record or sing anything cos of her and everyone was pretty much in a bad mood, while she was going, "Omg! I'm so glad it's over! It's so hard! Elise was pushing me too hard today! (Elise is our vocal teacher) blah blah blah" more crap came out of while I just looked at her in pure disgust. (Nahhhh im not that mean, I only did that in my head XD)


Just when I thought that I finally got rid of her, my mum txted me to tell me that her mum will be dropping me at my friend's house for band prac and im like dafuq nooooo! But I had no choice -_-. Long story short, she invited herself to join us (despite the fact that no one, besides me, knew her and she tried telling us what to do correcting us even tho she knows nothing about music let alone giving "professional tips". This just goes to show what sort of nonsense I'm going to be putting up with every Friday.


Moral of the story? Be careful what sort of friend's your PARENTS mix with (uhuh, that’s right) cos you're gonna be the poor soul that's gonna be putting up with their kids.


Nahhhhhh XP just felt better after writing about this since I was bottling it up the whole day yesterday.


My friend joked that I should start a blog site about her, tempting but no, cos I know she's gonna benefit from that andddd she's not that special (unlike you guys ^^)

I just realized that the title doesn't exactly fit with this post but meh, it sounded cool (well at least to me.... #lameeeeeeehhhh)




Imma gonna end things here.


Bai bai!




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lol xD i know how ur feels,been there before XD