Dumb K-Pop Fanfic moments #7 ft. Our dearest writers

- When the description is 'Just read it, you'll like it'.

Creative much?

- When the writer doesn't know the difference between 'they're','their' and 'there'.

I bet your English teacher is proud.

- When the point of views change so much within chapter that you have no idea what happened.

- "omg it was soooooooooo baaaaaad!!!!! ma lyf iz sooo awks!! I h8t ma lyf!!!"

Does that even need an explanation?

- When the story has an amazing plot but it's poorly written.

- When the story is written well bad has a terrible plot.

- There are multiple authors notes in the middle. So many that you know what the author listens to, where she lives, what she ate...

I came here to read fanfiction. Seems like I'm getting fan-reality.

- Two words: Song. Lyrics.

- When the author's choice of language is very colourful.

I know I swear... But not 500 times within a chapter.

- Dear Angel is never on her period and the story has bad .

Okay, this is either written by a guy or an eleven year old girl whose parents should really check her internet history.

- When the chapter is written in either complete italics, complete bold or both.


- There are at least 5 exclamation marks and 2 question marks within the title.

- The author mixes two groups that have nothing to do with each other.

I know Chanyeol's bias is Dara blah blah blah but I doubt that they're so in love that the whole fanfic turns into a written version of We Got Married.

- The writer doesn't think before she writes and the whole chapter sounds so, so wrong.

- "Soz 4 de bad gramer and speling."

If you know it's bad, FIX IT. I cannot stress this enough.

- "You go down the stairs to see your boyfriend who has procelain skin. You take his hand and walk outside. The weather is very nice. Just the way you like it."

Who told you I like nice weather? For all you know, I like it Sunny with a lot (a lot) of Rain and Thunder (See what I did there?)

- Abbrevitions like OMG, WTF, LOL etc. are used in the description.

I don't even do that when I text. If you're that lazy, don't write.

- Apparently, punctuation rules have died and gone to heaven. #RIP

Let me spell this out for you:

Full stops- Tiny dots at the end of each sentence.

Commas- Those tiny, slightly slanted things in the middle of sentences.

Exclamation marks- Used in the time of shock or surprise not in every damn sentence. (Handle with care.)

- Dear Authors, Nobody Writes Like This Except For You. Learn How To Capitalize.

- The chapter is one whole paragraph.

- The spacing between paragrphs-when they do exist-is all messed up.

- There are 5 chapters worth of character bios. At least13 when it's an EXO fanfic.

Brilliant charectarisation. 


- 'You- Hello

Him- (smiling)- Hi

You- Let's get married

Him- (smirking) Okay'

This isn't a play script!

- When there are 100+ grmmar mistakes and 500+ spelling mistakes yet there are 400,000 comments and votes.

Einstein was right. We have come to be a generation of idiots.


Okay, a short chappy to go with your lovely brekkie. I can't believe people actually like this. Next chapter will feature: OCs' moments! Weather update: Very foggy and grey but fear not, it'll rain soon and it'll be all clear. I have a weird OCD. Don't judge me.


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/round of applause
ficsystem #2
the last part...sorry Einstein

p.s: why did i just find this brilliant post? :D