It's the appreciation talk again.

You've done it again you youtube commenters. You've done it again.

You see, I originally wasn't too upset about this. People were commenting about Ian Eastwood, and that wasn't a problem to me at all, because Ian Eastwood is one of my favorite dancers ever, and he is in the dance practice video, and he is amazing. 

However, to say that you are only watching the video for Ian, and that he "stole the show" is simply unforgivable. You s have really done it now.

I thank Ian with every fiber of my being for making this dance for Taemin, and I'm forever thankful for all of the support that he's shown Taemin so far. This is in no way a post against Ian Eastwood. This is actually a post against those people who are disrespectful and can't show some appreciation. I don't know how many time I have to rant about this before it finally stops becoming an issue. 


Simply because Ian was in the first 27 seconds of the video, does not mean that he was the main attraction. On the contrary, having Ian in the beginning of the video was somewhat of a thank you from SM, thanking him for all of his work with Taemin. It's great if you chose to watch the video because of Ian, but don't say that Ian was the star of the video. This is Taemin's video, not Ian's. This is Taemin showing off his skills, and Ian has posted multiple times about how proud he is of Taemin's dancing, how happy he is that it was Taemin of all people that he was asked to choreograph for, and how amazing he thinks Taemin doing his dance is. 

He even said so himself that he thought Taemin was "killin it" with his choreography. And before anyone asks, for those who don't understand (because who knows? There may be one or two) 'killin it' doesn't mean that Taemin was bad at it. It means that he was dancing so well that the dance was a piece of cake for him.

This dance really is quite complex. I've seen a few dance covers, but no one has been able to dance it with the same amount of engery or talent that Taemin as. 

If Ian is promoting the video for Taemin, and you are watching it because Ian told you to, don't you think the least that you could do is show some kind of interest in Taemin? Ian being in the video is completely irrelevant to the fact that this is Taemin's song. This is Taemin's video. And this is Taemin's time. It's great that you're trying to support Ian, but do so either somewhere else, or in a more respectful way towards Taemin, who is probably looking at these comments. At least show some appreciation for him.

I've seen a lot of good comments involving both Taemin and Ian! Some people were thanking Ian for making this dance for Taemin. Others were talking about how great Ian's dance was and how well Taemin danced it. One person even said that she had never listened to kpop before in her life, but when she saw Ian post the dance practice video, she got curious and watched it. Now, she said that she really likes Taemin's song, his album, and has even been listening to SHINee's songs. 

So, I'm not mad that people are commenting about Ian. I'm mad that people only care about Ian. This isn't a video about Ian Eastwood, and he doesn't want it to be. He's been promoting Taemin for a reason. Hell, even Ian's dad has been promoting Taemin!!!


So please, be a bit more appreciative of Taemin's work. It would make not only Taemin and SHINee happy, but also Ian, who has been nothing but kind in promoting Taemin and has been showing so much support. Acknowledge what Ian has been trying to do, and actually show some respect for Taemin. He deserves at least that much, even if you only do want to see Ian. 



This has been another one of Cloudie's rants~ I'll see you all next time!

(Sorry its so sort this time. I'm with some friends at the moment.)


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i'm so angry SM should disable the comment function on their videos if all Taemin ever get is hate or ppl watching it bc of Ian (or ppl commenting stuff about Kai .-.) it's a pity i didn't sign up for the hangout on after school club which aired today because then i would tell Taemin what a wonderful person he is~!!!