Juliet SM's new girl group application: Min Liyae


username: Japankeira
nickname: Keira
activeness(1-10): 10
415 x 400


- Leanne Min ( English Name )
- Xuan HuJia ( Chinese Name )
- Min Tora ( Japanese Name )


- Minnie ( Her favorite Disney character is Minnie and is also a nickname for her last name )
- Minto (Her favorite color and flavor of ice cream is mint and it's also part of her Japanese name)

BIRTHDAY + AGE - 11 26 1990 + 20 years old


ETHNICITY - Korean-Chinese

HEIGHT - 165cm

WEIGHT - 50kg


LANGUAGES - max 4 languages, state fluency, you can't be fluent in all

- Chinese ( fluent )
- Korean ( fluent )
- English ( conversational )
- Japanese ( basic )


416 x 310
face claim
Do Hwe Ji
416 x 310
Back up face claim
Choi seo hee

PERSONALITY:  happy go lucky, kind and caring, athletic, neat and tidy, stubborn, confused, embarrassed easily, possessive

Liyae is a happy-go-lucky type of girl and is always seen smiling and laughing. She likes to make the awrkwardness go away and have her smiles be conatgious to other people. She gets very upset when others are upset, but immediately begins to cheer them up and have them smiling again. It is very rare to see her without some sort of smile on her face. She is also very kind and caring, especially for her members. She is always taking care of her dongsaengs or unnies if they are ever injured or sick. She tries her best not to hurt anything, even bugs she just makes someone else kill them. She is one of the most sweetest and gentle people in Juliet and will definitly be there if someone is in need of any type of help. She is also one of the most athletic members of Juliet. When she was in her school days, she would always be placed at the top when it came to playing sports, like soccer and track. She's always prepared to be excersising both mentally and physically. She will never decline the chance to be active and having fun. Liyae is a very neat and tidy person as well. She makes sure everything is organzied, not just in her room, but everywhere around their dorm. She is known as the "cleaning lady" at Juliet's dorm because she is constantly cleaning things. She's a bit of a perfectionist so everything has to be nice and organized in her opinion.

Liyae can also be very stubborn at times. At times when people will call her "girly" or "a princess", she disagrees and insists that she is not. Also if she is cleaning and someone asks her to stop, she will continue cleaning and completely ignore them. She could win if she were on a debate team because she will never back down and fight for what she wants. She can also get confused a lot of times. Due to her being from China, sometimes she has trouble remembering what people say if they speak Korean so she can get confused easily. Even at times if she is having an interview or if she is on TV, she forgets that she is in Korea and won't understand them for a little bit. She can also become confused when her members are talking about something and she spaces out or zones off and loses track of the conversation. She is very possessive of her things. If a member asks to borrow clothing, she will shake her head and tell them no. If she ever sees someone touching her items without permission, she will still smile on the outside, but on the inside she will be screaming like crazy. If it is on accident, she will have a tiny little fit, but force it to go away. Liyae also gets embarrassed very easily. On variety shows, she has a hard time doing some of the things because she will become embarrassed and get super red on her face. At times, when she is covering her face with her hands or some sort of object, she will be blushing. If she is asked to be aegyo, without even doing it, she becomes red but still does it anyways.




Liyae grew up in Xi'an China as Xuan Hujia with her two parents and older sister. Her family was well known around her neighborhood because they owned a local tea shop. While her parents would work, Liyae and her sister would go to the nearby shops and say hello to fellow store owners. She was known as town's little sister, that is until she grew up, then she became the town's children's unnie. She would be dancing around the streets of her neighborhood and would also participate in school talent shows. As she grew older, her passion for dancing grew as well and she took classes, but when her sister found out she was looked down upon by her sister, for she believed that dancing was a waste of time and effort. Although what her sister said was heart breaking and she was ignored by her, she still moved her feet to beats and fought for her dream to become a dancer. At her school, many people looked up to her when it came to sports or dancing. Girls looked up to her and would often wacth her practice when she was dancing and asked her to teach them as well. She was also very popular among the boys because of her athletic abilities and the fact that she looked cute as well. Of course there were the people that didn't like her one bit, but that's typical. Although she was excelled in the talent and athletic department, her academic scores were not as high. She wasn't the smartest person in her class and was often being held back after school to re-learn lessons. She realized that her dancing time was being taken away so she stepped up her studying habits and earned her practice time back.



Father || Xuan YiZuo || 50 || Tea Shop Owner || Funny and immature || 
Mother || Ji HaoMae || 50 || Tea Shop Owner || kind, caring and protective || 
Sister || Xuan MeiLan || 24 || Office Worker || serious, mature, and brutally honest || 



Lee XiDao || 21 || Flight Attendant || Aegyo queen || 
Wu Yifan || 23 || Singer || cold on the outside somtimes, but mostly warm and goofy || 



Kim Jongdae || 21 || EXO Member || funny and a bit of a troll || 
Wang FeiFei || 27 || Miss A || charismatic and kind || 
Choi EunHee || 26 || JYPent. worker || shy and caring || 



- lighting lanterns
- going to the night market
​- going on tours with her members




- when people are sad or upset
- being called "girly" or "stupid"
​- blushing



- She likes to watch Pororo sometimes because it reminds her to speak Korean
- She likes watching anime and reading manga
​- she is often told that she looks as if she was in an anime

- she has a weakness for stuffed animals and hats
​- plays the piano and guitar

- likes to eat ramen
​- soccer is her all time favorite sport

- her favorite desserts are crepes


- watching Pororo
- playing soccer or basketball



- forgetting to speak Korean
- cuddling with something


404 x 310



BIRTHDATE + AGE: 04 20, 1990 + 24



PERSONALITY: Luhan has much in common with Liyae, like being athletic and neat and tidy. He is also very kind and has a warm heart. He likes to laugh, but some say that he looks odd while he laughs so he sometimes tries not to laugh. He is also stubborn as well because when people say he looks girly he responds by saying that he is manly and the manliest out of EXO.


HOW YOU MET: They met when they were trainees since they auditioned in the same year. She was on the phone speaking to her mother in Chinese when he notcied. After the phone call he talked to her in Chinese and she became extremely happy there was someone else who spoke Chinese as well. They immediately hit it off


INTERACTIONS: They act like the best friends they are just more skinship and blushes. They blush easily when they around each other or when the other is mentioned to them. When they hang out they take a selca each time because they like to keep memories. they aren't afraid to show skinship and many of their fans encourage it. When they are at the same concert or on the same variety show, they hope they get to sit next to each other and are pertnered up together.


RELATIONSHIP: Crush/ Best Friend


BACK-UP: Wu Yifan

404 x 310






PERSONALITY: [Quality over Quantity. Remember! Balance out positivity and negativity.]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat quis odio quis pretium. Nullam nec felis cursus, faucibus nisl sed, elementum magna. Praesent in blandit libero. Sed venenatis sapien quis est dapibus viverra.


HOW YOU MET: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat quis odio quis pretium. Nullam nec felis cursus, faucibus nisl sed, elementum magna. Praesent in blandit libero. Sed venenatis sapien quis est dapibus viverra.


INTERACTIONS: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat quis odio quis pretium. Nullam nec felis cursus, faucibus nisl sed, elementum magna. Praesent in blandit libero. Sed venenatis sapien quis est dapibus viverra.


RELATIONSHIP: [ Crush? Best Friend? Enemies? What are you to each other? ]



410 x 288

RIVAL: none





PERSONALITY: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat quis odio quis pretium. Nullam nec felis cursus, faucibus nisl sed, elementum magna. Praesent in blandit libero. Sed venenatis sapien quis est dapibus viverra.


HOW YOU MET: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat quis odio quis pretium. Nullam nec felis cursus, faucibus nisl sed, elementum magna. Praesent in blandit libero. Sed venenatis sapien quis est dapibus viverra.


INTERACTIONS: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat quis odio quis pretium. Nullam nec felis cursus, faucibus nisl sed, elementum magna. Praesent in blandit libero. Sed venenatis sapien quis est dapibus viverra.


WHY ARE YOU RIVALS: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat quis odio quis pretium. Nullam nec felis cursus, faucibus nisl sed, elementum magna. Praesent in blandit libero. Sed venenatis sapien quis est dapibus viverra.





PERSONA: Happy-Go-Lucky Otaku

POSITION: Sub-Vocalist, Main Dancer, Rapper

BACK UP POSITION: Sub-Vocalist, Lead Dancer

FANCLUB NAME: YayYay (like cheering)



SINGING TWIN: Girl's Day Yura



TRAINEE LIFE: Trainee life was a bit difficult for Liyae because she had to practice on her vocal skills much more because she didn't have a lot fo experience with singing before, plus she had to learn Korean making it twice as hard. She went from practice to school then back to practice everyday. 


​- GOT7's Girls Girls Girls MV
- Super Junior's No Other MV 


COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS: I hope you like my character and please tell if i need to change anything and i will change it imeediately c: i am so sorry also because the background part the font is a different color and i dont know what happened and i tried to change it but it wouldnt chang color sorry :c


QUESTIONS: Do we put a video of our talking twin?



- Luhan and Liyae hanging out
- variety shows! c:
​- hidden camera

- trip to China 


PASSWORD: Romeo and Juliet



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