❀ Cherry Blossom ❀ --- { Kim HyunAe} --- { Triple Threat }

Kim HyunAe
jaeseonggie || Jae || activity rate: 9.5

other names: --

— Ae (easy way for parents to call her and not get her and sister confused)
— Chu (it's short for Pikachu - she calls her sister Pika; it's their favorite Pokemon)
— Umma (she's very maternal to those around her, even her twi ncalls her this playfully)
birthday & age: June 6, 1992 & 22 years old
birthplace & hometown: Seoul, South Korea | Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
height & weight: 164cm & 44kg
blood type: O

— Korean (Fluent - native language)
— ​Japanese (Semi-Fluent - learned in school)
— ​English (Basic - she visited America once and picked up a few words)
faceclaim: Kim HyunAh
back-up face claim: Ann-J

HyunAe is known to be rather quiet at first, especially compared to her sister. She almost seems shy, but she warms up easily and becomes very maternal, very quickly. She's calm, compassionate, understanding, and very helpful. She's always ready to listen to someone's problems and give them advice if they need it. She worries for everyone around her, and always tries to make them as comfortable as she can.
When it comes to her downsides, HyunAe can become naggy, and she does get upset easily if things don't go as planned. She can sometimes seem like a control freak when it comes to planning things, but she tries to let it roll off her shoulders as often as possible if something goes awry. She can remain calm for a long period of time, but once her patience runs out, she often snaps at something extremely trivial.
As a performer, HyunAe is very dedicated to her work. She gives 210% at all times, and has been known to work herself into the hospital on multiple occasions. However, she'll always be back at it the next day. 

— Chocolate
— ​Performing
— Soft Blankets
— Movie Nights
— Fruits&Veggies


— Being Ignored
— Meat
— Thunder
— Sour Candy
— Planes


— Creating Choreography
— Baking
— Nail Art

— Dancing to whatever music is in the background
— Humming to herself
— Sleeping with music playing, usually an Infinite album
— Chewing on her lip when she's thinking/nervous
— Covering her face when she laughs, a lot like her sister does


— HyunAe gets frequent migraines, and they cause her quite a bit of pain. Even though medicine never really works, she takes it and powers through as best as she can so no one worries about her.
— If she doesn't get to see her sister during the day, they always talk on the phone that night.
— HyunAe and her sister have matching tattoos - any tattoo one has, the other has as well.
— HyunAe is a strict vegetarian; she steers clear of anything with meat in it.
— Though HyunAh and HyunAe are virtually identical in every way, if she wants to, HyunAe can make her voice a bit stronger than her sister's. HyunAe's had many more years just focused on training, so she's gained a good bit of control - she just takes it easy singing so she can focus on dancing, doing too much can trigger a migraine.
— She's the only member of her family who is left handed; it was one of the only differences between the two.
— Her youtube, instagram, and twitter are all under the username 'RainbowKaerisma' (a play on 'Rainbow Charisma K-Ae') - she's always posting videos, selfies, and just random thoughts throughout the day.
— She's had her stage name and persona since JYP tried promoting her as a solo artist in 2009; they decided to keep it for when she was put in the group.
— She refuses to drive because of her migraines. She has her license, and she gets renewed when needed, but it basically collects dust in her wallet.
Growing up, HyunAe and HyunAh were mirror images of each other. Same hair color, eye color, skin tone, weight, height, voice, habits - everything, throughout their entire life. Their parents often mixed them up, or even ignored one of them as if they didn't exist. It usually ended up being HyunAe. She was a bit quieter than her twin sister, and didn't have nearly as many health problems.
Two things the twins always had in common were music and Pokemon. They would communicate to each other in song, and HyunAe ended up composing and writing a lot of songs her sister loved, and even some that ended up being performed by her sister and some JYP groups as well as 4Minute.
When HyunAh went to audition for JYP, HyunAe was with her the whole way. They ended up both auditioning and both making it into the company. During the training period for Wonder Girls, HyunAe trained with them due to HyunAh's sickness. During promotion for Irony, before HyunAh left the group, HyunAe would stand in for her. The two can't be told apart, so it was an easy thing to do.
After HyunAh left WG and JYP, HyunAe decided to stay. She continued her training schedule, but also began to work on behind the scenes projects such as composing and writing, as well as on stage musicals. Many of the stage shows she was in didn't get very much attention, but she still loved it.

Father | Kim Hwang Sik | 72 | Businessman | Hwang Sik is a bit distant. He talks to his children, but more his sons than his daughters. After the divorce, he became even more distant from his family.
Mother | Lee Hyun Mi | 63 | Flower Shop Owner | Hyun Mi cares deeply for her children and would do anything for any of them. She spoilers them, and is a very kind woman.
Twin Sister | Kim HyunAh | 22 | Idol (4Minute) | HyunAh is a bit more outgoing compareed to HyunAe. She's smiley, happy, and not really afraid to say what's on her mind - even if she pretends to be embarassed by it. She plays as carefree, but really she's a sensitive person; she'll go to HyunAe if she has any problems and the two are nearly inseparable in some cases.
Younger Brother | Kim Hyunho | 19 | University Student
Younger Brother | Kim Hyunsik | 15 | Student

Best Friend | Choi Sulli | 19 | Idol - f(x) | The two are there for each other as much as they can be, and HyunAe is very much like an older sister to Sulli.

Other than Sulli, HyunAe doesn't have any super close friends. She practically becomes friends with any other idol she meets, and her phone is full of numbers. She tries to check in on everyone at least once a week, and she alwas bakes things for everyone during the holidays. She mostly stays around her groupmates, her sister's group/labelmates, Sulli's groupmates, and her significant other's groupmates.

stage name: K-Ae ("kay")
persona: Rainbow Charisma
position: Triple Threat
back-up position: 2nd Main Dancer, Vocalist, Lead Rapper
fanclub name: CupKaekes
fanclub colour: #9966cc 
singing twin: HyunAh
dancing twin: HyunAh
rapping twin: HyunAh
talking twin: HyunAh

trainee years

— JYP (9 years + few months)

trainee life:
HyunAe liked her trainee life for the most part. When she was her sister's replacement during certain performances, she loved being on the stage. After her sister left, she was considered to be a permanent member of Wonder Girls, but the idea was shot down due to the possibility of confusing the fans. She didn't like the fact that she spent the majoriy of her life as a trainee, but she figured JYP had something in mind for her since they didn't let her go like so many others.
Once HyunAh debuted with 4Minute, HyunAe was debuted as a solo artist, but JYP pulled her back after a round of promotions to wait for a group setting for her since she was fairly shy on her own.
One of the things that happened during her training years is something she doesn't like to be mentioned. She overworked herself and began having chronic migraines. She began being dizzy and occasionally would pass out in the middle of training. On the day she went to get it checked out, she out while driving and wrecked. No one was hurt, luckily she just ran into a sign, but now she's on medication for it and - though she has her license - she refuses to drive.
When she was finally told she would be debuting in a group, she was incredibly excited.

pre-debut experiences
— During "Irony" performances, when HyunAh was sick, JYP would ask HyunAe to stand in for her sister. She always did, and no one could tell the difference.
— She's been a back-up dancer for 4Minute, and she did the scream in "What's Your Name" - which she's actually very proud of.
— HyunAe is mostly known for her YouTube channel. She does dance tutorials as well as voice lessons on breath control and sound quality - since she's had quite a bit of training herself - and sometimes make-up tutorials. She's become a famous vlogger, even without being known as "HyunAh's twin sister."

— She performed in a few not well-known musicals.
— She's appeared as extras and back-up dancers in 4Minute and WonderGirls music videos.
— JYP once tried to debut HyunAe as a solo artist, but after a round of promotions, figured she'd do better in a group setting so they waited.
— She's featured in the live performances of HyunAh's "Blacklist."

love interest: Jang Dongwoo
back-up love interest: Lee Howon, Hoya
group: Infinite
birthday & age: November 22, 1990 & 23 years old
personality: Though Dongwoo plays as being aloo and goofy, he's actually a very sensitive person. He cares for people very deeply, and pushes himself more than he should to make sure those around him are alright and in good hands. He can be a bit of  worry wart, but it never really gets to the point of nagging. He's kind-hearted and has a gentle sol, while still being a complete goof.
interactions: Dongwoo still jokes and plays around with HyunAe, just as she does with him. They train together sometimes, since they're both so determined to be the best they can be. They keep each other in check and healthy. In public, they're always very close, he's usually near her protectively, and they're surprisingly open about being with each other. They wear their disguises in public, but they don't hide their time together. In the company of friends or family, they're always close to each other and can sometimes be seen talking in quiet whispers and laughing at one another. In private, they're very cuddly. They're an affectionate couple, but they do worry each other with their strict training schedules and stubborness.
how you meet/met: HyunAe was actually the co-choreographer for 'Come Back Again,' and she met all of the boys. Though, she got to know Dongwoo because she would end up staying and dancing while most of the others went off to eat. Dongwoo would bring her food after the first couple of days - once he noticed her staying behind - and would eat lunch with her instead. They became friends quickly, and soon became an inseperable couple.
relationship: Dongwoo and HyunAe are best friends. They'd have to be to be married. They married sometime near the end of 2013, but they still live with their respective groups most of the time, just for convenience. Most netizens know they're together, but the marriage wasn't really flaunted. (if married isn't ok, then engaged or dating, but I thought maybe a marriage would be interesting for a story later on?)
comments/suggestions?: Good luck with this story ^^
questions?: Nope~!
scene requests: use shift+enter, add more if needed

— HyunAe and HyunAh appearing on a show together and just being themselves. When together, they're literally almost the same person; maybe they try to confuse their groups and make them guess who is who.
— Netizens saying things about HyunAe similar to what they say about HyunAh - that she can't sing, can't really rap, and is really only there for looks, which aren't that great, etc etc. (I'm a HyunAh fan, so yeah.. ^^')
— HyunAe and Dongwoo's marriage getting revealed either after debut or when HyunAe is revealed as a member, causing some stuff around her even before the group gets off the ground.

— One of the members needing an emergency ride somewhere, and HyunAe being the only one available to drive, so she puts her fears to the side and does what needs to be done even though she's scared the whole way.
— [I may think of more later?]
password: The DJ is Mine (look at this fabulous dork and his weird cape-jacket)


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