My honest feeling.

I'm going to start this off by quoting myself. If you aren't reading LMYF, that's fine—this isn't a plug. But I wrote this months ago and it seems, well, prophetic, as of today.



“Ji tweets and posts instagram pictures, giving fans more and more access to him. He keeps very little for himself. Just . . . Your intentions seem good. And since this show is already in progress, I can't give you the scary speech and run you off. All I can do, is ask you to be mindful of his privacy, and respectful of the fact that celebrity aside, he's still human.”—Luna



With that being said, I have accepted the fact that everyone on this site is a little delulu. Including me. And I say this, because we writers are taking time out of our real lives to write about someone else's. Long elaborate, sometimes well written, tales about who we think a real person is. I've struggled with this for a while now, whether it's really okay for me to be reading fanfiction, let alone writing it. I'm even more conflicted today.


For those of you who don't know, someone hacked Kwon Jiyong's PERSONAL instagram account and shared a video of him doing another ALS ice bucket challenge. In the video he nominated, 'my dear Kiko.'


I don't care, I don't care, I DON'T CARE! If he's dating her. I don't care how long they've possibly been together. I don't care about couple bracelets and secret messages and . I don't care about ANY of that. I care about the fact that someone was so disrespectful and wrong that they would hack his account and share something that he obviously didn't want shared. If he wanted to share it, he would have posted it on his public account. But he did not. Someone else did, and it's WRONG! The 'news outlets' that are reposting the video are WRONG!

All of this breaks my heart. Not because of him calling Kiko 'my dear', but because he can't count on his 'fans' to respect his rational boundaries.


“All I can do, is ask you to be mindful of his privacy, and respectful of the fact that celebrity aside, he's still human.”







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PREACH! I am his fan as well and doesn't mean that when I say I don't care if he dates her or not, I'm not a true fan. Some fans go against me and told me that Kiko is not the right girl for him. I don't know who's the right girl for him, because I don't live his life. No matter how much I love him and want the best for him, I don't have the rights to tell him what to do and what not. He has full rights of his life and people shouldn't interfere with it. And when I told them all these, they went like, "Oh, you're probably Japanese and a right-wing like her." I'm like, "OMG?".

I admit that I'm not fond of her, but that doesn't mean that I have to be damn rude and disrespectful towards him. Or her. Like, I'm not backing anyone at this point, but seriously, we are humans and we make mistakes. Not just her. Not just him. So in my opinion, before we judge someone else, we should actually look at ourselves.

But, no. People nowadays are so sensitive towards everything. People nowadays are so rude and they can't do anything else other than invading into others' lives. I wouldn't get surprised that if one day, he decides to delete all his SNS accounts.
The nerve of some people these days... Just like everyone else before me, & even you, mentioned, GD is a human being like we are. He's first & foremost Kwon JiYong, not BigBang's Leader GDragon. He breathes the same air & walks on the same earth as we do, eats the same food (well not really same, but you know what I mean) as we do, bleeds RED like we do, has family & friends like we do, has problems & emotions just like we do. Only diff between us & him, is that he's a celebrity, a public figure.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 12 states no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor & reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. With that said, hacking into his personal IG account, or any of his PERSONAL SNS account, is a total invasion of privacy no matter how public of a figure he is. But apparently to these people, the UDHR means jack when the person is a public figure. TBH, it makes me want to punch someone in the face hard enough to break said face.

All in all, UDHR Article 1-3 states (1)All human beings are born free & equal in dignity & rights. They are endowed with reason & conscience & should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood, (2)Everyone is entitled to all the rights & freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, , language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty & (3)Everyone has the right to life, liberty & security of person.

Kwon JiYong has full rights to live how he wants to live. Sorry it's so long.. Heh.. ._.
your ryt uni !!!
Ugh! These so called 'fans'! How delusional can you be to that think it's okay to repost and spread a video that was clearly not meant to be seen except for those in Jiyong's own circle? It's so appalling to me.

And believe me - I've thought of the same thing when it comes to writing fics. But even we set boundaries for ourselves. Some people won't care and will write their delusions out. I see some forewords where people are like: Kill Kiko!! <--- How in the world do you hate someone you don't know THAT much? And why would you ever wish death upon them? How I treat my characters is how I would want them to be treated in real life. I take care of my characters, even when I portray them not in the best of light. And it to read stories where many authors don't get that. People forget how impressionable others are - whether it be a story or tweet. It's time to take responsibility and stop blaming the hackers. They should blame themselves for retweeting and spreading the mess. These so called fans, SMH. I feel for Jiyong's sanity right now.
Siblings-Curse #5
You and Siblings are like twins when it comes to things like these...

Me...I just wanted to throttle whoever did this to him. He may not be my favorite in the group, but I still love him. He's amazing, and it just breaks my heart whenever I see sh*t like this happening to him.

If he's dating her, then great. He seemed really happy when 'they were dating'. If not, then great as well. He found a really great friend he can confide in and be himself around.

Seriously though. S. Korea needs to have stricter rules when it comes to fans and privacy. It's getting way too out of hand.

ozwalkr #6
My dear. Is THAT all he said? i call people my dear everyday, and many of them I don't even know. Just because someone uses an endearment, does not mean they are instantly involved. Grow the F up people! Thank you MY DEAR, for your input on this. As for all of my OTHER DARLINGS out there. Respect him and BEHAVE!
Yonghyunism #7
Really cannot understand what goes on in the heads of sasaengs... What gives them the right to hack into someones personal account? Just because he is a public figure doesnt mean its ok to invade in his private life.
Oh damn!! Whoever did that, it was wrong on soooo many levels. And the media picked it up and ran with? That's just wrong well. I feel so bad for him because he deserves his privacy and basic human respect that was taken away. Wow ... just wow. And shame on whoever did that.
lilxceejay85 #9
PREACH.... tired of the BS hes a celeb but he's human... just a little more popular than us
Thekatsmeow #10

That's quite a fan gift Jiyong has given--creating an Instagram account that he shares his public life with the public. It's a case of burglary, in my opinion, to hack someone's personal life.
I completely agree with you. I was beyond pissed when I saw the video was spread all over the place. I found out it was from his private IG after I saw it on YouTube, somebody tweeted the link. If I had known what it wad I would have never clicked it because it's his personal business. His personal life isn't my business.