SMRookies don't deserve it!

I personally have not been keeping up with EXO's new show EXO 90:2014 or whatever just because I watched a few minutes and became a little bit uninterested so I haven't gone back to watch. That is until I heard that some of the SMRookies guys are featured in the show!! Now, the only SMRookies I knew about before watching the show were obviously the girls who joined Red Velvet and Yuta because he was Japanese ( I have a soft spot for Japan). 

And all I have to say is the SMRookies in EXO 90:2014 DO NOT DESERVE THE HATE! I went back to go watch a bit of the show (mostly the rookie's segments b/c I was intrigued) and thought "wow! these boys are pretty damn good!" but most of what I saw in the comments was people complaing about them. 

Okay, I get it, you guys want a show just on our precious EXO and I agree it should have been that way BUT it's not. There is nothing we can do to change that so just accept it. The rookies hardly take up even 10 minutes of the show and a good portion of those few minutes they are showing off a lot of nice talent!

They are super awesome at dancing and Yuta's singing voice is flipping beautiful and Jaehyun's rap was powerful as eff. Neither Yuta or Jaehyun could act very well during that remake video but hey, I don't think being good at acting is a requirement to debut as a kpop idol. 

Case in point: SMRookie boys don't need yo hate they're rising stars and flipping fabulous. Sorry other EXO-Ls if you don't agree.

PS: You can't deny that they hella cute too. Ten and Jaehyun are especially adorable. Taeyong and my beloved Yuta are top tier beauties.  


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Where are you watching the show? I want to see! The SMRookies interest me :)
iwannalivefortoday #2
Taeyeong's look are out of this world. Just the fact that he remotely reminds me of the handsome L blows me up.
When I first saw all the members of EXO I found Luhan the most handsome, but nothing compared to Taeyeong when I first saw him.

Why should they be hated when they're working hard learning new coreographies and constantly practicing, just like all the other SM artists did in back in their trainee days? I don't get it either.
Can't say much about the rapping (c'mon it's still SM we're talking about, still waiting for the day Chanyeol starts rap freestyling) and the singing (since I still didn't hear them) but their dancing skills are so on point.

I was so SHINee biased when Kai's first teaser came out and kinda wanted to be indifferent about them. After 2 years and a half EXO overtopped (by little but still did)SHINee in my fav group list.

Also there's Johnny who has trained with EXO and is close with some of them, judging from their predebut pics, so I think they're supporting him.