✘ ― Smi-L

cryingjpg   -  lani 

group name

group birthplace: osan, south korea
group type: singing and dance
group concept: cute and/or y
audition tape: [link]
Group twin: rainbow


group members

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Member name: avery johnson / aesung park (24)
stage name: avery
position: main vocalist 1, visual
facelaim: jeni suk
gallery: here
back up faceclaim: amber liu
gallery: here
traits: charming, friendly, leader-like, easily motivated, 
notes: avery was born, similarly to all of her members, in osan. her father is a white american who works hard to support the family. she never got in trouble or had problems in school. Her life was not too far from normal
- She plays the guitar
- hates math
- can touch her tongue with her nose
- loves rap music, but doesn't rap often
- hates vegetables
- is closest to vic and gabi

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member name: gabriella lee (26)
stage name: gabi
position: leader, power vocalist, lead vocalist
faceclaim: ailee 
Gallery: here
back up faceclaim: jessica jung
gallery: here
traits: an old soul, social, charismatic, perfectionist, a bit snobby, bossy, whiny
notes: Gabi is the founder of the group. She was born and raised in osan with a younger siser, taylor, who is also in the group. she puts everyone in order. as a girl who lived with her old grandparents half the time, she became a leader and gained very good traits as she grew. her family is very well known and is one of the most rich families in osan. even though she didn't see her parents as much as her other friends, she was fond of spending time with her grandparents.
- hates messy people (ellie)
- loves politics
- reads books and news papers
- hates technology
- collects vintage
- loves to thrift shop
- hates sports
- writes often

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member name: victoria perry / victoria jung (25)
stage name: vic
position: main rapper
faceclaim: nicole
gallery: here
back up faceclaim: bekah
gallery: here
traits: perky, happy, silly, weird, querky, erted, over-curious
notes: She was born in a typical household as well, but her father ended up leaving her mother, which was a really hard event for victoria. She still uses her american last name because she still really loves her father, who she sees on weekends.
- loves saturdays ( seeing her father)
- is known for smiling brightest...gabi is second in that race
- loves to run around, do flips, and cartwheels
- is very tech-savy
- owns 3 cats, but hates them because they are "annoying"
- people find her laugh really annoying


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member name: ellie kennedy / hayoung lee (22)
stage name: ellie
position: vocals, rapper
faceclaim: cheska 
gallery: here
back up faceclaim: lydia paek
gallery: here
traits: cutesy, caring, motherly, neurotic
notes: she was known as the school nerd, but she never found herself that way. ellie always talked to everyone in the class and was very social. nobody knew that she could rap so fast that it would make your head spin. she loves music and always has her beats around her neck. she wants to be a dj, not exactly be in a girlgroup. but she knows she has more of a chance to be famous starting out as a girlgroup than a dj.
- loves childish gambino
- practices rap when shes bored
- tries to write songs herself
- likes dubstep
- isnt the best dancer in the group
- struggles with dancing the most 
- voted as one of the cutest members, ari is the first.

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member name: Aubri song (22)
stage name: aubri
position: main dancer, vocalist
faceclaim: tasha
Gallery: here
back up faceclaim: coco lee
gallery: here
traits: shy, observant, hard working, daydreamer, whiny, self-less, sweet
Notes: shes been dancing since she was 5. her parents knew when she was little that she could be the best dancer in the world. she was always practicing after school and winning multiple dance compititions. in high school, she was known as "the dancer." she didn't really talk to anyone, people just admired her from a distance. because she was shy, she only had one friend. one day, she was approached by avery and was asked to join the girl group they had. because aubri didn't have many friends, she quickly accepted
- is great at ballet
- isn't really the type to be a mother
- doesn't like little kids
- tends to over work herself if shes nervious
- never uses social media
- actually likes watching sports
- believes shes forever alone because nobody likes her.

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member name: taylor lee / lee taeyeon (19)
stage name: tae
position: main vocalist 2
faceclaim: ashley choi
gallery: here
back up faceclaim: krystal jung
gallery: here
traits: over-emotional, insecure, stubborn, smart, fun, 
Notes: she is the sister of gabi. gabi was the more noticed and loved sister out of the two, sadly, taylor didn't get as much attention.  in school, she still wasnt as good as her sister. she struggled a lot after that but as soon as her sister left for college, taylor made her own friends and liked living as the only child. Her parents still gave attention to gabi but at least taylor got more than she had before. but, taylor loves her sister a lot and wouldn't want to change anything.
- has a similar smile to her sister
- loves to sing with her sister and do duos
- huge fan of bi rain
- is the most shy in the group
- plays the piano
- listens to a lot fo american r&b

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member name: arianna perez /arianna park (18)
stage name: ari
position: maknae, vocalist, lead dancer
faceclaim: tia
gallery: here
back up faceclaim: tina
gallery: here
traits: sweet, playful, innapropriate, silly, talkative, annoying
notes: ari was born in a normal household, like most of the other girls. the only thing that makes her different, is her age. she never knew any of the older members, she only knew taylor. Taylor was her friend in high school. Ari and taylor used to hang out a lot together but never knew they could both sing. taylor was aware of her sisters group and went to them and asked if her and ari could join. they were hesitant to bring ari into the group because they didn't know anyone, but quickly accepted her after seeing her skills.
- is closest to taylor and victoria
- used to be a gymnast
- has a dog named coco
- if she wasnt auditioning for kgt, shed be in college
- loves to play around
- doesn't know when to be serious or not
- hates when people crack their knuckles (avery)
- can't cook at all


How long have you been together [as a group]?:  
umm... we've been a group since...most of us were in high school actually....about 8 or 9 years...it wasn't exactly official until 7. me, avery, and vic started to sing together since we were sophomores, but then we just added more members.

How did you find out about the auditions?:
we've been watching kgt for a long time now, it only took us a few years until we decided to actually audition

How much do you want to win?:
life would be amazing if we won! i hope god will be on our side.

what will you do with the money if you win?:
oh god...pay for college! my little sis still has to pay for tuition and i have college debt!

what company would you like to be in?: 
i think jtune would be the best for us, or starship!

Comments: i really like this concept >.< fyi, they were all born around an american military base, so most people around there could possibly be a caucasian-korean mix
scene suggestions:
- taylor and her sister gabi singing together
- vic and ari annoying people?
password: avery




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