✘ ― DLUX

cryingjpg   -  lani

ahn sohyun

nicname: ahn sohyun
age: 25
birthday: july 15,  1989
birthplace: seoul, south korea
ethnicity: korean, vietnamese
height: 164cm
weight: 50kg

blood type: A

languages: Korean (fluent), english (basic)

faceclaim: gina darling
gallery: here
back up faceclaim: ahn sohee
gallery: here

Stagename: d-lux
rapping twin: tymee
audition tape: [link]

personlity traits: cocky, concieted, funny, outspoken, outgoing, perky

personality: People look at sohyun and think one of two things...one, shes probably stupid...or two, she's probably annoying. 
Sohyun is none of those two things. she is a very independent person who isn't afraid to speak her feelings. if she finds something wrong going on, she will go on about it until the problem is fixed. she sees small details easily and hates when things aren't perfect, but she doesn't concider herself a perfectionist at all. she is also really cocky and concieted. she is so used to the "you're so pretty" comment that she almost ignores it, she doesn't want to be rude, but she is still doesn't like to hear it over and over. she will still say thank you, but it might not be sincere. 
when you get to know her, she will be the funniest person you know. because she is so outspoken, she will say anything that pops up in her brain. sometimes this can be really funny, but other times it might be really mean or annoying. she loves being with her friends and making them laugh. she is a really sweet girl in general even though her persona may be concidered cold. she really just wants to be happy and have a good time.
if shes around a guy she likes, she becomes coy. she will start to act a bit more ier than she usually does. she doesn't get goo-goo eyed over them, she almost treats them like a normal person.

- music
- coffee
- benie babies
- stuffed animals (she has them all over her room)
- meat!!!!!
- vintAGe
- nail polish
- makeup

- too many sweet things
- spicy foods
- alcohol, although she drinks wine sometimes
- liars
- cheaters
- messy people
- players

- reading
- cooking
- finding new artists to cover
- making blog posts
- playing video games
- cleaning

- cleaning when shes nervious
-picks at her nails when shes bored
- crosses her legs when she sits down
- spending too much money on clothes
- doesnt care what comes out


- is bad at dancing
- sings occasionally
- hates when people call her cute
- raps really quickly
- loves disney!
- thrift shops
- if she doesnt rap, she models
- loves to eat
- hates clingly people
- twitter: @tinydlux
- instagram: @lillux


background: she grew up as an only child in korea. nothing was very unique about the way she was raised. her mother was a stay at home mom, so she would be around to help sohyun with any problems she had. her dad always told her to strive to be the best. her parents were big on hard work in school, but not really when it came to music.
sohyun always had her head in he music instead of the books. her parents got really mad at her because her grades were doing horrible. they told her if she got better grades, they'd buy her a recording set, so she could record her rap covers. in school, she was always underestimated. people never though she'd be a good rapper due to her cute look. even though sohyun could've easily changed her image, she didn't. 
she would join in on underground rap competitions, everyone though she was cute and unable to rap until they actually heard the things that came out of . she was a force to reckon with.

dad - ahn woojun - lawyer - 8
mom - ahn jaejin -stay at home mom - 9

quick interview:

how long have you been singing/dancing/rapping?:
" i've been rapping for a very long time....about...10 years."

how did you find out about this audition?:
" i found out about this from a few friends. people always told me that i should get recognized for my talent."
How much do you want to win?:
*laughs* "how can i say this...a lot...."
what will you do with the money if you win?:
" i'll try and give it back to my parents and people who supported me...of course i'll keep most of it to myself and will spend it on clothes"

what company would you like to be in?:
yg, for sure.

comments: i hope you like d-lux
scene suggestions: 
someone flirting with d-lux, she tries to shoo them away, but it doesn't work.
talking to tablo about how much she loves yg
password: sohyun



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