Bring [y back]...

lol I'm bring my "K-Stars dating..." rant/blog/thing.

I am totally fine with Kstars dating if thats what they wish. I'm not going to get so over protective of my "oppa" that I won't let others say that he's talented or hot. 

But, if you read that blog, then you understand  my feelings on the whole "kissing in vids" issue.

I don't like it because its not real.

So Jay Park [is bringing y back~♥] released "Star" two days ago. Immah ing dieeee from over happiness.

But the girl in the vid kisses him. and I was like:


The girl in his "Girlfriend" video kissed him as well. and I'm like:

Nope, no good. gots ta go, . 

I love lots of idols, more so in the "love" sense that I respect and admire their hard work and their results.

Jay Park is the only one that I'm, like, In love with. And it depresses me, because he's so much older but. its only by 8 years. Gram and Poppop seven years difference between's only illegal until this summer! then I'll turn 18 and it'll be totally fine. rofl 

Okay, ye. I'm an idiot. As ifI could get Jay, the hot talented idiol adored by thousands. Like he would even give me a second ing look. 

Anybody know JennaMarbles on youtube? I got my catch phrase from her:

"If you were born ing ugly like me..." Except she's really pretty so I don't get why she says that. It was from here video: "How to trick people into thinking you're attractive" lolol


Okay...Immah go drool over Jay some more~  xD


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AbriMathos #1
That kiss in the "Star" MV killed me with it's terrible kdrama-esque way...I just wanted it to be over. I know that Jay can use those lips so I dunno why they made him front like that. I know how you feel about stars dating as well >.< i can't stand when fans are like "GTFO my oppar! He's mine that ing [insert derogatory expletive here]" or "[insert random girl/guys name here] is not worthy of my oppa/unni. He/She can do better than that!"
stfu i feel the same way about a certain someone XP but no worries. austin's parents are 14 years apart ;) food for thought~