Help me?

So...dongsaeng was an idiot and forgot to put on sunscreen today. My arms and face and neck and shoulders are bright red and it hurts so much. My face is all swollen :( 

Anyway, I have to be head of staff at a party tomorrow night, and I'm wearing a hot pink dress. My skin. Clashes. With. My dress. . Does anyone have any advice on how to decrease the redness/pain. I tried putting on lotion but I still feel bad. 

Good night, thanks for any help. Saranghae <3


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Aloe is what most people usually use :3
aloe thats the stuff. it really helps
Coiste #3
Try aloe! Although...I never get burned so I wouldn't know OTL But just a guess since that stuff works on literally everything ^-^
Omg though
Just how some white people can't wear things that are too pale...I can't wear orange -_-
yoghurt its the best :)
How about you use the aloe Vera cream? i always use it when i got redness on my hands ^^ Hope it will help you ^^
If u dont have aloe vera, the aloe vera lotion will help. Although the plant works best.
try aloe vera, it always helps me ^^
Drowning- #8
Aww sorry I'm here tho~
What most comments said yeah aloe, cucumbers, haven't actually tried peppermint oil but in theory it should work lmao
Basically anything that'll keep your skin cool (not ice that would be way to cold, along with other problems).
And stay out of the sun as much as possible for the time being and if/when you do go out, wear a hat and definitely still put on sunscreen now that you've learned your lesson!
Happens to everyone tho~
(And you'll probably look fine in your dress regardless of redness :D)
Aloe Vera or Shea butter is excellent for that sort of thing... also I heard egg whites work really well if you let them dry on your skin?
Try aloe vera that helps a lot...
I did it once and it worked out...
Be careful next time...^^
Floqkpop #12
Cucumber facial, just slice up cucumbers and put it on your face, it has a really good cooling effect
Aloe Vera is my best friend after a tennis practice out in the sun (even though I'm practically drowning in sunscreen, i still manage to get burnt)
Try aloe vera. That stuff is what I always use when I get sunburn and it works quite well.