"aeipathy" — son danji (dj)

the basics.


username: DreamAndDance

nickname: Ariana

activity rate: 9

full name: Son Danji


— Jiji (an affectionate and shorter form of her name given and used by the Aeipathy members)
— Angel (she was in BAP's '1004 Angel,' and Zelo thought it would be cute to call her this)
— Clarity (her other name means 'clear' in French, used by Krystal because she remembers how Danji had to cite several tongue twisters to make her voice clearer)

other name(s):  
— Claire Son (the English/French name she went by when she studied in France)

birthdate: 09/29/1996 + 17 + 18

birthplace + hometown: Seoul, South Korea + Paris, France

ethnicity: Korean

— Korean (native, she was born and spent a majority of her childhood in Korea)

— French (semi-fluent, studied in France)
— English (conversational, one of the spoken languages in Paris but not as frequent)

sending virtual winks.

faceclaim: + + + + (Lael)

backup faceclaim: + + + + (Lee Hayi)


height & weight: 164cm + 51kg

appearance: Danji's face is rather oval-ish, and her eyes are double lidded, thanks to her genetics and not plastic surgery. She has a tiny, almost unnoticeable mole located next to her right eye. She even has a mole on her left ear lobe, just below her piercing. Danji's pale skin dries up easily so she must keep lotion with her at all times. Her long hair was originally black, but the company had her dye it to a golden blonde brown. Danji's hair always seems to be down at her shoulders, although for practices and at the dorms she ties it in a ponytail or a messy bun. She is very easy going when it comes to her hairstyle and goes along with whatever the stylists give her, as long as her hair remains brown. Although she is on the thin side she gains weight easily, so she has to keep careful watch of the amount of food she consumes in order to keep her size 2 frame. She has two regular ear piercings on each ear lobe, but also also a belly button piercing her parents are not aware of, so she often pulls down her shirts to hide it or takes it off when she must wear stomach-exposing tops or bikinis.

​Danji's style can only be described as edgy. From young she was trained to always look the best, whether it's out grocery shopping or out at the gym. Danji rarely wears bright, eye catching colors, and prefer to stay on the darker side. Her wardrobe mainly consists of large sweaters and T-shirts, and she'd rather wear solid clothes rather than clothes with patterns. The only patterns she is seen wearing are checkered or striped. Danji only wears heels if it's absolutely, but most of the time she has boots or sneakers on. She's fond of wearing hats with her outfits, especially beanies. Honestly though, she's fine whatever the stylists throw on her.
1 2 3 4 5

shoot my lungs.


First of all, Danji is very sophisticated. If there was to be a picture with the word sophistication, Danji would be the picture. At the first glance, she is a woman of grace and class. Growing up in a wealthy, prestigious family definitely had its effects on her, but don't worry, she isn't some snobby brat. She does, however, carry a strong 'can-do-anything' attitude, except with more determination and less arrogance. Criticism and hate do not affect Danji; instead of weighing her confidence down, it boosts her to work harder. Danji isn't the type of woman to change for anyone, and she certainly isn't going to change herself just to earn someone else's approval. Except when her progress does not meet her expectations, Danji becomes short-tempered and frustrated. And even though she has a calm exterior, she is extrememly sensitive and Aeipathy members often find her in the bathroom stalls or curled in her bed crying because of her failure to improve.

Danji has the gift of capturing the attention of a room without effort. She speaks softly, yet people catch every word she utters and from that she commands respect. With her calming voice, Danji can smooth over a tense situation and atmosphere. She is the one who represents the members when they'v lost their train of thought and she always protects the group from scandals and things that are not meant to be said. With her way of words, Danji is extrememly convincing - as much as she hates to admit it, this skill can extend to manipulating and completely lying. She is a rational individual and her head controls her rather than her heart. Logic spurs her actions and she is quick to shoot down anything that may seem unrealistic. Although Danji is very headstrong and independent, she'll want to listen to the opnions and sugestions of others before making a final decision. Danji is the type of person you can tell your darkest secrets to and she listens without judging; she likes to say she strives to find both sides of the story before delivering her judgement. As an excellent listener, she won't continute pressing you for more details if you cannot go on.

This girl is neither anti-social nor social, though she does prefer having some quiet time to herself. Danji is social enough to have several friends, but don't think she'll run around screaming to random people, "HI I'M DANJI WHAT'S YOUR NAME??" It takes a lot for Danji to admit you into her world. She's reserved - which is masked behind her warm smiles and refined aura. Once Danji finally accepts someone as her friend, nothing changes except the fact that she will every now and then shyly reach out to hold your hand or put her arms around your waist. But because she devotes loyalty and sincerity to her friends, she expects the same from them. One interesting thing about Danji is that she rarely laughs; smiles are frequent from her, both fake and genuine, but to hear Danji laugh is a rare moment to witness. She'd matured faster than most kids her age as her family barely looked after her, therefore she hasn't experience the most joy. Since Danji was hardly showered with love, she goes out her way to nurture others so they would never experience what she had.

Danji has difficulty sharing her feelings, and when asked, she'll reply with a vague answer or with a shrug of her shoulders. She never wants to burden others with her own problems and would prefer to deal it by herself. She tends to bottle up her emotions, and when that bottle cap pops off, all hell breaks loose. When ticked off, it is best advised to leave Danji alone, but when she becomes madder, she'll give you the cold shoulder until she receives an apology she believes she deserves. Danji rarely apologizes immediately, even if it really is her fault. When she knows she's wrong, it's not uncommon to take days or weeks for her to realize it, and she'll do so with a true, apologetic smile.

The stage is like a second home to Danji. To fans, shes still the regal , sophisticated Danji. While she does not carry the fierceness rappers like CL and Miryo have, she possesses the charisma, technical aspect, and a great sense of rhythm. She does however, severely lack an audience-friendly aura and tends to sit back and observe during variety shows. Because of this, Danji struggles to be more active and talkative, as she doesn't want her fans to think badly of her. The CEO of Borium once said Danji shines the best when she's on her own, but the latter dislikes taking the spotlight and would rather share it with her members instead. She is already the face, and doesn't need any more focusing on her.




Son Danji was born on a late summer's day on September 29th, 1996, into a high class family with two older siblings. Her father owns a very succesful cosmetics company, while her mother is an internationally celebrated and admired fashion designer. As soon as Danji began to walk, her parents began neglecting her and placed her under the care of a nanny, Yoo Yuri. Danji grew up to be a pretty but stern faced, soft voiced child whose parents trained her "to be seen and not to be heard." As a young child, Danji was often overshadowed by the accomplishments of her older siblings Her siblings were brilliant students in school and had bright futures. Her older brother, Daesung, was expected to inherit the family cosmetics company, and sister Danbi chased after the footsteps of their mother. Unlike her siblings and despite being serious faced, Danji was always interested in performing. She frequently participated in her kindergarten school plays and was always prancing around the living room with a plastic microphone in her hands. However, it was not enough to capture her parents' attention, and they immediately started to outline her future themselves. As soon as Danji turned eight, her parents put a stop to her performing arts activities and sent her to a culinary arts school in Paris, France, with Yuri. Now, she was no longer Son Danji, but Claire Son.

The first several months in Paris were dark times for Danji. She suffered from extreme homesickness, and she grew lonely because of the language barrier and she could not make friends. It was Yuri who pulled Danji together and encou
raged the girl to the dance lessons, an activity Danji preferred to baking. Although Danji was never the best dancer (she was actually one of the weakest), she expressed passion and love for dance. One vacation back in Seoul, Danji noticed a huge advertisement promoting a group of twelve young men with the name of Super Junior. After falling in love with several of their songs, she searched through more of this 'K-pop.' Once Danji's parents found out, they ordered her to forget everything about K-pop as tey believed it was distracting her from her school work. For the first time however, Danji spoke out against them and declared she wanted to become an idol. Before she turned eleven, Danji secretly sent out an audition video to SM, and when she was accepted, her parents threatened to cut off all contact with her if she refused to follow the path they set for her. Although Danji was afraid, she left Paris to start training at SM and her parents did as they said.

While Danji's visuals and dancing was satisfactory, her vocals were weak. Though she had a couple of trainee friends by her side, Danji was often bullied by the other trainees because they saw her as a threat, plus her strange accent made her an outcast. Even the SM vocal teachers mocked her voice, often picking on her in front of the class. Training was so extreme to the point where she almost quit, but after two years of training at SM, thirteen year old Danji was chosen for the original line-up for f(x), a new girl group. However at the last minute, SM replaced Danji with Choi Jinri because in their words Jinri was "prettier, older, more talented, and more confident" than Danji. This was a major blow to Danji's pride, and although she wanted to leave the company, they conviced her to stay, even offering her training as an actress. Because Danji had nowhere else to go, she accepted and stayed on, this time as an actress, which improved her self-confidence.

After working in an OST drama with the very same girl who prevented her from joining f(x), Danji requested to terminate her contract with SM. This time, the CEO was wiling to let her go, as he had been planning to cut her after the drama. He transferred her to Borium Entertainment, where he had expected her to be less popular, considering Borium isn't as on top as the Big Three. At Borium, Danji found a new passion: rapping. The first few classes were shaky and Danji struggled to control breathing and fludity. But thanks to several tongue twisters and following the imitations of other rappers, she gradualy began to naturally flow words from the tip of her tongue. And Danji had to admit, she was a lot happier at Amour than she was at SM.


+ tulips ; they symbolize elegance and people just often compare her to them because she is elegance as well
+ the color purple ; it's such a nice color, even in different shades
+ classical music ; simply soothing to her ears and can calm her down no matter what
+ macaroons ; a French pastry that grew to be her favorite dessert while she was in Paris
+ snowglobes ; they just fascinate her whenever she shakes them and watches the fake snow fall
+ autumn ; the season where it's neither too cold or too hot, and it's breathtakingly beautiful with the falling red and orange leaves

- romance novels ; she is a rational woman who doesn't believe in those cheesy tales
- coffee ; too bitter for Danji, who prefers sweeter tastes
- nosy people ; if she can stay out of your business, stay out of hers too
- waking up early ; she is a busy idol and what little sleep she can get is extremely precious to her
- strawberries ; she is severely allergic to them and will break into a bad case of hives if she smells or comes in contact with one
- underestimation ; don't judge her, she has a couple of tricks up her sleeve and is better than some people think

> color coding and coordinating her wardrobe ; it keeps things well organized and gives her less of a headache. For instance, she lines her shirts by sleeve length. Sometimes she offers to 'clean up' her unnies' closets
> practicing tongue twisters ; seems silly to some people, but for Danji, tongue twisters improves her enunciation and clarity of her voice and speech, which is useful when it comes to rapping
> teaching her dogs tricks ; well they have to do something other than sit around all day

> her ideal type and celebrity crush Jang Dongwoo of Infinite. She has often expressed her desire to actually meet him in person "Why must Dongwoo sunbaenim be so much older than me?!"
> unlike most group maknaes, she doesn't mind doing aegyo when asked to do so
> every Monday she buys a small box of macaroons from the bakery near the company. If she can't get them by herself, she sends someone to do it because boy, she needs her Macaroon Mondays
> she has a huge snowglobe collection on the shelves of her room and she plans to collect one from every country Aeipathy performs in
> even if the other members protest, she likes to place a vase of tulips by the Aeipathy dorm door
> she can never keep on nail polish for long and enjoys chipping them within a few days - it drives the stylists crazy
> she secretly wants to create a '96 line group, like Key's '91 line circle and Heechul's Chocoball. She even has a list in her mind; so far she has Got7's Youngjae, soloist Lee Hi, Apink's Hayoung, Red Velvet's Joy, and of course, Zelo
> her Instagram is @thedjisme (inspired by WG's 'The DJ is Mine'). She rarely posts selcas and instead posts pictures of her food, the Aeipathy members doing silly things, or with her friends 
> she likes to draw a little flower after signing her name for autographs
> she has two Pomsky female puppies named Vanille and Marron, who she plans to move into the Aeipathy dorm


cut down the pinus tree.


— father | Son Jinwoo | 50 | CEO of a cosmetics company, Luxe
— mother | Pyo Saera | 50 | beautician
— older brother | 23 | Son Daesung | beautician
— older sister | 21 | Son Danbi | beauty school student

(althought her parents refuse to acknowledge her personally, they often use her to promote their own businesses by openly stating how she's their daughter - another reason why she's titled as the face. Later after Aeipathy's debut, they'll start using her by claiming she uses their products. Danji doesn't complain because it's the closest she gets to her parents)


best friend(s): .

— Choi Junhong 'Zelo' | 17 | Idol in BAP
— Krystal Jung | 19 | Idol in f(x)

— Yook Sungjae | 19 | Idol in BtoB
— Bae Sunhee | 17 | Borium trainee
— Park Sooyoung 'Joy' | 18 | Idol in Red Velvet
— Henry Lau | 24 | soloist, idol in Super Junior

centre nova.

stage name: DJ - D from Dan and J from Ji

stage persona: The Class President - like how a class president looks over the wellbeing of the student body class, Danji watches over the members of Aeipathy well, even if she's not the leader

position: maknae, lead rapper, vocalist, face of the group

backup position: main dancer, main vocalist

fanclub: Officers (periwinkle #9999ff)


trainee life:
> five years in SM
> two years in Borium
the rest is explained in her background

predebut experiences:
+ played the role of Hong Dahae in To the Beautiful You  (minor role)
+ was the female cameo in BtoB '2nd Confession' MV, Henry's '1-4-3' MV, and BAP's '1004 Angel' MV


singing twin: Chorong

dancing twin: Suzy

rapping twin: Hwayoung

talking twinYoo Ara

kiss you inside out.

love interest: Krystal Jung (f(x))

statuspeas and carrots - best friends

backup love interest: Park Jimin (BTS)



Krystal Jung isn't called the Ice Princess for nothing. Despite her pretty face, she tends to exhibit a very cold, unfriendly exterior, which causes people to either immediatedly dislike her or avoid her. But in reality, Krystal's a really easy-going girl. She'd rather sail through peacefully and not make waves. Like Danji, she does not know how to express feelings, therefore people usually misinterpret her true intentions. She isn't quite a fan of smiling and prefers a straight face but on variety shows she makes an effort to. Krystal is rather insensitive, meaning she honestly doesn't give a crap about what people say about her. She always manages to hold her head high even at the hardest of the times. However, she is notorious for her disrespectful attitude, but after all, she hasn't fully grasped Korean customs and still has an 'American' air around her. But take away the idol part in her and you have a girl who shows her playful, silly side with the ones she is more comfortable around.



Krystal's and Danji's story first began way back when both were on the line up for f(x). Thirteen year old Danji entered the dance room and found that Krystal was the only person in the room so far. Krystal had been stretching in front of the mirror, and Danji decided to stay out of her way and sit at the far corner. After all, this was Krystal Jung, one of the most respected as well as intimidating trainees. Danji admired Krystal because even though Krystal was alone, she wasn't bullied, something Danji could never avoid. The two girls stretched in silence, until the other girls in the line up for f(x) entered and the trainer made them interact.

Even so, they didn't speak to each other personally until one day Danji was being harrassed by a couple of female trainees. She was sitting alone in a hallway contemplating quitting SM when Krystal came into the hallway carrying a snack bag of nuts and raisins. Noticing how down Danji looked, she sat down next to Danji and while she didn't speak, she offered Danji some raisins. The first few private meetings were mostly them snacking in silence, but they eventually opened up. When Danji transferred to Borium, the two remained in close contact and Danji made sure to attend a few f(x) concerts to support her best friend.



Perhaps one of the many reasons why Krystal is in love with Danji is because of their similar personalities: both are often criticized for not being 'active' enough on variety shows, both have difficulty expressing their emotions, etc. Both speak very highly of each other when asked about their friendship on variety shows and interviews. They will also fiercely and aggressively shoot down any rumors about the other. When it comes to sharing her feelings, Danji feels quite comfortable with Krystal and tells her all her insecurities and fears. Krystal is one of the few people who can really get a genuine laugh out of Danji. Both girls just bring out the best in each other. If you look closer, you can see a light tinge of pink spreading over Krystal's face whenever Danji smiles or waves at her. Whenever the two are in front of the cameras, Krystal tends to move away further from Danji for fear her blush will show. They're not afraid to show skinship together alone though. Before Krystal performs, Danji often stands with her backstage and holds her hand. As Krystal, she loves giving Danji back or side hugs.

Krystal helps Danji improve with her English while Danji tries to teach Krystal French. When they're not busy being idols, the two take a stroll by the Han River talking and laughing, or try on the most ridiculous outfits at the mall. They have matching friendship bracelets and some of the same shirts so they can twin. They even have their own couple name: Krystal Clear, which goes with the saying 'everything is crystal clear.' It's silly and they know it but they don't care.

Krystal didn't realize she likes Danji until she saw how close Danji and Zelo were getting. She is terrified to admit her feelings; she doesn't want to acknowledge that she is bi and in love with her best friend, especially since she holds a very polished image and doesn't want to ruin it with a scandal like this. And she is positive Danji is straight and would never go for her. Krystal hasn't told anyone except for Amber and Jessica, who both insist on meeting Danji to 'approve of her.' As Krystal's feelings grow stronger, she begins to avoid Danji in public. This makes Danji very confused and whenever she questions Krystal about it, the latter simply replies that she doesn't want to make fans jealous about their friendship. 


love rival: Choi Junhong 'Zelo' (BAP)

status: best friends ; Zelo admires Danji, from her elegance to her love for tulip flowers. He has a very, very deep crush on her that the other BAP members like to make fun of him for, but he is completely content with remaining best friends with her, as long as he is by her side.

the end.

comments, concerns, suggestions: This is my first time having a female love interest :o I know her personality doesn't seem very maknae-y, but isn't that the point? :3 she may not seem very open on variety shows like how a 'face' is expected to be, but Sulli's been criticized as well for giving blank emotions and she's the face of f(x), so I hope that's okay!

scene requests

— just after Aeipathy performs their debut song, Danji returns to their dressing room to find a dozen purple tulips placed among her belongings. Usually a dozen roses symbolizes true love, but the person replaced it with Danji's favorite flowers. Whether it was Krystal, Zelo, or a fan who gave it to her is up to the author :) (though it'll be quite romantic if it's Krystal / slapped)
— Krystal suddenly tells Danji she likes Danji, and Danji smiles and replies that she likes Krystal too. However, she meant it as a friend, and a disappointed Krystal nods
— Aeipathy goes to Lotte World and the more daring members try to drag the timid members aboard roller coasters
— Aeipathy fans and f(x) fans have a fanwar because some dumb fans decided that Aeipathy is similar to f(x). During that time, Krystal's and Danji's friendship is bashed
— the company hires a new stylist for Aeipathy, who happens to be...Danji's mother! Danji avoids her by shoving one of the Aeipathy members to be her mother's client

password: Jongkey <3

coded by skye


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