Should I get a phone or a laptop? 


I currently have both but they are both completely useless. I currently have an old Dell Inspiron and it just kinda stopped working one day even though it was fine and I was using it the day before. Now if I try to use it, the lights go on along with the fan, for a few seconds and then it turns off. 

I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 and it's in good condition but, here's the thing. I CAN'T TURN THE SERVICE BACK ON. I had gotten it last year in March and it hasn't been on (service wise) for a while because of hardships and whatnot. Then in March we go to turn it on and the guy at the store is like, "you guys have to come back in a month and it'll be able to be activated." So we listened, I'm counting down the days until my phone is back on. We get there just to find out that my account, my phone's serial number, and my phone number itself is BEING USED BY SOME LADY IN LA. LIKE WHAT. NO. I live on the other side of the country and know absolutely NOONE on that side of the country. (My family extends to Wisconsin/Illinois if you head west, and Puerto Rico and South Carolina if you head south. Maybe New York as well idk). But anyway yeaH! Like what is this! I was so upset. And we went and talked to the someone where we bought my phone from and they told us to go to the corporate office and "see what they can do". (my mum still hasn't gone but it's whatever) Like what if we go and it's a waste of time because they can't do anything and all they do is apologize and reccommend that we start a new service thingy magingy. BUT I was thinking OMG WHAT IF GOD LIKE TOUCHES THEIR HEARTS AND THEY'RE ALL LIKE "sorry we can't do anything about it, here's the S5. Hope this makes up for the inconvenience" I'D BE SO HAPPY AND I'D RUN AROUND THE STORE AND HUG EVERYONE butyeah. idk guyssssss. help meeee. Please. 

I want the S5 because it's beautiful and I can communicate with more friends instead of using Twitter(which I hate) and kik. It's just a great phone from all the reviews I've read overall and my best friend who is like my sister has it and a lady I know has it as well. AND IT'S JUST BEAUTIFUL. 

I want a new laptop because then I don't have to worry about my brothers hovering over my shoulder when I'm on the computer. Be on tumblr, here and Youtube freely without worrying about nosey people. Also I could update fics more frequently and because I'LL BE IN COLLEGE IN LIKE TWO WEEKS NOT EVEN AND WHAT COLLEGE STUDENT DOESN'T HAVE A LAPTOP. 

Either way, whichever one I buy, I'll most likely be broke after I buy it. The S5 is $600+ and a laptop depends on what kind I get and all that. But still. WHAT SHOULD I DOOOOOO




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its up to u unnie, cause to be prefectly honest, you need laptop more than ur phone for ur studies, you can't use phone when you need to type something for let say ur report etc. but then again its up to you unnie, all the best and sorry if im not much of a help hehehe ^-^

u still have old phone right? think wisely unnie ^-^
nowadays phone has becum more imp than talking abt my own experience.after hving a lappy,I was happy with my old phone,but now with new apps coming as this generation is turning into an app generation so hving a gud ph has becum very imp.thts why I had to buy a gud new can do many more things which even a lappy cant do.n galaxy can do anything,its a grt ph.u can do clg works,play games,hv marvellous apps,paint,etc etc.
Make a pro and con list for both, and see which has more pros.

In my personal opinion, I think that you should prioritize getting a laptop. Since you are starting school soon, having your own laptop would be more convenient, and make college a bit easier for you. For example, say you have to do a paper that's due... in two days (I don't know), but your brothers or whoever is hoarding the computer. You have to take every possible situation and scenario into account, when you're given... I wouldn't consider this an ultimate, but you get what I mean.
HaleyYesul #4
I phone. You can use it as a computer til you can get a new one