HI GUISE (updates and new story info!)

Hi guys! It's been such a long time since I've been back on this site (I was busy graduating high school and getting ready for college...). I just re-read all of House of Horrors and I realized I really want to write another story like that. Angsty fantasy is kinda my thing, lol. 

But since my main group is no longer EXO, I want to put some twists on this idea I have. 

First of all, the raw idea is this: "In a world, where one wish can change your whole destiny, what would you wish for?" 

I know it sounds weird, but bear with me-I don't want to tell you guys everything about the story just yet ;D. But anyway, I can't really decide if I want it to be mulitple groups (that include girls) or if I just want to make it one group (which would be all boys) with certain members genderbent. I think I'm leaning towards multiple groups because then I can have some members from EXO, some members from BTS and some girl group members.

That's the other thing: I don't know which girl groups to use. I have several in mind (including my new girl group obsession, Red Velvet!), but I really just don't know. So what am I going to do about it? I'm going to ask you all, of course!



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