It's a sign.. I should stop writing.

Sooooo.. My lap top went swiming like literally in the sea and knowing all electronics don't match well with Suho's power it died. 

There goes all of the stories I have written. All the updates i would have posted. *sob*

as I refelct on the incident it occured to me that maybe it's a sign that I should stop writing.. I'm not that good anyways... then 10 minutes later I was already composing another story. so it seems I can't stop. oh well..

HAs that every happen to you guys?

Not the lap top swiming.. but the reaching the point in which you realize that by hook or by crook you can't never let go of writing..??:)



all those stories.. drowned.




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Oh noo! Please, it's a fake sign, you can't stop writing! I'm so sorry for that..:/ I can imagine how annpying it can be if you've lost all our datas and stories.. aa..

Things have happened, but not that interesting, so..yeah.

I'm not forcing anything (I don't know if it was the right word to use.xd), but if you have time and you feel like doing so, don't stop writing, please.:) I really like your story and I'm very curious about what Flo and the others will do.^^
NO PLZ!!! I NEED YOU TO FINISH MY BF's BF is a Werewolf!!!

im so sorry T^T *sobs forever*
I had a memory stick with all my stories and school work on it that went kaput. That was painful.