Friend Requests

This is just a random thought..

Why do people keep adding me as a freind but don't talk to me at all?? ahahah.

It's not that I'm complaining that you're adding me but I'm just wondering.. heheh. like do I know you?? O_O if you add me as a friend well can we atleast exchange a few phrases or such?? just wondering.. O_O


and oh can someone teach me how to attach a link to a word (like a tittle of a story and it is actually a link.. ) I'm still a lost duck to it.. ahaha.. Thanks so much.. :D


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They might be adding u as a friend because u left a nice comment on their fic or subscribed? Just a guess idk
I can't help you with the link problem, sorry.
I know what you mean though, with the friend requests. I'm thinking the same as you... "Um, who are you?", "Do I know you?", "How are we friends again?" lol