運命づかられて / FATED — Kim Angeline


Kim Angeline

HyuuuunMi-AHH •Gee • 2


the basics.

name » Kim Angeline Hyunmi

nickname(s) »
Gee | Angel > Angie (eyn-gee) > Gee, her close friends in Boston call her this. They made it up coz calling her Angel would be mainstream.
Angel | Just a shortened verson of her name, her parents call her this

birthday and age » 03/12/1995 || 19 in international age

ethnicity » Korean

language »
English || 100% || her native tongue
Korean || 75% || her parents only told her the basics, when they moved to Korea, she struggled especially in reading and writing in Korean, she managed to learn, but only in between the intermediate and expert level, leaning more on the intermediate.

face claim » Sori

backup face claim » Eungyeong


appearance » Angeline stands at 155 cm and weighs 47 kg. She dyes her hair when she feels like it and is currently sporting a plum color. She has waist length hair that has a natural wave. She also has long side bangs that go towards the right side of her face. She has pale skin with a bit of pinkish hue and her eyes are doe like with circle lenses, in either the colors of purple, grey or blue, due to her bad eyesight. She has a mole on her left collarbone. Angeline has tattoos on her, on the back of her right hand is a cross and the word freedom on her left wrist. She has 3 lobe piercings and 2 cartilage piercing on her right ear, 3 lobe piercings on her left and a belly piercing.

style » Angeline is a fashionable person. She doesn'y have a particular style. She likes to mix and match clothes. But she only wears sneakers. She adores sneakers and would only make exception to wear heels if it is absolutely neccessary.

A || B || C || D || E || F || G || H || I || J

" Another adventure awaits another. "


the girl.

traitsDaredevil, confident, charming, impatient, sarcastic, stubborn

personalityAngeline is a daredevil, it might not look like it because of her exterior appearance but she is. She isn't afraid to break the rules. She enjoys the thrill and the adrenaline rush. She loves exploring and going on adventures. She even made up a saying "After an adventure awaits another" That has been her motto ever since she started studying at Ohsan. Angeline is confident and has pride. She isn't afraid to stand up for herself. She'll speak up for herself or for her friends. Because of her confidence, she feels comfortable under her own skin and don't see why she has any need to change. If people badmouth her, what they say would just enter her ear and exits from the other. She's not the prettiest in many people's eyes. But she has her own charm to make people get attracted to her. Angeline is very impatient. She gets impatient when people don't get her right away. She has the most random thoughts and because of this some people don't get her. She hates it when people would ask what she means over and over again, so because of that she'll change to another topic right away. She is very sarcastic. Her comebacks when you provoke her would leave you speechless. Confidence and sarcasm don't go well. She'll have a sharp tongue when you annoy the hell out of her. She would say ironies to mock or diss people that she gets annoyed at. When people ask the most obvious questions, she'll answer back sarcastically before following it up with the real answer. Stubborn as a bull, she hates it when people disagree with her ideas, if people are against it she'll stick with her ideas. She won't stop sticking to her ideas unless people would take extreme measures to change her mind or for them to agree with her. If she does get her way, she would tell them that they made the most rightful thing to do.

↷ Food ; she loves eating, any kind of food you give her, she will eat it. Except tomatoes
↷ Purple ; everything she practically owns is in the color purple, her favorite color, it's a must for her
↷ Sneakers ; She'll choose sneakers over heels any day. Love expanding her collection.
↷ Photography ; she likes taking pictures of sceneries, people, and nature, it calms her down
↷ Pepero ; her most favorite snack of all, she has to have a pack where ever she goes
↷ Air conditioned places ; she loves the cool air brushing past her skin
↷ Fashion ; she likes to be up to date, and it fascinates her
↷ Sleep ; who doesn't love sleep?
↷ Outdoor activites ; being able to do activities under the sun, with the fresh hair, makes her fidget with excitement
↷ Smell of Bacon and Cinammon ; who doesn't love the smell of bacon and cinammon?
↷ Tomatoes ; she just hates it, she doesn't know why
↷ Hot Places ; the feeling of beaing sweaty and sticky makes her eek.
↷ Math ; She hates numbers, she hates number with letters more, she hates number with letters and symbols most.
↷ Bugs ; pestly little critters
↷ Overload brightness ; makes her head and eyes hurt and makes her feel dizzy
↷ Talking to her after she just woke up ; she wakes up in a bad mood, always, never talk to her when she just woke up
↷ Hunger ; the feeling of an empty stomach makes her cry
↷ Fashion Crisis ; she hates it when she's not dressed appropriately
↷ Untidy places ; she's a perfectionist, that's why
↷ She hates horror movies
↷ She likes cooking then eating it (Foodophile)
↷ She buys different kinds of food and evaluates them
↷ She knows how to play the guitar and piano
↷ Can imitate Agnes and Minions
↷ Straight F Student when it comes to aegyo
↷ A milktea freak
↷ She once jumped from her balcony to a dumpster out of curiousity
↷ A Social Network freak
↷ She can name all the sodas in the world
↷ Can remix songs on her iPad
↷ Loves purple too much. Her marker for for naming things is purple, her mug, slippers, every household things she owns is purple
↷ Has a collection of sneakers just for dancing and have a separate collection for going out
↷ Can easily cry when she reads something sad or watches it.
↷ She likes collecting bubble bath
↷ She doesn't mind skinships but as long as it's not disrespectful
↷ She wears circle lenses with grade (she has bad eye sight) and she uses the color purple and grey the most
↷ wears eye glasses, which is purple, whenever at home.
↷ Cooking then eating what she cooks
↷ Skateboards
↷ Photography and admring the scenery
↷ Food tripping ; she buys diferent kinds of food and evaluates them
↷ Shoe shopping
↷ Daredevilling (lol)
↷ Daydreaming
↷ Playing the guitar
↷ Brings pepero and snacks where ever she goes
↷ Derp faces when she gets her point across
↷ When she realizes something, she'll snap her fingers while saying "Oho!"
↷ When she's told that something is worth the thrill, she'll bite her lip and smirk
↷ She plays with a strand of her hair or someone's hair if she's thinking



background » Angeline was born in Boston, Massachusetts with Korean parents. So basically she's American Korean. As a kid, she grew up having a passion for music. Her parents met through music and for her this is the ultimate dream, to meet someone through music. Her parents met back when they were in college, and they sat next to each other when they were auditioning for the band org. She grew up learning how to play the guitar from her dad and piano from her mom. She also grew up learning how to sing. Other than music, she grew up being adventurous. Her parents would take her to places in the States where they can go parasailing, zip lining, bungee jumping and all those stuff. She grew up being a daredevil too. During her elementary through out high scool days, she was active in school in terms of music. During her high school days in Boston, she joined a band and was quite well known around her neighborhood as the vocalist and lead guitarist of the band. Her parents had her move to Hansajung to help her uncle who had opened a bar. She was requested by him to be the bar's musician and offered to pay her money for her college. Angeline really wanted to study music composition and the tuition for that is no joke so she agreed. She also grabbed the opportunity to learn the language by heart.


family »
Kim Daehwan | 49 | Father | Architect | chill, relaxed, fun
Kim Soomi | 45 | Mother | Sous-chef | motherly, loving, caring
Kim Daemin | 48 | Uncle | CEO of MAO (Moon and Onyx) Bar and Grill chains | mellow, mature, good-natured


friends »
Jung Krystal | 19 | Best friends | College Student | blunt, caring, warm-hearted | met when Angeline moved to Hansajung. Both are from the States so they just clicked.

rival »
Bae Suzy | 19 | College Student | Self-centered, loud, friendly | She thought that she'll be the top dog in terms of singing when she got to college but Angeline came around and it was stolen from her.



the soulmate.

SOULMATE » Mark Tuan (GOT7)



BIRTHDAY & AGE » 09/04/1993 | 20

occupation » College Student


personality » Your first impression of him is that it seems like he doesn't care due to his lack of expressions and lack of words, but he does, really does. He has a very quiet personality. He has a hard time expressing his feelings to the people who he isn't too familiar with. He cares alot about his friends and family. He's hardworking and reliable. He is very considerate of others and considers their feelings. He rarely loses his composure, he's a type of guy who is always calm and poised. But once you get to know him, you can totally say that "First impressions last" is rubbish. He'll have these million expressions that even you thought won't ever exist on his face. He has this high pitched manly laugh even when you thought wasn't possible for someone who has a very deep voice. And you'll be able to see the twinkle in his eyes when he talks about his music and his hometown, Los Angeles. He'll always think that he's right and is very stubborn if people don't think so. He'll just stay quiet with a frown on his face if ever people don't agree with him.


HISTORY » They were complete strangers. They won't remember each other even if they pass each other a couple of times. They are two different people from two similar but different worlds. Both of them go to the same college, Mark a dance major in choreograpy and Angeline a music major in composition. They don't remember meeting each other before. They officially met when the dance majors had to collab with the music majors for the annual autumn festival. They were paired up with each other. They didn't get along at first since both are stubborn as hell. Both not wanting to give in to the other. But other than that, they relate to each other in a way. Both were foreigners and both were sent by their parents to Hansajung. Angeline helped Mark, who was in need of money, by offering him to work at her uncle's bar. Ever since then, Mark would wait for her when she closes the bar and would drop her off to her house with his motorbike. Suzy likes Mark. Angeline dislikes Suzy. Mark and Angeline are close friends. Therefore Mark helps Angeline get into Suzy's nerves by acting all lovey dovey around her. They would hold hands, hug each other, Mark would even carry Angeline just to piss Suzy off. They became that close with each other. Then the incident happened, they don't remember meeting each other before and they were troubled but swore to help each other to find their soulmate, not knowing that they're just in front of each other. After the incident, Mark became distant towards her. Mark developed feelings for her but he pushed it away after the incident, knowing that Angeline has a soulmate (not knowing it's him) Angeline also fought her feelings. She was in love with Mark but hated it. For her it wasn't her dream romance. The dream of meeting through music then being in love. It's different from meeting during the preparation for a festival for a performance. Mark wasn't into music like her and she hated it. She hated the idea of Mark having a soulmate that's not her (also not knowing it's her) even more.

the words.

words » Sorry.

LOCATION » Right pinkie.


SITUATION » Angeline never experienced being in love. She wanted to feel that feeling. She wanted to feel the feeling of holding someone's hand. But she knew she had to wait for the right one. The incident happened and the idea of having a soulmate overwhelmed her. "Sorry." was written on her right pinkie. She had countless of people telling her sorry and this troubled her as hell. But what she didn't remember was Mark said this word when they met for the first time. ((Flashback>> Angeline was riding a bus to town to go shopping. Mark entered the bus and saw a seat next to her. Angeline didn't notice him sitting next to her because of her earphones and her music in a high volume. She was looking out the window, daydreaming. Mark was fidgeting next to her because of his bags. He was gonna attend an open dance workshop in town. The bus then suddenly hit a bump, Mark had to balance himself by placing his hands on the bus seat. But his hand landed on Angeline's right hand, that was resting on the seat. Specifically, it landed on her right pinkie. Mark, thinking that he might have hurt her due to the force of his hand, said sorry to her. Angeline, who was still lost in her world didn't hear him, she didn't even turn to him. When the bus arrived at her stop, she said "Excuse me." to him. That was her first words to him. And those words were engraved on his right hand.)) She really hated the fact that she has a soulmate. She wanted to experience falling in love through music. And for her, the incident seemed like it was forcing her to fall in love with her 'soulmate'. They found out that they were each other's soulmates when they entered detective mode in Mark's place. Knowing that, both of them had mixed feelings. Mark was ecstatic knowing that the person he likes is his soulmate. But Angeline was a different story. She has feelings for Mark, yes, but she didn't want to accept that fact that he is her soulmate. She still wanted to experience falling in love through music. So she asked Mark if it's okay if they stay as friends. Mark was of course sad over her request but agreed. Ever since then, Angeline would avoid Mark and focused herself with her studies. She would travel out of town for gigs and events for musicians. She got to experience her dream romance when she met Woohyun, a singer-songwriter who was 3 years older than her. They dated but she still had feelings for Mark, and she knew it will never leave. Mark also began dating a girl from the same department as Angeline, Yerin, a shy and lovely girl who had feelings for Mark ever since she started college. They became strangers, Mark even quit his job at the bar. But Yerin broke up with Mark. Why? Yerin wasn't stupid. She can clearly see that Mark's heart didn't belong to her, it belonged to Angeline. Mark really cared for her though and was depressed when Yerin confessed that. Yerin encouraged him to fight for Angeline which Mark will do. Angeline knew her feelings for Mark really well. It was strong. Really strong that she didn't care if it won't be her dream romance. But she was stubborn and pushed it away. Woohyun knew but didn't want to let her go. But if Mark chose to fight for her, he'll gladly give up on her.


the dreamer.

OCCUPATION » Music student majoring in Composition. She works part time at her uncle's bar as a musician, night shift.

DREAMS » She wants to be an artist that can express herself through music, an artist that can uplift the mood of people and bring smiles to their faces, an artist that can tell a message through her music, an artist that can make people feel what she's feeling through her music.


LIFESTYLE » Angeline was her usual determined self. She would wake up extra early to cook breakfast for her and her uncle. She would take a bath using her Bath and Body Works products then get ready for classes. She would choose between all the sneakers in her collection to use. At her college, she will be the one that has confidence and charm and the one that carries herself with pride. Her priorities were simple, Music. She would do anything to improve. She would skip meals, sleep, everything for her music. Then she met Mark. Mark who was a puzzle piece for her, a puzzle piece that she thought won't fit in her world. He became part of her life just like that. She grew feelings for him but pushed it away.
ADAPTATIONS » Her overall lifestyle didn't change. Except for her relationship with Mark. Some people might think that finding your soulmate will result to a happy ending. Not. It was the opposite for Angeline. She hated how this event brainwashed everyone to think that way. But on the bright side, she met Woohyun. She was actually really happy to be in a relationship with him. But whenever she sees Mark, her feelings for Woohyun wavers and weakens. It's like an automatic reaction to her. She knew then that she was only using Woohyun as an excuse for her dream romance.


last words.

comments/suggestions » If it's hard to understand, I'll try to fix it!

scene requests » When Angeline asked Mark if they could just be friends after finding out that their soulmates, Mark asks her if he can kiss her for the first and last time. She agreed then both of them felt sparks and all wahaha

password » i love you





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