〈 the love of my life 〉— ♡ Angeline Kim

  Angeline Kim Hyunmi。
   Gee HyuuuunMi-AHH 2
NICKNAMES list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and how they got it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need.
— Angel / shortened version of Angeline, her parents and friends in the States call her this
— Gee / people in her company call her this. Why Gee? Well.. Angel > Angie (eyn-gee) > Gee. So yeah.

AGE 19
BIRTHDAY March 12, 1995

BIRTH PLACE Boston, Massachusetts
HOMETOWN Cheongdam, Gangnam (lives with her uncle)

ETHNICITY American Korean
— English / 100% / Native tongue
— Korean / 75%  / She learned the basics from her parents then started studying it when she came to Korea.
After an adventure awaits another. - Angeline Kim

  mirror, mirror on the wall。

APPEARANCE Hyunmi stands at 155 cm and weighs 47 kg. She dyes her hair when she feels like it and is currently sporting a plum color. She has waist length hair that has a natural wave. She also has long side bangs that go towards the right side of her face. She has pale skin with a bit of pinkish hue and her eyes are doe like with circle lenses, in either the colors of purple, grey or blue, due to her bad eyesight. She has a mole on her left collarbone. Angeline has tattoos on her, on the back of her right hand is a cross and the word freedom on her left wrist. She has 3 lobe piercings and 2 cartilage piercing on her right ear, 3 lobe piercings on her left and a belly piercing.

STYLE Her style is really fashionable. She likes mix and matching clothes. She likes it when she's comfortable. She mostly wears sneakers. She'll only make an exception to wear heels if it is absolutely neccessary.



STAGE NAME  Angeline

PERSONA  Valiant Daredevil
— The reason why her persona is Valiant Daredevil is because she shows determination and will risk anything to achieve her goals. She also shows courage and will say no to adventure.

INFORMATION  Soloist. She goes with acoustic style of music but has a beat too. She composes all her songs. Debut Song: My Music. Other singles: Love Step, On Saturday Aftertoon, Lost, Imagine the Last Train, Now I Understand. Her fanclub is called Heaven and her fans are called Halos. Fanclub color is royal purple. (Just wanna list down if it's needed... :D)

  but looks aren't everything。
— Daredevil, confident, charming, impatient, sarcastic, stubborn

Angeline is a daredevil, it might not look like it because of her exterior appearance but she is. She isn't afraid to break the rules. She enjoys the thrill and the adrenaline rush. She loves exploring and going on adventures. She even made up a saying "After an adventure awaits another" That has been her motto ever since she started studying at Ohsan. Angeline is confident and has pride. She isn't afraid to stand up for herself. She'll speak up for herself or for her friends. Because of her confidence, she feels comfortable under her own skin and don't see why she has any need to change. If people badmouth her, what they say would just enter her ear and exits from the other. She's not the prettiest in many people's eyes. But she has her own charm to make people get attracted to her. Angeline is very impatient. She gets impatient when people don't get her right away. She has the most random thoughts and because of this some people don't get her. She hates it when people would ask what she means over and over again, so because of that she'll change to another topic right away. She is very sarcastic. Her comebacks when you provoke her would leave you speechless. Confidence and sarcasm don't go well. She'll have a sharp tongue when you annoy the hell out of her. She would say ironies to mock or diss people that she gets annoyed at. When people ask the most obvious questions, she'll answer back sarcastically before following it up with the real answer. Stubborn as a bull, she hates it when people disagree with her ideas, if people are against it she'll stick with her ideas. She won't stop sticking to her ideas unless people would take extreme measures to change her mind or for them to agree with her. If she does get her way, she would tell them that they made the most rightful thing to do.
  dig a little deeper。
PAST Angeline Kim Hyunmi was born in Boston, Massachusetts to Korean parents. Growing up, Angeline has loved singing. Her family loves music and they would always sing after dinner in their living room beside the piano ever since she could remember. She never grew tired of music and took piano lessons. Her brother taught her how to play the guitar as well. Her brother gave her a purple guitar on her sweet 16th birthday. Everyday she strives to improve in music and wishes to become an artist one day. She joined a band during her middle school days. She was lead vocalist and guitarist. After she graduated middle school, she and her brother moved to Seoul. She was scouted by LOEN Entertainment during her 2nd year of highschool and debuted during her 3rd year.

PRESENT She currently lives alone near the agency. During her vacant days, she would go to school. Her college is Korea National University of Arts. She's a music major in Composition. She also practices her songs and compose music when she's free. When she's busy, it's mostly because of photoshoots, fan meetings and tours.

↷ She hates horror movies
↷ Currently waiting for her car, so she's been extra good to her uncle, who is filthy rich btw -.-
↷ She likes cooking then eating it (Foodophile)
↷ She buys different kinds of food and evaluates them
↷ She knows how to play the guitar and piano
↷ Hates tomatoes
↷ can play the guitar and piano
↷ Can imitate Agnes and Minions
↷ Straight F Student when it comes to aegyo
↷ A milktea freak
↷ She once jumped from her balcony to a dumpster out of curiousity
↷ A Social Network freak
↷ She can name all the sodas in the world
↷ Can remix songs on her iPad
↷ Loves purple too much. Her marker for signing is purple, her mug, slippers, every household things she owns is purple
↷ Has a collection of sneakers with 33 pairs and still expanding.
↷ Can easily cry when she reads something sad or watches it.
↷ She likes collecting bubble bath bombs, and likes taking bubble baths
↷ She can skateboard and snowboard ↷ She doesn't mind skinships but as long as it's not disrespectful
↷ She wears circle lenses with grade (she has bad eye sight) and she uses the color purple and grey the most
↷ wears eye glasses, which is purple, whenever at home.
  never forget。
Father / Kim Daehwan / 49
Mother / Kim Soomi / 45
Brother/ Kim Jordan Jaehwan / 21
Uncle / Kim Minhwan / 47

Friend / Park Jinyoung (GOT7) / 19
Friend / Jung Jessica / 25
Friend / Jung Krystal / 19
Rival / Bae Suzy / 19

Acquaintance / Lee Jieun (IU) / 20

  Mark Yi En Tuan。
   zelo (BAP), Baekho (Nu'EST)
— Martial Arts Tricking King / fans call im that because he's te best in is group
— Tuan / Angeline calls him that when she's irritated at him

SUMMARY Your first impression of him is that it seems like he doesn't care due to his lack of expressions and lack of words, but he does, really does. He has a very quiet personality. He has a hard time expressing his feelings to the people who he isn't too familiar with. He cares alot about his friends and family. He's hardworking and reliable. He is very considerate of others and considers their feelings. He rarely loses his composure, he's a type of guy who is always calm and poised. But once you get to know him, you can totally say that "First impressions last" is rubbish. He'll have these million expressions that even you thought won't ever exist on his face. He has this high pitched manly laugh even when you thought wasn't possible for someone who has a very deep voice. And you'll be able to see the twinkle in his eyes when he talks about his music and his hometown, Los Angeles. He'll always think that he's right and is very stubborn if people don't think so. He'll just stay quiet with a frown on his face if ever people don't agree with him. P.S: He's afraid of spiders
Believe you can and you're halfway there. - THeodore Roosevelt

  soul(mate) searching。
FIRST MEETING Plotline Four: First Love. The both of them met in a hair salon. Both of them booked the same stylist, at the same time and at the same salon. So they were forced to sit with each other. Angeline being herself started a conversation with him to ease up the tensed atmosphere, having a slight accent that was a bit noticeable. Mark noticed and asked if she was from abroad in english. And there they started talking in English, leaving their stylist in awkward silence.

RELATIONSHIP Angeline and Mark can be seen as close friends. Both being a foreigner, they can relate to things. Angeline being the sunbae, she helps Mark to express himself more comfortably. Whenever they see each other, they would catch up and talk about stuff. Fans would also see them interact on twitter and instagram. Angeline sometimes teaces Mark how to play the guitar and Mark will teach her how to dance in return. They joke around a lot. Whenever they're not together, they promised to update the other about themselves. When they have a problem they consult one another. He has a habit of pinching her cheeks and se as a habit of sticking out her tongue at him. Whenever something bothered Angeline, Mark would always comfort her. Mark being into skinsips would always back hug Angeline and put his arms on her shoulders. Angeline would tickle him when that happens. In the show, they act like their usual selves but they toned down the skinships a bit.

CONCLUSION A couple that some fans opposed of at first but they accepted it in the end.
  last call。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS if  I have any errors, please feel free to state them! Applying for First Love

↷ Skateboarding together
↷ both of them engage in a tickle fight.


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