Am I wrong?! //Part.3//

//Sorry once again due using a phone but I promise this is the last part// Donghae and Suho or Sehun sometimes take a selca/selfie if they meet together and so do Suho and Sehun, EXO gave a support for SJ for 'SFS' and D&E for 'Still You', same goes to SJ until they promote 'Wolf' until 'Overdose'. ZhouMi make a lyrics for EXO (I'm not sure what song is but still in 'Overdose' album). Look at them.. They support each other, they promote each other, they make a great teamwork as a sunbae and hoobae, they helped each other, they respect each other, they need each nother, they unite, they are. But why not us? As an EXOstan and an ELF? Since in SUKIRA case until 'Fantastic' case we are still in fanwar.. Are you didn't ashamed with the other fandoms sunbae-hoobae artist from the other company? This is the fact, my friend is YGstan and she curious why EXOstan & ELF still in fanwar even their idols at the same company. I ashamed with it and I try to be mature. FANWAR DOESN'T MAKE YOUR OPPARS HAPPY BUT IT MAKES YOUR OPPARS SAD AND IN CRISIS! I know they (Oppars) also doesn't want their fans be an immatured and join the fanwars.. I'm begging, PLEASE. STOP. FANWARS.. Let's be in peace and be unite as fandoms that take care of oppars and their sunbae/hoobae. No need to say about your oppars on their sunbae/hoobae acc or MV, no need to compare and no need to say a stupid thing about sunbae/hoobae 's oppars. If you still think that fanwar is the best way to pretend your oppars, YOU ARE WRONG! You got nothing but your oppars might be hurt with your action. So, AM I WRONG? No, I'm sure I am not on this... (END)


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